Chapter 218 .The sincerity of faith destroys the official website of aim [2]

Hear Tony’s words.

Ino knows what this is right away.

Unexpectedly, Kylian’s speed is so fast, now the terrorist organization is arranged.

But Ino shook his head and said, “No, it’s the latest thing in Africa”


Tony nodded: “The situation is terrible, and they killed a lot of people.”

Ino thought for a while: “You want to help”

Tony was silent for a while, then nodded in agreement: “Yes.”

“Then go.”

After Ino finished speaking, he walked to Angela and Helen: “You will be a superhero, so who is still there: Just take care of you, do whatever you want.”

“Anyway…you do good things, some people praise you, you do bad things, and some people will attack you.”

“So you can do whatever you want, as long as you know the consequences.”

Tony was stunned, and then he woke up what it meant.

It’s just that you have to take responsibility for doing things.

Before this, what to do was not decided by myself.

Tony thought about this.

He said quickly: “Thanks, I will look for you in a while.”

After speaking, he flew away with his hands and feet down.

This should be to fight crime.

After all, Tony looked upset at them.

After seeing Tony go.

A burst of light converged, and Gaia revealed his body again.

This set of operations is only the convergence and dissipation of basic particles.

Gaia looked at Ino and said, “Mandarin is… a beggar that Kylian found. Because he is good at acting, he was bought by Kylian.”

Ino nodded: “Be careful not to let his battered people come near my company. Once you find out, send an email to the Red Umbrella department with my account and let them catch them secretly.”

“it is good.”

Gaia agreed.

Seeing that the matter is over.

Angela and Helen came up.

Ino looked at them and asked, “This “concert”

How am I doing.”

Angela stepped forward to tidy up Ino’s neckline and said: “Which time you are not live, play, but this is your last time, and I really won’t give a speech in the future.”


Ino affirmed: “After the identity of the gods is exposed, I need to give the gods a sense of mystery and height.”

“If you still end up personally in the future, God will be rooted that day: ordinary people are just mortals from the world’s first company.”

“In that case, the gods are no longer gods, and what I did before is meaningless.”

“The more noble the faith, the more sincere they are.”

Hear Ino’s words.

Angela and Helen immediately understood.(Read more @

Now Ino’s announcement identity is not just Ino.

He is now the god Ino.

Great difference.

Seeing Angela and Helen nodded suddenly.

Gaia tilted his head next to him.

Helen saw Gaia’s eye-opening movement and quickly walked over and took her hand and said, “You are so cute.”

Gaia’s style that both girls and big sisters have is like fusing Angela and Helen together.

Then add Gaia’s action.

Suddenly, Angela and Helen were adorable.

Seeing what Gaia didn’t understand.

Ino explained to her: “If I am here in the image of Ino, I can still continue to carry out the press conference in person in the future.”

“But my current identity has changed from Ino to Ino.”

“They believe in me, they praise me as a god and admire me here.”

“Then from now on.”

“If I only punish me without showing up, they will understand it as divine will, but also divine will.”

“But if I show up often and go off the court in person, they will feel that I am an ordinary person, thinking, and emotional.”

“In this way, the things I do or the decisions I make will be judged right or wrong, rather than divine will.”

“This is not right.”

Gaia nodded seemingly understanding.

In her understanding.

It’s like supporting Ino directly and unconditionally without reason.

This may be more powerful than faith.

After the explanation.

Ino turned and looked behind him.

Then he took out his mobile phone and called Jason: “Let the audience exit the venue in an orderly manner, and at the same time let the official website start pre-ordering drugs 24 hours tonight.”

Jason hesitated for a while and said, “Will you add a web server tonight? There may be a lot of people.”

Ino: “No.”

Jason: “Yes.”

Add a server…How many people can squeeze Gaia’s core computer.

Just kidding.

Watching the crowd of people slowly leaving the field under the command of the umbrella.

Ino snapped his fingers and took Angela three to leave.

Back to the ocean view villa.

Today’s things are over.

Angela takes Helen to the bath.

Let them also invite when they see Gaia: “Would you like to go together?”

Gaia thought about the act of taking a bath.

Suddenly shook his head and refused: “No.”

Gaia still doesn’t want to take a bath with the same sex and Ino’s closest person.

It seems to her.

Except for…Ino, all creatures are treated the same.

She looks good on Angela and Helen now.

That’s because Ino gave them permission.

It’s ugly.

Ino asks Gaia and them to turn their faces and Gaia can turn their faces without hesitation.

Wait until Angela and Helen go to the bath.

Ino opened the control system with a wave of his hand.

This control system is Gaia’s…, not that… the only system.

After turning on the control system, Ino is browsing the network just like controlling a computer.

He now has no mouse, keyboard, or host except…

Uh…nothing except…nothing.

In fact, it is the same as normal Internet access.

Ino uses consciousness to control the official website that the network enters.

It is Kirian’s official website.

Kirian’s main focus on the Internet is repair potions.

And the cooperative technology he promoted said that it can be reorganized by invading the cells of organisms.

Seeing this, Ino couldn’t help laughing: “How he wants to invade the human body, after all, is not relying on the virus cells of the drug to invade by themselves. This is not…controllable, and not controllable. of.”

Gaia agreed after seeing it: “Stupid people always think that they have the truth. Too many people in history are actually…The frog at the bottom of the well thinks that they are omnipotent.”

Looking at Kylian’s net.

Ino thought for a while and ordered: “Monitor this website all the time, and then destroy the official website every 7 days to release a video of him transforming the human body.”

The reason he did this was… he wanted to force this lunatic and see what the consequences could be.

In case it is interesting, Feilu reminds you: three things to read

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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