Chapter 223 .The founder of the weird yin and yang Extremis Virus【2】

Puchi saw Gaia’s teary eyes.

Ino couldn’t help but laugh.

Then decisively took out the phone and took a picture.


In an instant, seeing Ino still had time to take pictures, Gaia’s expression became even more pitiful.

“alright, alright.”

Ino put away his phone and quickly touched Gaia’s little head: “These things are still early, how can the galaxy be so easy to master.”

“As for whether or not to create more Gaia-like existences at that time, if you can control it, I won’t create it.”

“But if you can’t control it, I can only create new ones, no problem.”

Hearing Ino’s words, Gaia smiled immediately after the rain.


…After a period of days.

The umbrella island has been established.

Sub-health drugs are basically in short supply.

After being used by a huge crowd, this 100% word-of-mouth drug instantly swept the world.

Basically, people who don’t lack this health money will choose to buy this drug.

After statistics.

After the birth of the Sanya health drug, the diagnosis rate of minor diseases in major hospitals around the world has plummeted dozens of times.

Sitting in the new island office.

Ino walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows and looked at the place where the mansion had been transformed into a giant door ahead.

There is now the entrance of a bridge.

In addition to the sidewalks on both sides, there are 4 two-way lanes in the middle.

But the heaviest of them: the most powerful one is…the new building of the umbrella.

But I have time to talk about this.

Because Tony called.

After being notified in advance by Gaia, Ino connected Tony’s call.

“Hi, Ino, haven’t seen me for a while, miss me.”

As soon as it was connected, Tony’s energetic tone came out.

Ino puts the phone on the table with the speakerphone on: “My medicine, I don’t remember, has a stimulating effect. Are you a mentally ill person now?”

“No, no, no.”

Tony gasped over there and said, “I’m just happy because Mark has a new breakthrough, so I’m here to call and invite you to come to my house at 6pm to take a look at the new Mark’s armor.”

“Also…, Pei asked you to bring Angela and Helen with you. She said she hadn’t seen each other for a long time and wanted to talk.”

Ino heard it clearly, but because of Tony’s roughness, he joked: “Don’t tell me that you are doing sports with love and give me some words.”

“If this is the case, then you are so disgusting that you will go to your house and get you out of shit.”

“how is this possible!”

Tony sneered as if he had thrown away something heavy and said, “I am doing strength exercises, not love exercises.”

“Also, do you think there are girls who can bear not making a sound when I do sports with love”(Read more @

“Just blow it.”

Ino smiled and said, “Whose secretary bought me some special drugs a few years ago.”

“Pepper bought it for revenge.”

Tony corrected: “Also, I have been exercising regularly in the past few years, and I am also very restrained.”

“So you can’t frame me now, just like I am often late, I am not late now either.”

“Is that right”

Ino wondered: “Then I will ask Angela and Helen to ask Pepper when I take Angela and Helen at 6 o’clock.”

“No problem at all.”

Tony said confidently: “Just ask Pepper.”

Hear Tony’s confident tone.

Ino believed him a little too.

After all, Tony has also changed a lot now.

“I’ll talk about it then, I’ll be there at 6 o’clock in the evening.”

Ino said.

After hanging up the phone.

Ino just went down to the underground laboratory to talk to Angela and Helen and finished going to Tony’s house tonight.

Gaia reported to Ino about Kylian.

“Aldrich Kirian requested an appointment to meet.”

Hearing that the founder of Extremis Virus wants to see himself.


Ino bluntly returned to his seat and said.

“The email has been rejected.”

Gaia replied: “But he replied in the e-mail that I am sorry that he could not make an appointment with the gods, and then wish the gods peace in the future.”

Is this neuropathy? Ino couldn’t help thinking.

If you don’t know what is thinking in Kylian’s mind, you may still take his words as good words.

But Ino knew what he was up to.

These words become yin and yang weird words.

Gaia also said at this time: “Aldrechkilian gritted his teeth and twisted his face when he said this.”

“I still said that I want Ino to look good and Ino to die.”

“After analysis, his hatred for Ino has reached the point where he wants you to die.”

“But since you are a god, he can only hold it back.”

Then this is really crazy.

After watching Gaia’s 3-light particle imaging.

Ino waved his hand helplessly: “How much is left before his website was blasted to release the virus.”

“At 8 o’clock tonight.

Gaia said: “At 8 o’clock, within an hour, his official website will release cases related to terrorist incidents in Africa.”


Ino nodded: “Remember to not just turn out the real video: Come on, let him fear for a few days, and then play the video of his personal appearance.”

“it is good.”

Gaia nodded and agreed.

Ino wants to see how this kind of gradual driving madness will push a person to the point of what they can do.

Kilian is a man who has tolerated paying for more than ten years.

Ino kind of wanted to see him really crazy.

Checked the time.

Already 7:.

He is going to let Angela drive over tonight.

So you have to leave early.

Teleport to the laboratory.

When he teleported to the top with 3 people.

Angela drove the car. Ino sat in the back and looked at Gaia, who was invisible following the car and said, “Why don’t you get in the car?”

The invisible Gaia thought for a while.

Then she suddenly moved a little faster than the car, and then slowly sat on Ino’s lap.

After pressing the back of his head, he lazily stuck it on Ino’s chest.


“what happened”

Helen asked back.


Ino waved his hand.

After driving for half an hour.

Ino brought Gaia 4, including the invisible, to Tony’s sea view villa.

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