Chapter 221 .Nick Fury, the old tool man [5]

“We need to talk.”

Fury said directly.

Hear what Ferry said.

Ino directly hangs up the phone.

Then he turned his head and said something to Angela and Helen: I’ll go out first.

Then he asked Gaia: “Where is Fury.”

Gaia: “Agent lounge.”

At the same time, Gaia also marked the exact address.

Ino nodded.

The figure disappeared directly.

Then he appeared directly in front of Fury’s eyes.

At this time, Ferry was still holding the phone and ready to put it away.

Ino has already arrived in front of him.

Fury looked a little disintegrated and said, “You know why this is where I am.”

Ino looked at Hill who was resting on the sofa next to him and nodded.

Then walked to the other sofa and sat down and said, “Guess.”

Ferry put away the phone helplessly.

Then he also managed to put his elbows on his knees on the sofa and looked at Ino and asked: “You said at the end of yesterday’s press conference: “Ms. Biomechanics”


Ino didn’t even point his head, but just touched the armrest of the sofa with his hand.

After making sure, Fury continued: “Then can you tell me what it is? Yesterday, Mr. President called me again in the early morning because of this incident.”

“It can be whatever you want.

Mr. Nick Fury.”

Ino said something very familiar.

Upon hearing this sentence, Hill immediately couldn’t hold back a smile beside him.

“Don’t follow Tony’s…speaking style.”

Fry immediately waved his hand in annoyance: “This sentence was what you said at Senator Stern at that time.”

“But the effect is the same, isn’t it.”

Ino said, “Last time Stern asked Tony, this time you asked me.”

“If your question is the same as Senator Stern, then you can stop asking. Tony and I said the same thing, just copy it again.”

Anyway… not just the degree of danger and ask this “robot”

What is it for?

Hear Ino’s words.

Ferry scratched his head with his index finger and said helplessly: “I mean, you can simply talk about the functions and future prospects of the biomechanical lady, which makes me a good deal.”

“It’s really impossible. You just talk about it anyway… Don’t say anything about War Machine.”

“At that time, I will go to the top, I will be fine, and the top will not trouble you anymore.”

“Is this bad?”

“I know.”

Ino nodded.(Read more @

But when Fury let out a breath, Ino thought for a while and asked knowingly: “Then why didn’t the above come to me in person and look down on my god”

Hafrey sighed greatly.

Then spread his hands and ten fingers on his head and close his eyes, he couldn’t bear it anymore.

I came here to ask for Ino.

So knowing what Ino did just now, he can only endure it.

After all, it is not only relying on the relationship to ask for him.

Fury also knew he couldn’t afford it either.

Seeing Furina’s uncomfortable look.

Hill lowered his head and hid and laughed for a while, then raised his head and explained, “I’ll be clear.”

Ino raised his hand and gestured.

Then Hill began to say, “Actually, you also know that…the above dare not come to you in person.”

“They think that instead of… risk it yourself: take the risk and ask exactly what the biomechanical lady does.”

“It’s better to ask Fury, someone you know and direct, to ask.”

“This way you will not be angry but you will be able to ask things clearly.”

“It kills two birds with one stone.”


Ino “Let’s Realize”

After knowing this directly, he looked at Fury and said: “Nick Fury, you are an old tool man.”


Fury opened his mouth.

At the end nothing said.

That’s right.

To be precise, he is a tool man, isn’t he?

Last time, he argued with reason.

His position as director was successfully removed.

After the end of the war.

He was reinstated again.

Feel free to play this position.

Looking at Ferry, who doesn’t want to talk anymore and doesn’t want to stay here.

After Ino coughed and coughed, he officially said, “Okay, then I will explain.”

“Ms. Biomechanics, is an all-round smart device.”

“I will consider producing it as a social work service type, an armed combat defense type and a daily logistics support type.”

“You should know the functions of these three 3 types of biorobots by listening to the names.”

“But the actual birth time will take a while, and we are developing it.”

Ino just finished.

Fury quickly said: “Wait…, armed strike defense type you want to strike whoever you want to strike and who can strike you.”

“You are not Stark’s mortal body, you produce these…what are you doing?”

“My biorobot can’t wear it.”

Ino corrected: “Also, armed defense is aimed at protecting my employees.”

“If society needs it, I might be able to donate a little to the police station to help you arrest criminals.”

Fury said quickly: “Then remember to give me a few more.”

Hill: “Yeah”

Seeing Hill’s eyes, Fury quickly coughed and said: “But you will still have a strong armed threat, and the country will still worry about your poor control. What should we do?”

“If she had an omnic crisis, what if she was invaded by a virus and caused a riot”

Hey, Ino talked for a while and said: “You are worried that this is also right, after all, you don’t know our security level.”

“In this way, when the first prototype is produced, I can bring her here for testing.”

“Whether it is code virus, physical explosion, logical harassment, voice communication, etc.”

“As long as I encounter one of the above problems, I can ruin her on the spot.”

“And no longer produce.”

Hear Ino’s words.

Fury began to think.

After a while, he raised his head and looked at Hill.

Finally nodded and said to Ino: “Yes, then I will say to the above first, do you have anything you want me to talk to?”

“With words.”

Ino thought for a while and said: “Let them not think about something they shouldn’t think about, if I give birth to her to destroy it.”

“That doesn’t need them, I alone can destroy all government organizations in the world.”

“So I also told the above not to be greedy for things they shouldn’t think about, and they can’t get them.”

“Because I can knock the world down by myself.”

“Okay, I’m done.”

Ino looked at Hill and Fry, who had been stunned, and said, “What are you doing in a daze? Go and spread the word.”

……..Fry: I regret saying the last sentence, can you withdraw it to read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download

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