Chapter 224 .Tony the caveman who hasn’t slept for 3 days [3]

But it was indeed a set of steel armor and Pepper who went out to greet him.

Pepper looked awkwardly at Ino and Angela.

Immediately slapped Tony’s armor with his hand bang! Two times: “Open the visor, you are very rude.”

“Oh, it’s okay.”

Tony said as he stepped forward to grab Angela’s position and clasped Ino’s shoulders and said, “We are very familiar with each other. We won’t be polite or impolite because of such trivial matters.”

After speaking, he walked into the room while holding Ino’s shoulders: “Let’s go to the basement to play iron, you talk.”


Pepper yelled in a low voice, “At least………you also want Ino to have a cup of coffee.”

“He is a god, and he won’t be thirsty.”

Tony walked into the basement with Ino after speaking.

Hear Tony reminding that Ino is a god.

Pepper also reacted immediately.

He didn’t say that Pepper had forgotten that Ino was a god.

But Pepper still said: “It’s not a question of identity.”

Angela, who was watching next to him, stepped forward and said, “Okay, let’s go in, they are just like this, it’s normal.”

At this point, the screen shifts to the basement.

After holding Ino into the basement, the steel armor released his hand and left.

Then, as soon as Ino entered the door, he saw Tony working out his muscles on a weightlifting machine.

He wears a synchronised projector on his head.

After seeing Ino come in.

Tony let go… The equipment stood up and drank a little, then panted and said, “Your company’s sub-health medicine really works.”

“So you practice this”

Ino said that he walked to a weightlifting barbell of Tony and hooked it with his pinky finger, then lifted it up without feeling, and shook his head: “No feeling at all.”

Then put it down with a bang.

Tony finished drinking the water in his mouth and said with uncomfortable eyes: “I suspect you are here to hit me.”

“I’m just telling the truth.”

Ino found a chair and sat down:.

Tony looked at Ino every time he went to a place, he looked for a chair first and asked curiously: “You are so strong and not tired, why do you find a place to sit as soon as you get there?”


Ino sat on a chair with Erlang’s legs tilted and said inexplicably, “Why do I have to stand when I have a place to sit?”

Tony thought for a while, and it seemed to be right.

So he also found a chair to sit down: take a break.

Ino watched as Tony was sitting next to a cart of medical supplies.

Tony reached out and pulled the cart over and said, “This is what I want to show you, the horse 42 that I changed countless times on Mark 7 since the New York War.”

“It uses a biochip positioning function, which allows each piece of armor to automatically cruise and fly to my body.”(Read more @

“and many more….”

Ino interrupted Tony: “Your Mark is basically based on a great improvement in one generation.”

“But this time Mark 7 and Mark 42 you even said that the automatic cruise has been improved.”

Tony heard this annoyed scratching his hair and replied: “This is already very difficult. I originally had a whole piece of power and I divided him into 10 pieces.”

“This is not only very difficult for the dynamics and the reserve energy of each armor, as well as the energy circuit, etc….”

“For this…I have been studying these all day and night…, I even pushed everything away.”

“You pushed everything away”

Ino couldn’t help asking.


Tony is certain: “If you don’t believe me, ask Pepper, I have been in the basement for so long or…I was sleeping just to do this stuff.”

Ino thought for a while: “Then you didn’t even see Pepper”


Now it was Tony’s turn to be embarrassed: “Probably… I have seen a lot.”

“A lot of it”

Ino asked incredulously: “You live together and there are a lot of words, right?”

“Should it appear? You guys don’t see each other several times a day, right?”

“You can’t play this thing like a caveman, right”

“Um… Actually I invited you today. Pepper and I haven’t seen each other for 3 days.”

Tony looks like I’m very honest.

“Oh My God……”

Ino exclaimed, “Are you still a human.”

Under the same roof.

Tony can actually meet Pepper once in a few days.

This is truly amazing.

At this time, Jarvis’s voice suddenly sounded: “Mr. Ino, in fact, he hasn’t closed his eyes for 3 days, can you persuade him?”

“Shut up Jarvis.”

Tony directly told Jarvis to shut up.

Then he looked at Ino again and said, “Jarvis is lying.”

“Logical intelligence systems can deceive”

Ino looked like you teased me and said, “For the biomechanical lady, I am also working on a logical intelligence system.”

“But my system doesn’t seem to deceive, can you teach me how to do it”

Tony was silent for a while.

Then he slapped his thigh and said, “Well, I really haven’t slept for 3 days.”


Ino gave him a thumbs up.

It’s not that Tony hasn’t slept for three days.

It means that Tony didn’t meet Pepper for three days just to get this.

At this time the upper part of the basement.

It is Angela and Helen who are chatting with Pepper.

They are sitting on the sofa.

It just happened to be discussing the issue between Ino and Tony.

Pepper said helplessly: “If it weren’t for Tony to see Ino this time, we might have not seen each other for 3 days.”


Helen was surprised.

She looked at the size of Tony’s Ocean View Villa, which was basically the same size as Ino’s house.

But Pepper and Tony could not see each other for 3 days.

The last time Angela and Ino didn’t see each other for a day, Helen saw Angela holding the quilt and watching the stars on the balcony.

If this is not to see each other for three days, Angela is afraid that it is not because of thinking of spring.

Seeing Helen’s divine mind, I don’t know where it is floating.

Angela flicked her small head with her finger and said, “You must be thinking something bad.”


Helen said weakly.

Pepper smiled when he saw it: “Your relationship is really good. If Tony is like this, I can’t bear it, but fortunately, he has a lot less one-night stands now.”

Angela smiled happily: “Ino is only mine and Helen. I haven’t tried any of them.”

With this sentence, Angela couldn’t help but bring pride.

Pepper’s eyes were full of envy.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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