Chapter 217 .God retreats, Lady Biomechanics【1】

Ino faced the excitement of this lucky guy.

He raised his hand to indicate that you can speak.

In fact, don’t be afraid that his voice won’t be broadcast here, Gaia will amplify his voice.

The audience asked excitedly: “We are very curious about why you have concealed your identity for so long.”

Ino nodded, “Because I like the feeling that few people disturb me every day, I like the quiet and ordinary world.”

Wow!!!! for an instant.

Ino’s answer instantly caused a heated discussion.

They really didn’t expect Ino to reveal his identity until now because of this reason.

They thought it was a special reason.

It turned out that I just did it for a long time because I didn’t want to be disturbed too much.

Wait until the audience sits down.

Ino began to say: “Now I will draw 2 lucky viewers in turn to answer the questions, and then I will tell you a special thing.”

As soon as I finished speaking, all those who watched the live broadcast were looking forward to the lucky audience and the special session.

These…operations of Ino almost made all the viewers afraid of missing the wonderful place even in the blink of an eye.

They all hate having to close their eyes.

Then the world has to slow down to 0.

2 times.


Another old man and a girl were drawn.

The question of the elderly is: if there are more kinds of… if the Qitari army attacks the earth, the gods will protect our Fa Ino. The whitest answer is: “To be honest, I am not obliged to protect you, this is me. The most truthful answer.”

…After a while, no one made a fuss.

Looking at the quiet crowd, Ino shrugged helplessly: “For example, the alien civilization last time, in fact, I can choose not to play, or I can choose to play, but no matter what my choice is, it has no effect on me.”

“However, if you believe in me, as it is now, then it makes sense for me to participate in this event, and there is a reason.”

“So in summary, you can still treat this kind of thing as the interest of the gods.”


Oh!!!! I thought it would be refrigerated, Ino didn’t expect Dajia to burst into cheers.

But in fact, Ino’s budget is a little bit possible.


Because it is.

In today’s society, talk half a sentence, then let you guess, half do things, and then let you realize that there are everywhere.

And the gods are not hypocritical at all.

He directly said that saving you was just out of interest.

Because you believed in me, I saved you.

Tenjin doesn’t have various reasons like other superheroes.

The gods also don’t say a lot of sensational things like other people who paint big cakes.

The gods are…the gods.

Saving you is just a hobby.

Your beliefs only gave me reasons.

Isn’t that enough? That’s enough.

This is certainly enough.

So these…the fans who heard the truth burst into enthusiastic cheers.(Read more @

This is the god.

This is God.

Not hypocritical, not pretentious.


After the crowd is quiet.

The next girl started asking questions.

She asked: “My question is actually quite presumptuous, because what I want to ask is, what is the ultimate goal of the gods. For example, my dream and purpose is to become the girlfriend of the gods, what about the gods?”

Wow, hahaha, this girl is not serious in the first half of her sentence.

The second half of the sentence directly amused the people present.

Countless people admire this girl, and she directly expresses the god of the day in front of hundreds of millions of people.

In terms of guts, this girl can really do.

She not only makes people remember themselves.

It is estimated that in the future, it will be easier to walk in society.

Hear the girl’s question.

Ino couldn’t help but smiled and said, “It’s a serious question.”

“However, I don’t bother to deceive the world to hide my purpose, so I’ll just say it.”

“My goal is the stars and the sea.”

……..Looking a bit deserted, the scene,

Ino shrugged and said, “Well, it is to lead the umbrella company to move forward, and then live happily.”

Wow! Hear Ino’s “True”

Say, everyone cheered.

But in the end.

Both the first and second statements are correct.

There is no problem with the stars and the sea.

There is nothing wrong with living happily and leading the umbrella.

This is all right.

Seeing everyone cheering.

After hearing that, after waiting for a while, he continued to make a silent gesture.

Wait until the audience is quiet.

Ino announced again: “Oh no, the press conference is coming to an end.”

“So at the end, I need to announce one thing.”

After speaking, I heard that I paused and looked at the sea of ​​people and said: “From now on, I, God, Ino, will not host any more conferences.”

“But it doesn’t mean that I or Umbrella will no longer organize activities.”

“On the contrary, when we announce the launch of the press conference next time.”

“You will see a new member of the umbrella: Lady Biomechanics.”

“I can only talk about this, and welcome you to my last press conference.”


Ino’s whole person slowly became illusory.

Then it just disappeared.

For a moment.

The 300,000 people inside and outside the New York Metropolitan Stadium didn’t know whether to grieve or cheer.

Sadness is why the god Ino will not host in the future.

In other words, this Tianshen’s press conference has also become his last time.

There will always be only three people who have asked the gods.

What biomechanical lady is that cheering.

As soon as this term comes out, everyone can think of countless technologies in an instant.

But only with this name, they couldn’t determine it.


Now they should be sad or should they cheer, I don’t know.

So stunned.

But Ino doesn’t care about these………….

He left already.

Back on the platform, Tony wore Mark’s armor and opened his face mask, leaning against the wall of the platform, and asked with the sub-health medicine in his hand: “Can I eat more of this thing at once?”


Ino just finished.

Tony ate 45 pills in one bite.

Ino: “But it’s useless to eat too much.”

Tony: …….. Tony who has swallowed the medicine said silently, “Can’t you just say it all at once?”

“Who knows you are like 3 two who didn’t eat shit.”

Ino replied speechlessly when he returned from the deity.

Tony closed the cap of the medicine bottle.

Then he stood up and asked: “Did you read the latest news? There seems to be a terrorist organization in Africa, and their leader calls himself a teacher or Man.”

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