Chapter 234 .Knee pillow, Tony is ready to give a gift [3]

After switching on.

Fryner’s tone came out a little quicker: “The President has just found me, let me deal with this matter quickly.”


After Ino’s nasal sound, the TV was changed to another channel.

At this time Angela and Helen also put on their pajamas and walked out.

Fury was ordered by the president to have a fart relationship with him.

Please don’t move.

When I heard Ino, I obviously didn’t want to talk to myself.

Fury also continued cheeky: “S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau.


The agents of …. have investigated a lot, but we couldn’t find any relevant clues either.”

“What does that have to do with me.”

After Ino said, he hit Hache: “”

He looked at Helen who had just taken a shower.

Ino hooked her finger, and then patted her side.

Helen was suddenly at a loss when she saw it.

But Angela quickly pushed her to let Helen pass.

Helen reacted and stood up and walked over to Ino to sit down.

Wait until Helen sits down.

Ino sat down to the right, then put his head directly on Helen’s jade leg.

Smell the fragrance of her shower just now.

Ino finally cleared up the problem of not wanting to call Fury.

“This time the problem is big, Ino.”

Fury said in a serious tone: “The Pentagon has been in a panic, and just now my agent told me that citizens have begun to grab shopping money.”

“This has reached the issue of the country, and Mr. President is now deeply worried.”

“But what does it have to do with me.”

Ino replied faintly.

Then he opened his mouth and ate the grape raisins that Helen had fed.

After eating, Ino took the time to say, “Here is a strawberry.”

Hear Ino’s strawberry words.

Ferry also knows helplessly that this matter is difficult to talk about.

But he continued: “I know it’s useless to say that the citizens really need this sentence.”

“But I still want to say they really need you.”

“There are definitely more than two such explosions.”

“Mandarin’s horror video says that there will be bigger and more terrorist attacks.”

“Now we really can’t cope.”

“But I can’t find it either.”

At this time Ino reminded: “You take me too hard.”

“I am a god of battle, not a god of technology. Where did you say that the enemy touched a bit of my soil cultivation, I can immediately run over him.”

“But you said someone you don’t know is making a terrorist attack, what can I do to run around like a headless fly”

“I don’t have the ability to find someone, what do you want me to do.”

After speaking, Ino opened his mouth to eat again. Helen fed a strawberry.

After eating.(Read more @

Ino pointed to his face and whispered, “There are also strawberries here.”

Helen blushed immediately after…

She looked at Angela.

Although Angela’s small and exquisite ears clicked.

But she still watched the TV and didn’t look back.

Then she was looking at Gaia.

Gaia looked at Helen and Ino seriously at this time.

The expression and the look in the eyes are… envy and seeking knowledge.

What does it mean to have a strawberry here? Helen turned her head again, and then looked at Ino, who had already turned her face and waited.

There is no hesitation.

She slowly lowered her head.

Long black hair fell on Ino’s chest.

After a while.

Helen raised her head and looked at Ino Junyi’s cheeks, blushing, and whispered, “I can’t draw the impression.”

“Enough is enough.”

Ino turned his head again and lay down on Helen’s lap.

At this time, Fury had eaten enough dog food and then said: “So we are also here to find a way. You should have some ability to solve this problem.”

“I rely on.”

Ino secretly scolded Fury’s guessing ability and said, “You treat me as a god.”

“Are not you”

Ferry questioned.

“I have no birth date, am I not an earthly person? I am from an alien”

Ino continued: “Could it be that all your system database data is lost”

Hear Ino’s words.

Ferry circled the top of his bald head.

Forget about it.

Everyone says that Ino is a god, but he is also an earthling.

The ID card is there for the year of birth.

But…Ino’s supernatural power was shown later.

This also means that he has this ability.

So Fury said: “You have this ability, and the gods who descended from the realm of God are not the ones who have been beaten by you, so in terms of ability, you just say gods.”

“Okay, I have supernatural powers, but I can’t solve this matter.”

Ino succinctly pushed out: “You go to Tony, he is doing this.”

“Tony is doing this”

Fury was puzzled: “Why does he care about this matter? He will care about this matter.”

“That’s because you don’t know enough about Tony…”

Ino faintly replied, “Tony has changed a lot now, but you still don’t know it.”

“But all in all, it’s useless to find me, go to Tony to see if he is willing to help you.”

See Ino’s explicit refusal.

Fury only needs to say: “Well, I will ask Tony tomorrow morning.”

To find Ino is… in the middle of the night.

If you go to Tony, you will find it tomorrow.

Fury, this is a typical example of not reporting too much hope for Tony.

After hanging up the phone.

Ino turned and arched his face against Helen’s belly.

Then he breathed out.

This caused her to blush again because the blush had just disappeared after taking a shower.

Now even Angela looked at Helen with some envy.

Ino’s sudden act of acting like a baby is rarely done.

He will only come to you suddenly when he is relaxed and comfortable.

But it was gone after only a while.

Angela said that every time I haven’t enjoyed enough, Ino has changed back.

In the end, Helen enjoyed enough.

Angela admitted that she was really envious.

After Ino arched for a while, he recovered from Helen’s face of happiness and bewilderment.

Then in Helen’s regret, Ino sat up again and said, “Tomorrow I will go to Tony first, and then I will be back in the evening.”

Angela nodded.

Gaia asked: “Can I follow?”

Ino smiled and shook his head and said, “I was just playing in the past. You are at home with Angela and Helen to study and familiarize yourself with each other.”

Gaia nodded obediently.

Finally it’s time to rest.

Gaia went back first.

Floating in from Ino’s balcony in the middle of the night.

Today is an even number day.

……..The next day.

When Ino’s only son came to Tony’s house.

Tony is now looking at a picture of a bizarre rabbit on the monitor.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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