Chapter 210 .Gaia that gathers all the beauty of mankind【4】

If Ino knows this, how did they ask.

What was the result of asking.

Then they will be finished tonight.

I’m afraid it will be impossible to wake up tomorrow if I don’t want to sleep late.

Looking at Angela who was anxious to go home.

Ino shrugged and snapped his fingers: Pa, of course, is not a family planning finger.

It is the space gem teleportation finger.

The moment Ino snapped his fingers.

All the 4 people present returned home in an instant.

Then Ino began to say, “Aren’t you going to take a bath?”

After saying that, Ino turned his head and looked at Gaia again with interest: “Tell me how they taught you.”

Angela looked bad.

Pulling Helen’s wrist is… trotting to the bathroom.

Ino sees this.

Just know that what Angela and Helen are surely teaching is not a good thing.


Gaia Xixi told Angela and Helen how she “forced” her

The process came out to Ino in detail.

Ino nodded and touched Gaia’s head with satisfaction and said: “The situation is good, and the final treatment is correct.”

“Push it down one by one according to the guidelines, and use the curve method until everything fails.”

Gaia wrote down this approach.

Then she was taken to the living room by Ino.

Ino is now officially looking at Gaia.

He really couldn’t use words to describe Gaia’s appearance.

No matter how good the idiom is used, it feels a bit mismatched.

It is hard to describe even if it is modified.

But the characteristics can still express a little.

Gaia has long black hair.

Body type…The girl has the charm of a big sister.

Let you not see whether she is mature or young.

Or maybe she has a little bit of both feelings.

She also has a pair of long legs without shoes.

A pair of bare feet floated on the ground at a distance of 5 cm.

She is probably under Ino’s nose.

Among them, the most beautiful thing about her is… her hands.

That is the place Helen wanted to touch the first time.

You can’t find any flaws in those hands.

A bit more coarse to show the flesh, and a bit less to show the bones.

Slender and not exaggerated.

White jade is true.

Finally, Ino commented on her whole person: “Gathering the beauty of humanity.”

Still this sentence, Ino has never been.

That is to gather all the beauty of mankind.(Read more @

After the praise.

Ino looked at the two who had locked the bathroom door and took a shower and smiled.

He just wanted to activate the gem ability.

But thought Gaia was still here.

Ino couldn’t help but reminded first: “The location of our home does not require consciousness detection, you just sit here first, and I will be back later.”

Gaia nodded, but after thinking about it, she still asked: “I cancelled the consciousness investigation at home, but where is Ino going?”

After canceling the investigation.

Gaia doesn’t know anything about this.

The thought of Ino is somewhere she doesn’t know.

Gaia was a little worried about what to do if he couldn’t see Ino.

Ino smiled: “I’m at home, I’ll be back soon. It’s fine if you can watch TV, or investigate global news.”

Ino finished speaking, helped her turn on the TV, and then disappeared out of thin air.

next moment.

Angela and Helen’s surprised voice came from the bathroom: “Ino! You use your abilities!”

Just said this sentence.

Then there was no sound.

Gaia looked there.

Ino didn’t let her leave, so she could only look back on TV.


Ino, Angela, and Helen all lie down on a sofa in their pajamas.

Ino looked at Gaia sitting on the other sofa and said, “If nothing happens, you will keep the human body. If the body is absent from time to time, it is difficult for you to feel the existence of humanity.”

Gaia nodded and accepted the order.

But Ino waited for her for a long time, and never waited for Gaia’s own thoughts.

Ino asked with a little guidance: “Don’t you have anything you want to ask, for example, I let you maintain your body, where do you want to live, where do you want to sleep, what do you usually do”

Gaia thought for a while and asked: “Where do I live and sleep?”

She didn’t ask what she was doing normally, because she thought it would be nice to be able to watch Ino.

Hearing Gaia’s repeated rhetorical question.

Ino rubbed his head: “You live with us, but which room do you want to live in”

“Sleep with me! A room with me!”

At this time, Helen, who was originally watching TV, suddenly raised her hand and recommended herself.

Although Ino has no problem with this, the main thing is to look at Gaia.

But just when Ino was about to ask.

“do not want.”

Gaia directly refused.


Helen regretfully dragged a long tone: “Why?”

Gaia didn’t return to her, but looked at Ino and said: “If you sleep together, you will stick too close, not used to it, or not Ino.”

Hearing Gaia’s explanation, Ino couldn’t help scratching his head while watching TV.

This reason…he thinks it is better not to explain.

“Then you can only sleep alone. Ino slept with Angela at night.”

Helen rolled her eyes and said, “But we are…the same, we all sleep alone.”

I heard Helen say this.

Gaia’s eyes looked at Angela.

There was envy in those eyes.

Hearing Helen lead the topic to herself, Angela calmly turned her head and looked at Helen and said, “Why, you also want to, then we can 13.



After speaking, she looked at Gaia: “But now, we can only 1.




“No, no, no, no.”

Helen waved her hand quickly.

If she agrees.

It is… the challenge of challenging Angela and Ino to live together for several years.

Although they are all following Ino, their status is the same.

But Angela’s gold content is not her own.

Helen understands this.

But Gaia doesn’t understand this…

Angela just offered an opinion that she was very satisfied with.

Here Helen immediately refused.

This is why Helen doesn’t want to be with Ino at night, it’s impossible.

So Gaia bluntly said: “I think Angela’s opinion is very good, why Helen you want to refuse”

Helen’s face changed, and she quickly stood up and walked to Gaia’s side, pulling her to whisper.

This is the understanding of human nature or underlying personality.

Gaia didn’t know it was normal.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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