Chapter 228 .The website blasted and Ino spreading dog food [2]

After Tony finished speaking.

It just so happened that the terrorist’s video was also played.

The official normal live broadcast has also resumed.

Hosts are scrambling to report this incident.


2: It’s here.

Within a few minutes.

What news did these hosts receive at the same time?

They skipped the broadcast to Kirian’s official website in no particular order.

After entering the official website.

The first thing I saw was that all the major columns on his website were showing various videos at the same time.

Mandarin’s real name: Mandalin.

He held a torch in his hand and burned it directly: a video of a person.

There is a video of him holding a book and teaching a group of children.

Of course, there are other videos of his murder.

Then the host began to report: “We don’t know why this is, but only this company’s official website is playing these… videos that we haven’t watched.”

“We don’t know where their videos come from.”

“We don’t know why his family is playing these…”

“But we can only bless him, if there is no search tomorrow, nothing will be found.”

These hosts really don’t know anything.

But it doesn’t prevent them from making things up a lot.

As the only company’s official website that broadcasts these…There is no video in the country.

It’s really going to be searched again.

At that time, whether he is innocent or not.

Will be greatly affected.

Waiting for this…After reading it all, Tony rubbed his chin and thought for a while: “I seem to have a bit of an impression of this company.”

“He made an appointment for my meeting a few days ago, but I refused.”

Ino leaned on the sofa and took an Apple from the table and said: “In general, this company is mentally retarded.”


Tony suddenly realized: “You said I remembered it. It was all my business more than 10 years ago. At that time, you were still a kid.”


Ino just took a bite of the apple and turned his head to look at Tony with a warily smile.

“No, I mean Kylian is a kid.”

Tony gave a serious explanation.

Hear Tony change his words.

Ino nodded and continued to nibble on the apple.

Then Tony went on to say: “He invited some of his think tanks back then, saying that there are the keys to the great progress of mankind.”(Read more @

“Then I thought he was farting, so I found a reason to dismiss him.”

“But I can’t remember the next thing.”

No, Tony should be clearer about the next thing.

After all, he and that…Dr. Maya also did some loving things.

Then while doing it, the flower that had been improved by the Extremis Virus outside was blown up by Hogan’s cutting off the leaves.

In the end, an oolong was brought out.

Tony said that he couldn’t remember, just because he didn’t want to talk in front of Pepper.

But it seems Pepper doesn’t think so.

Pepper said directly: “Then you should have a loving night with someone.”

Stony took a deep breath and spread his hands, “You haven’t gone, why do you know better than I know, if you don’t believe me, go and ask Hogan.”

“But someone told me that you and a female doctor did not come back until a day after entering the hotel.”

Pepper looked at Tony with a smile: “Why don’t you tell me you just go in and play cards.”

This melon is delicious.

Ino took two more apples to Angela and Helen.

Then the three of them gnawed at the apple and watched the play together.

“That was all 10 years ago.”

Tony raised his hand and motioned: “I don’t know what happened, how can you remember it so clearly.”


Pepper stared at Tony and said, “After all, someone does not care how I feel when they come back.”

“Why don’t I care how you feel”

Tony said with a slight tone.

“You really don’t care how she feels, Tony.”

At this moment Ino suddenly interrupted and said, “Pepper is telling the truth.”

Pepper sees Ino helping himself.

Suddenly she looked at Tony confidently again.

Seeing the silent Tony, Ino continued: “For example, if your Mark’s armor ignores you for 3 days and 3 nights, but it’s in your basement, you can’t even see it. Think about it. .”

Tony closed his eyes and imagined it.

Suddenly he shook his body and opened his eyes and put his hand on Pepper’s shoulder and said, “I’m sorry…, I’m so sorry.”

“Before, I had a lot of things in my mind, so I was more anxious and couldn’t think of other things.”

“It’s fine if you know.”

Pepper put his hand in Tony’s and whispered softly.

As long as Tony can admit his mistake, he can correct it…Pepper’s best hope.

“Do you think there are only these………… Tony.”

Ino obviously still doesn’t let Tony go.

“Then what else”

Tony questioned.

Ino: “Do you know what color lipstick Pepper likes”


Tony guessed one: “Number 4”

“That’s your newest Mark armor.”

Ino vomited.

But this time even Pepper was surprised.

Tony’s Mark’s Battle Armor has reached number 42! I thought it was number 1.

Ino asked again: “What is Pepper’s favorite bag and what is his favorite brand”


After thinking about it for a while, he suddenly looked at Pepper’s current clothes and said decisively: “Louis Vuitton!”

Then Pepper looked at Tony with disappointment: “I just bought this dress for a try. The most in my wardrobe is Chanel.”


Ni scratched his head, quite embarrassed.

Pepper and Tony lived for ten or twenty years, and he didn’t even know these…

It seems that it has to be changed in the future.

But in order to change the topic, Tony looks at Ino as if I’m finished with my clothes and you want to play, “What about you, do you know what your female companions like best?”

“Of course I know.”

Ino put his arms around Angela and Helen’s shoulders.

Then they shaved their cheeks in front of Pepper.

Pepper admitted that she was full with that…little gesture just now.

But Tony asked righteously: “Well, what do Miss Angela and Miss Helen like best?”

“I want them to call on the phone, and then you say it first, they are opening it.”

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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