Chapter 220 .Product sales have skyrocketed and appointments are full [4]

Angela slowly looked back at Gaia, who was already kneeling on Ino’s bed.

This girl who never touches the floor with her feet can’t wait to stick her whole body on Ino’s bed.

The helpless Angela walked back wearing a light gauze and sat on the side of the bed and looked at her: “If you have to want this, then I can talk to you, but this talk may be sorry… Helen.”

“So, only the three of us can know about this. Don’t tell Helen, do you know?”

Gaia nodded quickly.

But Ino was dumbfounded.

Why should Angela be sorry for Helen and why he can’t tell Helen? Before Ino can think about it, Angela once again said to Gaia: “I’ve said it, don’t say it.”

After reminding Gaia, Angela sat leaning on the bed watching Gaia and said, “Because your situation is very special, so I originally belonged to Ino.”

Hmm…I heard Angela say that Ino is only hers.

Gaia’s face immediately bulged into a bun.

Hmm, but Angela’s eyes widened, and Gaia’s puffed cheeks immediately suffocated like a deflated balloon.

Then Angela was satisfied and began to say: “But you are different from Helen. After Helen returns, he can go online, play games, and research.”

“But after you go back, you should just watch Ino’s video over and over again in a daze.”

Gaia was stunned.

After hesitating for a while, she glanced at Ino, then nodded and responded in a low voice: “Yeah.”

Hear Gaia’s confirmation.

Angela blinked at Ino, meaning: I guessed it right.

Then she solemnly said to Gaia: “So based on your situation, I decide.”

“Gaia can come and sleep with us on even days of the week.”

“Remember, it’s us, not with Ino alone.”

Hear what Angela said.

Gaia’s eyes lit up.

Immediately she nodded and agreed.

If this is not agreed, can I not know if it is the same thing.

But the promise is…3 every week.

It’s just that… Gaia reached out his hand cutely and gestured.

1 odd-numbered days can be 4.

But only 3 times in 246 even days.

This… seems not as singular.

Gaia tentatively raised his head and looked towards it.

But what was ushered in was indeed Angela’s scrutiny gaze.

The gaze seemed to be…: Do you dare to break Gaia’s little finger movement just now, Angela can see it at a glance.

So she can guess everything she wants to ask.

Seeing Angela’s gaze, Gaia retracted the question he wanted to ask: Why is it not singular.

Seeing that they finally finished the discussion happily.

Ino also understands what the agreement between them is.

But… Ino questioned: “You didn’t ask me my opinion.”(Read more @

Angela heard Ino’s words and slammed down on Ino.

And she said proudly: “You are just a pillow, and you don’t have the right to express your opinion.”

“Yo roar”

Ino watched Angela with his hands resting on his head and praised: “Yes, when Gaia is away tomorrow, we will have a good talk about what we can talk about the next morning.”

For a moment.

Angela trembled when she heard Ino’s words.

This is like the physiological reaction of drooling when you think of spicy strips.

Angela instantly turned over and lay on Ino’s left.

Snoring she also pretended to sleep and snore to think about the past.

Ino nodded, and then said softly in Angela’s ear: “If you can’t run, you can wait.”

Angela’s purring stopped.

Then he fell asleep in a discouraged manner.

After Gaia took a look, he lay down.

It doesn’t matter, it’s good to be together.

……..The next day.

After Ino snapped his fingers.

4 came to the giant office on the top of the protection building.

Angela took the records collected by the front desk and reported it: “Ino, there are too many people who want to make an appointment with you.

Ino waved his hand: “None.”

Angela nodded, and deleted these………everyone who wanted to make an appointment to leave the phone.

These people are not simple people.

People who are not in the international arena can not leave an appointment by phone at all.

Then Angela went on to say: “Our island is about to be completed, and the work will be completed tomorrow, but the beautiful surroundings still need to be sculpted slowly, and it may take a while.”

“It’s good that the building can be completed.”

Ino said: “Otherwise, employees who are blocked by fans outside the umbrella will not be able to go to work.”

Angela nodded.

Since the identity was announced yesterday.

Umbrella Bio has received countless resumes.

It’s almost dazzled.

In addition, the fans outside the company are about to block the door.

If it wasn’t for the red umbrella, it was desperately dredging.

The water here has long since gone.

Fortunately, the original decision was correct.

Ino looked back at the island behind him.

Start with this building at my feet.

There is a bridge about 100 meters long connecting the island.

Then the island is… an overall umbrella area, which is not only large in size.

Also, because it is a foundation made of new materials, the entire base system has reached the standard level of the Los Angeles underground experimental base.

Angela continued to report: “The other data is almost the same as Gaia said, and the sales of our other products have skyrocketed by 5 times.”

“Moreover, in user information collection, as long as there are similar drugs, most users will choose umbrella products.”

Hear Angela’s report.

Gaia floated behind Ino and listened with a smile.

Because she had predicted it long ago.

“As expected.”

Ino nodded and asked, “Are there any other reports?”


Angela nodded and said inexplicably, “Fry sent a text message to your private mailbox to ask if he could meet. “Interview.”


After speaking, Angela raised her hair table and suggested: “He should be doing strange things, and there is nothing urgent.”

Ino silently took out his phone and called Ferry directly: “How S.H.I.E.L.D.?


…. The director, king of secret agents, national defender, Nick Fury also started surface work.”

“No, no, no.”

Nick Fury immediately replied: “I am nothing in front of the gods. Don’t blow me so hard at the national level.”

“I’m afraid that when there is a problem with the country’s brain, I will come to you and be crushed into meat sauce by your finger.”

Ino bluntly said: “Then you are still doing surface work.”

“If you have something to say quickly, let it go if you have a fart, if you have something to do.

Talk about things, don’t waste time.”

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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