Chapter 231 .Various indicators of the divine body, blew people [5]


Ino explained: “In my understanding, God must represent the eternal life of theory.”

“Their physical bodies can absorb the dark energy of the universe or the stellar energy to survive without any supplement.”

“Then there is the radiation that our creatures fear most, and the divine body must be greatly immune to these…”

Gaia immediately nodded in understanding.

But after understanding this…, she said in a low tone: “Then this may really take a long time, and only with Gaia now, it is nowhere in sight. ”

“It’s okay, it’s early, didn’t I say it.”

Ino rubbed Gaia’s long black hair: “Making God is only one of the final stages.”

“We need the Iron Legion at this stage and for a long, long time in the future.”

“That is, Mrs. Biomechanics, you are now helping to research these………sufficient.”


Gaia confidently agreed.

These techniques have a clue.

And it’s not difficult for her currently.

in this period.

Angela and Helen shook their heads in a daze after listening.

They looked at each other.

Then he shook his head at the same time.

What is this, I can only understand a little bit.

Except… the integration of the biological intelligence system and the logical system behind can understand.

The genes mentioned above are all confused.


Angela and Helen looked at each other again and nodded at each other.

Then in Ino’s blank eyes.

Angela went to the cabinet and found out an unpredicted gold eyeglasses and put it on.

She sat back on the sofa and stretched out her hand to open the control light screen.

Finally started to learn.

Ino:…….. “What time is it now? You still study.”

Ino said silently, “It’s early morning, go back to bed first, and talk about it tomorrow.”

Hear Ino’s words.

Helen thought for a while or went back to rest first.

But it is estimated that I will learn for a while after I go back.


Gaia, who knew that today was an odd day and couldn’t sleep together, also decisively floated back to rest.

She knew that she had to behave in line with the agreement to take advantage of it next time.

So behaved.

at last.

Ino and Angela are left in the entire living room.

The two returned to the bedroom on the second floor.

As soon as Angela wanted to catch the golden thread, Ino sat aside and verbally stopped and said, “You don’t need to take this off.”

“Um”(Read more @

Angela’s hand paused, put it down and said: What should I do?”

“Wait first.”

Ino sat on a made-up chair and said, “You first turn your clothes into a cheongsam-style teacher’s uniform.”

With that said, Ino is still: I found this dress in the fun column of a certain treasure and showed it to Angela: “It’s…this kind of thing, you can play it on the spot.”


It’s over, Angela thought.

She remembered that yesterday Ino told her that today he would be discussing something about dawn.

Isn’t it this now?

Angela suddenly said with some twist: “You can change it, but can you let me sleep for two hours?”

“One hour.”

Ino pointed his fingers.


Angela protested: “If you can’t sleep in one hour, it will be two hours.”

With that said, she also stepped on the catwalk to Ino’s wicker chair.

Then she put the second knuckle of her fingers slightly away, showing her palms and scratching Ino like a kitten.

“That’s fine too.”

Ino Swish again searched for a white cat’s tail and said, “I want to add this.”

Angela shook her red lips nervously when she saw her back.

But after a while, he nodded in agreement.

These…This tail was not changed by her.

Instead, Ino made it by the organization itself.

Don’t tell me.

It’s a bit heavy.

……..The next day.

In the new building with umbrellas.

Standing in the giant office on the top floor, Ino looked at a bunch of people carrying various camera tools on the shore a kilometer away and smiled: “We are going to be a landscape too.”

Just protect the side of the umbrella island near the sea.

Ino glanced at it and said that thousands of people are holding “long guns and short cannons” that are really expensive for ordinary people.


Since the establishment of the central building of this new island.

This shape is peculiar but with regularity.

The huge buildings with colors that are attractive and eye-catching have attracted the attention of everyone in New York.

So in this short period of time.

The Secret Crystal Building that protects the umbrella has become a building that is even hotter than the statue of the goddess.

Then through these…professional, amateur, hobby photography experts spread online.

In an instant, this mysterious crystal-shaped building swept all architectural styles on the Internet.

It has never been heard before.

Netizen: Hey! The builders will give me the whole one too.

Builder: Just let you go, who can build this thing.

Angela replied in a slightly exhausted manner: “I heard that the World Architecture Organization is going to award the trophy of the world’s first building this year to the Umbrella Secret Crystal Building.”

When Ino heard it, he smiled and shook his head and said, “That thing is… for playing, but in the future, it can only be awarded to the umbrella.”

“Anyway… there won’t be a building that can surpass the umbrella building. We can’t build ourselves and surpass ourselves.”

Angela also smiled helplessly at this time.

She still rarely sees Ino’s performance in this kind of struggle.

At this moment.

Bang!!!! A loud noise came from a distance.

Gaia even showed up and explained: “It’s Mandalin, a battered man from the Mandarin school.”

“The location of the blew up this time is in the center of the New York Central Library.”

“The estimated death toll is not less than 300.”

“And because the entire building was destroyed, the number of injured was no less than 100.”

No wonder it is so loud.

It turned out to be bombed by the New York Library.

“It’s cruel enough.”

Ino touched his chin and asked, “Before the person who blew himself up, can you tell by just observing?”


Gaia nodded and said, “Through the structure of atoms, the Extremis Virus is injected with unstable factors in the body.”

“Then do we have a way to control self-destruction and not self-destruction?”

After thinking for a while, Ino said, “If he wants to blew himself up, he can’t blew himself up.”

“Not for the time being.”

Gaia shook his head and said: “The self-detonation is caused by the collapse of the biological structure in the target body, but this is also a means of self-detonation with extremely low efficiency.”


Ino thought for a while: “If he cuts his hand before the target blew himself up, can the part that cut his hand blew himself up?”

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