Chapter 227 .Mechanical head Tony, Mandarin [1]

“I will tell you a cruel fact.”

Ino said earnestly: “That is, the Zetaru army is not a top power in the universe at all.”

“There are more forces stronger than them, and it just depends on the civilization of others.”

Tony looked a little sluggish when he heard it, but he didn’t know what he was thinking.

It turns out that Qitarui’s army is not strong.

What kind of civilization is great.

How do I face it.

Seeing Tony who was thinking of a solution again, Ino shook his head and said, “I actually want you to break the jar.”


Tony was dumbfounded.

Ino explained: “Since you know the gap between yourself and others, and you are working hard, what is the use of worrying so much?”

“The sky is falling and there is a tall man, you only need to have a clear conscience.”

“Tall and tall”

Tony turned his head to look at Ino.

Ino is quite tall after transforming, more than 2 meters.

“I mean, naturally there is a strong push, or someone who will be in contact with it in the first place.”

Ino explained: “If you compare me, if there is the next army invasion, I think they will definitely find me as soon as possible.”

“That’s what it means to be tall, too obvious, too prominent.”

Tony really understood now.

He nodded seriously, his face a little serious.

If this is the case, Ino’s situation is obviously more dangerous and sad.

What’s the deal with my own sad look? I have to help Ino.

This is Tony’s only idea now.

After thinking about it, Tony raised his head and asked Ino with his most serious, formal, and most serious expression in his life: “How can I help you?”

After speaking, Tony is looking forward to waiting for Ino’s reply.

But Tony, who thought that he would be working hard to be useful later, was overwhelmed by Ino’s next sentence.

“Now you can only clean up the small soldiers. At least you have to wait for your Nano Armor to be researched out.”

Ino smiled and looked at him and said, “When encountering a relatively strong unit, a large-scale destruction weapon is useless.”

“For example, nuclear bombs can’t pose a threat to me at all. Not only will I not be injured, but it will also not blow me up.”

“So when compared to you, when do you think you can dodge large-scale destruction weapons?”

“It is impossible for you to play in person in the future, because you have War Machine.”

“I won’t go to clear the soldiers, but I’m also making biomechanical ladies.”

“Understand now?”

The strongest thing Tony has after possessing this technology is not that he personally plays.

The strongest is that he creates a steel army.

Do you know what this is called? This is called the mechanical head.

Tony nodded with a sudden realization: “My baby, it is too bad to go to the battlefield to fight in person, and I can’t become a cutting-edge combat power like you, so it is the most cost-effective to take a measuring pile.”(Read more @


Ino agreed: “A, steel behemoth, steel battleship, etc., etc., are all places you can command.”

“Does it feel like you are in control of thousands of troops and horses? As long as you do the best protection, it’s the same when you personally command the battlefield.”

“If it doesn’t work, you can continue to optimize Jarvis and let him assist in control.”

Tony thought for a while, and finally nodded, it was feasible.

But he asked again: “Apart from the Mark series, do you have any other suggestions?”

“Only two.”

Ino raised a finger and said: “The smaller the size, the better, and the more functions the better. It is the most reasonable for these two to improve at the same time.”

Tony nodded in agreement.

The size and function must be synchronized to perfection.

In the end Tony settled the matter.

He brought a piece of paper and a pen.

Tony doesn’t just keep it on the computer: what’s written down on paper is important.

As he wrote, he said: “In the future, the cutting-edge technology, nano armor first.”

“In the future, mass-production technology, multiple functions, fierce firepower, and good shape are preferred.”

After he finished writing, Tony lifted up and asked Ino: “Right”


Ino replied.

Hear Ino’s reply.

Hu Tony suddenly brought out all the qi in his heart.

The things that tortured him for so long finally passed.

He rubbed his eyes.

Then hit Hatch.

Tony rubbed his face and asked, “Why are you so sleepy all of a sudden.”

The thing in my mind was solved.

Tony is now relaxed.

At this moment.

Pepper trot down and said, “All the TV channels in the country are full…the terrorist organization has invaded, and they are broadcasting threatening videos.”

For a moment.

Tony’s eyes widened, and he was not sleepy again.

The two stood up, and Pepper walked out of the basement to sit on the sofa in the living room.

Sitting between Angela and Helen.

On the TV in the living room, Pepper has tuned the public channel to that…man’s video.

In the video.

A group of armed terrorists in a certain spot in Africa are pushing a group of people to a corner.

As an older Asian man waved his hand.

Those…the terrorists all killed these people.

Obviously, those killed were all Americans.

Then the picture changed.

This person started to be a teacher again.

He had a book in his hand, and a group of children surrounded him.

Wait until this…After all, this group of terrorists threatened Mi Jun directly in the video and said: We will give you a gift, let the government wait.

After watching the video.

Tony sat next to Pepper and rubbed his chin and asked, “I didn’t see this Mandarin Chinese when I went last time.”

“You have been there!”

Pepper turned his head…looking at Tony.

I asked about Treasure just now, but in the end a nuclear bomb was dug up.

“You don’t know there are more things to do with me.”

Tony watched the TV and asked Ino without turning his head: “What use is there for them to clamor like this for a terrorist organization to fight against the government.”

How many people are there in terrorist organizations.

How many people are organized by the government?

This can’t be beaten.

Let alone armed technology.

“Didn’t they say to give gifts”

Ino said: “This gift is either a bomb or a biological weapon.”

“Only these two things can cause threats and panic, and then the country can be chaotic.”

Tony nodded: “Then I will strengthen the security forces around the building.”

Since the last time his mansion was chosen by Loki as the summoning point.

Tony is worried that his mansion will be selected again.

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