Chapter 229 .Dog food stuffs the stomach, loves sweet tooth [3]

“No problem at all.”

After Ino finished speaking, he leaned back on the sofa and fell asleep.

Angela and Helen looked at each other.

Then take out the phone together to open the memo and click twice to press it, and then turn the screen off.

Tony looked stunned, he had a bad premonition.

But because Angela and Helen may like two words.

So Tony just passed by by coincidence.

But when Pepper saw this, she seemed to understand something, and she suddenly looked at the feelings of Ino’s trio 3.

“Okay, you can open your eyes and say.”

Tony said after watching Angela and Helen put their phones away.

Ino opened his eyes and said lightly, “Ino.”

Pepper was so full.

And Tony replied stupidly: “What Ino, what do you say about your name is what they like best.”

“It’s… Ino.”

Ino corrected: “Their favorite: Ino.”

Ah…Tony finally reacted.

At this time Angela and Helen had both turned on their phones.

Then show the two words of the memo to Tony and Pepper.

Tony immediately covered his heart, and said with a somewhat uncomfortable expression: “How can this be more uncomfortable than the fall I fell in the basement.”

“Something is stuffing my stomach, something is so sweet that my teeth are falling out.”

Seeing Tony crying without tears, his face full of blows.

Ino smiled and asked, “Guess anything else?”


Tony rebuffed: “This kind of thing is enough for one time, and you can’t stand it again.”

Now even Pepper nodded in agreement.

I really can’t stand this one more time.

“Then you want to know why we are so close”

Ino looked at them and asked.

Hear Ino’s words.

Tony looked back at Pepper.

Then they nodded at the same time.


Ino held up two fingers and said, “1: Think empathy.

2: Make concessions to each other.”

“Even if you can learn one of them, life won’t be too much trouble.”

“Although Angela and I, Helen, I haven’t made any concessions for so many years, they are all letting me.”

“But when I do things, make decisions, etc., I will scrupulously look at their thoughts.”

“It’s not kindness, it’s not being afraid of wives, it’s not about wife’s strict control.”

“This is the only way everyone can get off for a long time.”(Read more @

Go big.

Ino wants to live forever with his family.

But it must at least be built in the same feelings as it is now.

If it is an eternal quarrel, go for eternity.

That is to find sin for yourself.

This time I heard Ino’s teaching.

Tony and Pepper both lowered their heads and began to meditate.

But suddenly.

The two of them raised their heads and looked at each other in a tacit understanding.

Tony thought about it for a while and gritted his teeth and said softly to Pepper, “I will tell you what happened to my time this evening. I hope you can live it.”

Pepper finally raised a happy smile on his face and said, “If I can’t bear it, I might have left long ago. There is no need to bear it until now.”

Pepper’s words hit Tony’s heart.

She really endured it for herself for too long, and she didn’t regret it.

this moment.

Tony even blamed himself a bit.

The screen returns to Ino’s side.

When Tony lowered their heads and thought.

As soon as Ino finished speaking, he was hit by two sweet red lips on both sides of his cheeks.

Lean back slightly.

Ino made his sight to see both of them at the same time and smiled and said, “Thank you for following me unconditionally until now. Our goal is eternal life.”


Angela and Helen nodded at the same time and added a nasal sound.

No amount of rhetoric is as good as an affirmation.

Just like Ino said that they support Ino unconditionally.

This is enough.

Ino turned his head and looked at it: Tony, who looked at each other affectionately, joked: “This is not… a good time to do this. Next, you have to figure out how to solve the problem of the mechanical army.”

“Don’t care about the government’s ideas and threats. They are always short-sighted and only see the future as a short-term benefit.”

Tony nodded fiercely.

He quite agreed: “If you want to save the earth in their eyes, then I would rather be a lone hero.”

“Their rules restrict which one doesn’t want my technology.”

“In this case, I will open a base directly underneath.”

“Then study the new armor and the Iron Legion in absolute safety.”

Happiness! Ino clapped.

“Your mind can escape: the shackles of mortals are enough, remember that you will fight aliens in the future.”

“It’s not about these…government agencies…the technical problems of half a cent.”

“The underground base hides it from you, and you are not doing bad things.”


Tony nodded in agreement.

If he wants to produce battle armor.

The government’s rules and regulations have always restrained him.

I don’t want to give him an excellent creative environment at all.

But Ino’s approach is…leave it alone.

Do your own, let them find it out first.

It was late looking at the sky outside.

Ino also thinks that Tony has been given enough lessons.

Ino stood up and smiled, “I have taught you so many classes to see how much money you can’t buy.”

“It’s getting dark now, we have to go back too, you should go to bed earlier, you haven’t closed your eyes for three days.”

“You haven’t slept for three days!”

This does not.

Pepper found another Tony’s “treasure”

Tony haha ​​scratched his head and quickly changed the subject: “I am late for a drink this time. Next time I come, I will prepare the best wine first.”

“Then talk about it next time.”

Ino took Angela and Helen as he walked and said, “Think of what I said, don’t think so much in your mind.”

After speaking, he took Angela and Helen in the car and went back.

After watching them go.

Tony and Pepper were still standing at the door, looking at the taillights of the car.

Their hands are held together.

Pepper sighed, “Except for… my parents… I feel that only Ino and their family are kind to us, and they have helped us a lot.”

Tony’s hand was a little tight and said, “Well…I might add you and Hapi.”

Pepper reacted immediately: “Then I will add you too.”

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