Chapter 219 .Biological intelligence, growable logic system [3]

It’s 23: Angela and Helen just took a shower and dressed in pajamas, each sitting on the sofa waiting for the moment when the official website started pre-ordering.

Wait until they have finished pre-ordering.

Just take the code and go to the offline store to pick up the medicine.

No way, the express delivery business here is underdeveloped.

Lie on the sofa.

Ino put one hand on the back of his head and lifted up one hand to manipulate the light screen and said, “Angela and Helen, your next stage goal is to study that… the brain intelligence system of the biomechanical lady.”

“Starting from Gaia, the creation of souls will only create biological artificial intelligence in the future unless we parasite the second planet.”

Angela and Helen nodded.

Then Helen thought for a while and asked: “We don’t have a clue as to what to do in terms of logic. The hardware can be done with our current technology, but the software…”

“I have it here.”

Suddenly, Gaia interrupted.

After speaking, she stretched out her slender hand, and a ball of light composed of countless particles gathered in her hand.

Gaia explained: “I have put the basic growth logic system in the database, and you can read it and adopt it now.”

“In addition to… this growth logic system, it also comes with a logic system that cannot…growth.”

What can grow is what can learn and progress.

No…Growing up, as the name suggests, is…the brain is not active, that’s it.

But the difference is.

What can grow does not mean that it is the same as Gaia.

Gaia’s soul was born from the power of Ino and the earth.

There is no growth.

Gaia has a “soul”

, Not a system.

Hearing Gaia’s words, Helen let out a sigh of relief: “That’s good, otherwise the artificial intelligence we built from scratch is probably stupid.”

While talking, time slowly came to 24.

Angela and Helen both turned on the light screen and started looking at the data in the background of the official website.

After 2 to 1 minute, the number of pre-orders instantly changed from 0 to a million seven digits.

Then the beating of the last number kept changing.

Helen looked at the backstage where the numbers were madly refreshed and couldn’t help but wondered: “This… how can we count that so many people come in every minute and every second?”

At this time, Gaia said: “Currently, it is estimated that the number of pre-orders will reach more than 700 million in one day.”

Angela and Helen lifted their heads to look at Gaia.

The stars in Gaia’s eyes kept flickering at this time.

Obviously she is estimating these…amounts.

“Well, you don’t need to be so careful.”

Ino was already lying on the sofa and closed his eyes and said, “As long as you know the approximate value, anyway… the money is useless.”

Money is useless…Helen’s little brain not only has memories of this sentence.

She sighed: “A few years ago, when I was in school, I was troubled by research funding.”

“At that time, in order to share the funds approved above, I desperately wanted to produce results.”(Read more @

“The result is now…”

The money is useless…Just Ino’s sales of sub-health drugs can easily reach tens of hundreds of billions.

But there is one more thing that may not be clear.

That is, this drug is a consumable! It takes only one month! If you don’t want to interrupt this state.

Then you have to keep buying.

Just thought of this.

Helen felt like she was sleeping on top of the Golden Mountain.

And this Jinshan was researched by himself.

As for the problem that the money arrived in Ino’s account, it was not her.

Um… There is no password in Ino’s account.

Angela and Helen are public.

Anyway…you can’t finish it with them.

Ino couldn’t help but smile when he saw Helen’s sigh, “Remember how you asked me on the plane when we went to Monaco.”


Helen nodded heavily.

“Then compare the current self with the self at that time”

Ino closed his eyes and said falsely.

Helen began to remember.

At that time, I was still: lamenting that Stark’s uncomfortable things were nothing to me.

The result is now thinking back to the past.

She used to be so good…So weak Angela sat next to her and stroked her head with a smile.

Was it not like this a few years ago.

But now.

Also used to it.

Following Ino, you must enjoy the pleasure of continuous improvement.

Every time I look back.

You feel that your previous self is so backward.


It’s almost one o’clock in the morning.

After Ino saw the time.

I greeted everyone to go back and rest.

Lying in bed.

Angela still held her left hand and sold her head on her shoulder.

Ino closed his eyes and moved his fingers.

Angela trembled suddenly.

Then tightened slightly and complained: “Don’t move”

Knowing she was telling the truth, Ino pulled his hand out.

Then, when he just thought of getting up, he slowly turned around and looked at the balcony and said helplessly, “Isn’t it the last time yesterday?”

Gaia tightened his body a little when he heard it.

Ino did say that yesterday was the last time.

But I couldn’t help coming at night.

Gaia looked at Angela who also sat up.

Suddenly, there was an inexplicable heat in her eyes, and then there was sourness and tension in her heart.

But limited to Ino’s commands.

Gaia floated on the balcony and slowly turned around and was about to float away.

During this process.

She never said a word from beginning to end.

Angela couldn’t bear to see Gaia who suddenly felt sad.

She squeezed Ino’s arm, and then whispered: “Let her sleep for one night, I feel she is very sad, and her world is only you, and she should be really lonely after returning.”

Hear what Angela said.

Ino’s heart was also a little tense, and his face was a little sad. “I didn’t expect Gaia to be so clingy.”

“I know she is sad, but if there is a second time, then there will be a third time, a fourth time, and a fifth time.”

“In this case, how can I really sleep 3 in one bed in the future?”

Angela gave Ino a blank look.

“Just leave it to me, I have a way.”

After speaking, Angela stood up wearing black veil and walked to the balcony and said, “Gaia, come back, we can talk.”


In an instant, Gaia sat back on Ino’s bed and looked at Angela with joy and said, “Hmm!”

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