Chapter 230 . Parasitic Mercury, biological intelligent logic system [4]

The screen returns to Ino’s side.

After returning home.

Ino looked at Gaia who had already appeared and asked, “What have you learned?”

Guyan took his index finger and nodded his chin: “Learned that feelings are mutual. Both parties pay and reciprocate each other, so that it can last for a long time.”


Ino touched Gaia’s head complimentedly and said, “Good study.”

Gaia smiled happily.

Then walked to the sofa with Ino and sat down.

By this time Angela and Helen had already gone to take a bath.

Ino looked at Gaia and asked, “Can you master the second planet now?”

Gaia closed his eyes in a panic and felt it.

Then he asked quickly: “Is Mercury OK? I can almost control Mercury.”

Gaia is afraid of Ino if he says he can’t control it.

He will create a second Gaia to control.

But Mercury’s words.

It seems that the price/performance ratio is also very good.

Ino nodded and said, “Yes, let’s take a trip first, and then come back before Angela and Helen take a bath.”


Gaia immediately nodded happily.

Since Ino wants Mercury, it means that he will not create it during this time.

Look at Gaia.

Ino first reminded: “Because you have never been to that planet, and you are not under your control.”

“But the environment there is too harsh.”

“So it’s impossible for me to take you, the atomic body.”

“I can only take part of your consciousness.”

Gaia nodded in understanding.

Then use the particles to form a light group and give it to Ino.

This is equivalent to Gaia 2.

Hold this group of particles.

[Space Gems: Space Teleport] In an instant, Ino came to a surface planet with a grayish white surface.

This is Mercury.

Fortunately, the exact distance of Mercury is known, otherwise it will take a few tenths of a light-year, and a few tenths of a light-year will slowly teleport over.

Hold the light particle.

Ino looked up at the huge sun in front of him.

Compared to Earth, Mercury is the closest to the sun.

Therefore, the sun that can be seen is bigger, and the eyes are so big that they are full of the sun.

It should be noon at this time.


Ino reached out his hand and felt it: 40 degrees Celsius.

This is considered the highest temperature of the day.

“Gaia, this is Mercury, your second core, it will probably take 7 days to conceive.”

Mercury can talk.

It has so little thin air.(Read more @

However, Ino does not need oxygen.

Because he also has the ability to [survive in a vacuum] and saw the light group flicker.

Ino easily differentiated into the core of Mercury.

Then put the light ball down.

7 days.

It will slowly gather its core, but this time it will not give birth to consciousness.

This time it will be controlled by Gaia’s consciousness.

Waiting for these… after all are done.

Ino has already felt the chill.

After an estimate.

Ino almost feels 0134 below zero.

And the big sun just above is gone.

In a blink of an eye, it turned into a dark and invisible night.

Because it is the closest to the sun.

Mercury’s revolution is also the fastest.

Its year is only more than 80 days.

Even three months of the earth have arrived, not even a quarter.

The highest is more than 400 and the lowest is more than 10 degrees in a day.

It’s just that Mercury is relatively small.

The radius of the earth is more than 600 kilometers.

The radius of Mercury is only more than 240 kilometers.

But it has the advantage of being close to the sun.

And the inner core is also the same iron core as the earth.

Wait until all these things are done.

Ino’s body flashed back to the Earth Villa.

By this time Angela and Helen had already taken a shower and leaned on the sofa to watch TV.

After seeing Ino coming back.

Helen asked in surprise: “Where have you been?”


Ino found an empty sofa and sat down: “Did Gaia talk to you?”

“Gaia said we don’t have permission and don’t say anything.”

Helen curled her lips and showed a strange expression to Gaia, then suddenly reacted: “Wait…, where have you been!”


Ino started drinking a glass of watermelon juice that Angela had just made on the table and said.

Helen: …Angela: …The two of them looked at each other.

Then Angela asked: “Go to the parasite planet Mercury”


After drinking Ino, he said, “Gaia just reached the standard to control it, and then I parasitized it.”

Speaking of which.

Ino looked back at Gaia sitting on the sofa cushions and asked: “How much…calculation power can Mercury provide after parasitism”


Gai closed his eyes and estimated: “50% improvement on the original basis.”

Ino nodded.

Then I estimated the process in my mind.

Finally, wave the control light screen to open the list.

Serial number 1: Bio-intelligence system research and development Serial number 2: Surface gene process research and development is temporarily due to these two.

It’s because these two have been studied for a long time.

But the reason why Ino put the smart system first is…

After Gaia has completed the logic system she calculated, the bio-intelligence system can be completed in a short time.

Then…surface genetic engineering.

This level of research is thorough.

They can produce fighters with the ability of the body of steel at any time.

It’s not a trivial matter.

Seeing these… after the process.

Ino turned his head to let Gaia look at it and said, “You first cooperate with Angela and Helen to integrate the biological intelligence system with the logic system.”

“Our future Iron Legions will all use biomechanical ladies.”

“A command type with a system that can grow.”

“What’s not there is… a fighter type.”

“All their backstages are mounted in your system. If you are fighting, you have to assist me in commanding them from the perspective of God.”

Gaia nodded when he heard it.

After Gaia was confirmed, Ino continued: “As for the second surface gene study, let’s talk about it at that time, not studying it now.”

“After all, the biomechanical lady is what we will use for a long, long time in the future.”

“Unless we want to create gods, there is no need to study genes thoroughly now.”

“Things that are far away in the future are not needed for the time being.”

Gaia nodded then.

But after thinking about it, she still asked: “In the god-making stage, what are the standards I need to have an indicator to determine the progress of each step.”

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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