Chapter 233 .New York panic, the government asks the gods for help [2]

“new work time”

Helen asked repeatedly: “The flow of people there…”

Bang!!!! Helen just finished speaking.

There was a loud noise in Times Square.

This kind of horrible bomb sound can be clearly heard from a few kilometers away.

The explosion range can also reach thousands of meters.

The explosion temperature in its center is thousands of degrees, which can make the substance vaporize instantly.

In other words, the explosion and the destruction of the corpse can be easily completed together.


Helen began to broadcast the casualties: “The death toll has reached 800, and the injured 200+.”

“The fire brigade that had just returned home began to dispatch again. Due to insufficient manpower, it may have to be dispatched from other places.”

“Moreover, the location of the explosion was in the center of the square, and hundreds of meters of glass around it were all shattered.”

“Moreover, there are many buildings affected by this explosion.”

It turns out that Kylian is crazy here.

Within a day.

Two super explosions in New York.

The total death toll exceeds 100.

Thousands of people were injured in varying degrees.

What level is this can almost be regarded as the effect caused by New York’s last Alien Civilization Zetaric attack.

The only difference is that the self-detonation did not cause damage like the one above.

But it was more fearful than the previous army invasion.

Who knows where it will explode next time I go out.

Next, Ino takes Angela and Helen home first.

When they got home, they went to take a shower.

And Ino was lying on the sofa watching the news now being reported on the TV.

A reporter broadcasted at the scene of the accident full of gunpowder: “Because it was at night, the accident caused as many as hundreds of casualties.”

“Everyone is walking around the mall in a happy life at night, and no one knows what’s going on.”

“After an official explanation, this is the same incident as the library explosion in the morning.”

“The cause of the explosion and the point of the explosion have not been explained by the military.”

“But there is no doubt that this is the threat or gift that the Mandarin gave to Mr. President.”

That’s it for the reporter.

Suddenly a person with only minor injuries rushed up and shouted: “Then what do we do where they bombed! Where should we hide!”

“Who knows where they will blow up in the next incident! Whose home in case it is!”

“I don’t care anymore! I want to resign!”

“I want to buy things, hoard them and wait until this thing is over, I will come out again!”

Because it is a live broadcast.

The voice of this person with black face and blood on his arms spread throughout the broadcast.

It has also been transferred to thousands of households.

His decision shocked everyone.(Read more @

Those who resign, even if they don’t resign, just don’t care…

Of people went out to all the supermarkets to snap up toilet paper and food.

Since I don’t know when and where it exploded.

Then I won’t go out.

A crowded place anyway…just don’t go.

See what the man said and the possible reaction.

Ino directly asked Gaia next to him: “What are the consequences?”

“The wider the radiation range is throughout New York, the other states have more or less caused panic.”

“Basically the whole New York will be sold out for food and drink in the supermarket until tomorrow.”

Ino nodded.

Almost will cause this situation.

These two explosions are much more powerful than the original plot.

There is still room for concealment in the original book, but these two explosions.

It’s hard to know or not.

This is simply blocking the threat in the mouth of the government.

At this moment.

Tony called.

After the connection, Tony asked directly: “Do you know the incident that just exploded?”

“I heard it clearly.”

Ino leaned on the sofa and was watching the news and asked: “What’s wrong?”

“I went to the scene for the first explosion in the morning, and saw it, but I didn’t find any traces of explosives.”

Tony explained: “It should be the same this time. I can’t understand what they used to explode.”

Ino said: “You should also know that these two explosions can’t be carried in with explosives to explode.”

“The camera outside did not capture any suspicious persons entering with explosives.”


Tony said strangely: “And the location of the explosion is where the camera can’t take it.”

“The center of the explosion was also vaporized by the high temperature. I can’t find any traces.”

“And Mandalin is still hidden, I can’t find him.”

Due to the high temperature of the explosion, small items within 13 yards will be destroyed.

The 13 code here does not refer to the size of the clothes.

But the length is about 11 meters.

“So in this situation, you need to be more vigilant and vigilant.”

Ino prompts: “If this kind of explosion cannot be prevented, it is the most dangerous.”

“Yes, I plan to install a face scanner at the door of the company tomorrow.”

When Tony said this, he seemed to have thought of something and said again: “Or you can come and see it tomorrow, I want to build an intelligent defense system in the company.”

“Tomorrow you help me see what can be improved, and your company wants these…………”

“Mine don’t need it.”

Ino said: “My company has moved to the island, and the only bridge leading to the island.”

“Regardless of….

Whether you drive in or a person enters, you need a fingerprint to unlock.”

“Moreover, my company does not have a lot of traffic, and it is not as difficult to manage as yours.”


Tony circled his head on the other end of the phone and said, “Then you will come back tomorrow. By the way, I am also going to dig a base underground.”

Ino: “Yes, I’ll talk about it tomorrow.”


Tony hung up.

After the call was hung up, Ino turned to look at Gaia and said: “Adjust the blasting time of the official website to the day after tomorrow, and directly put the video of Kirian injecting the Extremis virus in the laboratory.”

“Then there is also a video of Kirian directing Mandalin to act.”

“I don’t want to lengthen this line, so I just force him to see what Kirian would do for the last time.”

“it is good.”

Gaia nodded and agreed.

At this moment.

All TV channels on the official website were hijacked by the Mandarin.

Then he directly played the video of the violent explosion under the gaze of the audience.

Then he finally said: “Mr. President, now it’s just a little appetizer.”

“The wonderful thing is still there: later, the good show hasn’t really started yet.”

“Your graduation ceremony is coming soon.”

After speaking, the TV station hijacking is over.

In the end, this video played for a few minutes.

Fury made a private call.

It should be anxious.

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