Chapter 226 .The birth and disintegration of Mark 42【5】

“I didn’t let you talk nonsense about Jarvis.”

Tony quickly retracted his hand and said, “You are destroying the friendship between us, so please shut up.”

After speaking, Jarvis stopped talking.

After all, Tony told him to shut up.

Wait until it is determined.

Tony stood up and took Ino to his workbench.

On this entire workbench, there are Mark 42 of Tony’s various parts.

Look at these parts.

Tony turned his head to Ino and said, “I’m going to start the first test, remember to see how handsome I am.”

Ino nodded blankly.

Then sit down on the seat of his workbench:

Don’t be a bastard with a chair.

Looking at Ino without any waves.

Tony shrugged his shoulders and said, “Jarvis, call me the best music.”

Jarvis didn’t speak.

But there was an electronic sound in the basement.

Tony twisted to the middle of the open space to the music and said, “Little stupid, remember to take a good picture of me.”

When everything is ready.

Tony officially started saying: “Gentlemen and ladies, welcome to Tony Stark’s steel armor delivery room.”

“Here will soon be born a brand new Mark 42 push-type auto-navigation armor.”

Listening to the music, Tony waited for the climax along with the rhythm.

The music then reaches the moment when the music reaches the classics.

Tony stretched his hands toward the table in front of Ino.

Shoo…! A glove flew directly.


Tony was hit and stumbled… said: “The recoil is still a bit big.”

Shoo…! Another shoulder armor flew over and assembled automatically.

Then came another hand.

Tony smiled after seeing the successful test: “Very good, I think it can, let’s launch all the parts.”

At this time, Ino suggested: “You are not afraid that the big power is too powerful to fly you.”

“how come.”

Tony disbelieved: “My invention is perfect.”

Huh…! Talking about the armor of a foot, he flew over.

Tony lifted his leg.

Just cover it on his leg and assemble it.

“Look, there is no problem at all.”

Tony said happily.

But the next moment.

Hush…! Hush! Tony turned his head, his visor had already shattered the showcase of Mark’s battle armor.

But Tony just looked back.

A piece of crotch armor was directly smashed again.(Read more @

He was smashed back and stumbled…

“Fortunately, the positioning is finished, otherwise it will be finished.”

Tony clutched his crotch and let out a cold sweat.

But another moment.

A piece of armor on the back flew at high speed again.

Tony flashed his battle armor directly into a jar.

But not waiting for Tony to speak.

Another piece of armor from the abdomen flew at speeding speed.

Tony immediately raised his hand and bounced it off with a bang.

Now Tony suggested: “Jarvis, slow down and take your time.”

at this moment.

The armor of the other leg flew over and attached to Tony’s leg.

But Tony just stood firm.

Just now he broke the armor of the tank’s back and banged! The sound of it knocked Tony into the air when it was covered.

Tony, who almost hit Ino, quickly ejected energy to control himself and fly back.

Next is the armor of the abdomen.

The music continues.

Ino watched Tony play and listened to music.

But next.

The sound of the bang music stopped immediately.

What flew up just now was…Tony’s visor.

Then it just smashed the music disc.

But it did not fall after the collision.

Instead, he continued to fly towards Tony’s face.

“Kang busy.”

Tony hooked his finger: “Let Ino take a look, I’m not afraid of you.”

Shoo…! The visor flew over.

Tony caught the visor perfectly with an upside-down in the air.

He half-kneeled on the ground and stood up slowly looking at Ino and said, “I’m a genius if I’m handsome or not.”

Boom! Puff, ding, ding! Just when Tony was pretending to be forced.

He forgot that the armor on his hips hadn’t returned yet.

Then, without paying attention, he was directly hit by this part and the battle armor was completely disintegrated and the person flew to Ino’s feet.

“Oh oh oh oh oh oh”

Tony lay on the ground, a little uncomfortable, come out.

It is indeed a bit uncomfortable for him to be hit by this mortal body a few meters.

Puff, Ino couldn’t help but laugh after reading it.

Then he clapped happily and said, “Tony, you performed really well. It’s been a long time since I watched a movie so much fun.”

Tony stood up with his legs on the table and said, “You didn’t pull me up and laughed at me. I feel like you are gloating.”

“Be confident.”

Ino smiled and said, “Take out the feeling, I’m just gloating.”

Ino smiled and said, “If a friend is not used to damage it, it will be meaningless.”

Tony rested on the table for a while.

Regardless of the pile of parts on the floor, he went straight to sit on the sofa.

He still wears a helmet without a visor on his head.

Then sit there with moving arms.

Ino sat on the chair at the work desk and looked at Tony and asked, “If you haven’t slept for 3 days, you are not sleepy at all.”

Tony shook his head: “If you can’t sleep, you will have nightmares as soon as you sleep.”


Ino asked.

Tony thought for a while: “Some time ago, after I dealt with the terrorist incidents in Africa, I found that I can’t do anything by myself. There are too many similar things.”

“And what I destroyed last time was probably just a small stronghold of that… terrorist organization.”

“Then what if this is the alien from the last New York war?”

“When I face those big army and behemoths, I really feel like I’m very small.”

“Nothing can be done, nothing can be changed.”


Tony put his elbows on his knees, lowered his head and put his fingers into his hair and looked at the floor.

Tony couldn’t think of what he could do when he saw the giant Qitarui.

Even high-energy infrared lasers can’t shoot through its armor.

If there is no Ino.

What did they rely on to win the terror in that war in New York?

So Tony has always been annoyed by his powerlessness and inability to help.

In the end, there were even mild anxiety disorders, and they were still: rising to a moderate degree.

“Hi, Tony.”

Ino looked at Tony seriously and said, “Listen to a few words, you may change your opinion.”

Tony shook his body.

Then let go of his hands and look up at Ino.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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