Chapter 222 .Xinhai Island, Poor Gaia of Xixi【1】

Looking at Fury, who didn’t want to go out but had no choice but to go out and report.

Ino turned his head and looked at Hill and said, “If there is anything else, I will go back if there is none.”

Hill thought for a while: “We have placed the scepter in the research department for research. If there is any gain, we can share it with you.”

Um… the scepter shouldn’t be in the research department.

He should be in the Hydra part.

But Ino waved his hand and said, “It doesn’t matter, you can study it first.”

Hill nodded, not saying anything.

Ino waved his hand: “Then I’m leaving.”

After speaking, he disappeared instantly.

But after Ino disappeared.

Fury returned after the report.

He saw that Ino wasn’t asking, “He’s gone”

Hill nodded.

After getting confirmation, Fury sat back on the sofa and asked: “Do you think the dream he said at the press conference is true?”

“The Sea of ​​Stars”

Hill wondered: “Everyone on the Internet says so.”

“But it came out of Ino’s mouth, it might be different.”

Fury looked at Hill seriously and said, “Agent Hill, he is a god.”


Fury raised his hand to signal to the sky.

“The sea.”

Fury pointed to the ocean under his feet.

Then he continued: “It’s not that Ino doesn’t have this ability, it’s just whether he wants to.”

“His existence is far more dangerous than any threat in the world.”

After listening to Ferry’s words.

Hill shook his head in denial and asked, “That’s because you and the above all define him as a higher threat level than threat.”

“Why can’t we define him as a friendly party? If it doesn’t work, then define it as a neutral party who will not actively invade us before we do not invade him.”

In Hill’s acquaintance.

First, the god is Ino, and then the god Ino.

And Ino has never done anything dangerous or unfavorable to society.

However, the upper level still defines him as a threatening creature.

Is it because it’s impossible to…control the problem? “Agent Hill.”

Ferry looked at her and shook his head and said: “Even people like Stark who join the Alliance have been set up dangerous levels.”

“It’s impossible for God Ino that day to be without a risk factor. For Ino, we know everything.”

“Although it doesn’t matter to me what Ino is, I am now S.H.I.E.L.D.


…. Director, I must obey the above orders to keep investigating him.”(Read more @

When Ferry said these words.

He directly expressed that if it is himself, he doesn’t care at all.

However, he must be in line with the country’s thinking after he is substituted.

This is something that can’t be helped.

Hill thought of the members of the upper echelon, and suddenly he was angry.

But after seeing Hill’s expression, Fury explained: “Don’t be angry with them either.”

“Do you know how they reacted when I gave Ino to the congressmen”

Hill thought about it for a while: “Swearing”

“No, no, no, you take them too much to give up their lives.”

Fury shook his head amusedly: “They are either silent or…shrinking their heads, they are afraid that Ino will kill them all.”

“Anyway…Killing them won’t have any effect on Ino. The councillors are gone, and there are still people who will go on.”

Hilton understands.

This is absolute power rule.

If you disagree, I will kill you all.

It’s reaction that someone will inherit your position.

This leek is finished, the next batch will grow better.

The screen returns to Ino.

When returning to the umbrella building.

Gaia has waved his hand to simulate the entire process of the conversation between Fury and Hill.

After reading it.

Ino smiled and shook his head: “Normal, if there is a creature around me that is more dangerous than a nuclear bomb and cannot be controlled.”

“I will also worry about my safety and location day and night.”

Gaia didn’t speak first.

The stars in her eyes flickered for a while before she began to say: “The life span of human beings is only 100 years, and the life span of Ino, Angela, and Zhao Hailun cannot be calculated at present.”

“Their worries are useless, because our long-term plan is based on the stage of 100 years or beyond a certain goal.”

“In contrast, human suspicion is like a fish in a tank.”

“Their time is always only 7 seconds.”

The meaning of 7 seconds here is short-sighted.

Hear Gaia’s sarcastic words.

Ino smiled happily and said: “That’s no way. The life span is only 100 years, so the most things you can think about are only 100 years. Then there are even fewer things you can do.”

“In history, how many people can do it now for things that will be thousands of years from now.”

Gaia simply spit out a few words: “Little poor.”

Yes, it’s really pitiful.

For so many years, only a handful of people can do it.

Ino got up from his chair.

Then he walked to the French window behind him.

The new island will be built soon.

The building here will also be relocated.

At this moment.

Gaia floated behind Ino for a while, thinking about it hesitantly and asking: “If you control another planet, does Ino have to build another Gaia?”

Gaia’s tone was inexplicable.

It’s like your parents are going to have a second child.

Hearing Gaia’s somewhat pitiful tone.

Ino also suddenly felt like being a parent, but then Ino smiled and shook his head and turned to Gaia and whispered: “How did I find that you compare with Helen’s, and I have a lot of things in my head all day.”

“But that’s okay, at least…………You are one step away from normal people.”

After speaking, Ino looked at Gaia seriously and said: “Listen well, even if there are more planets in the future, you will manage more in the future until you have an entire star system under your control.”

Hear Ino’s guarantee.

Gaia nodded in surprise.

But then she took back her expression again, a little anxious and said: “But…but there are hundreds of billions of stars in the Milky Way, isn’t it there will be hundreds of billions of Gaia in the future?”

Ino:…It seems….It seems to have forgotten about it.

The universe is too big.

“Then…that galaxy is yours”

Ino asked tentatively.


Guy shook his fingers and began to count: “Triangular galaxy, Andromeda galaxy, Bode galaxy, twin galaxy, black eye galaxy…”

As the galaxies increase.

Gaia counted faster and faster, and he was anxious as he counted.

In the end, Gaia raised his head tearfully and looked at Ino aggrievedly: “There are still many.”

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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