Chapter 209 .Operating System of Celestial Computer [3]

The air is a little quiet.

The atmosphere is a little peaceful.

Angela and Helen blinked at each other.

Then he widened slightly at the same time.

Angela asked again and again: “I want to be one of Ino’s girlfriends”


Gaia 2 nodded: “I can only say so much, now you can go to verify.”

“No way, no more.”

Helen and Angela waved their hands straight.

This kind of problem is currently in Ino’s estimation.

How could they dare to ask this question.

That’s not the same as begging to be “cleaned up” severely at night


Gaia 2 is inexplicably at them.

I still wanted to know the above things a second.

I’m scared to death in the next second.

This is why and above the laboratory at this time.

After thinking about it for a long time, Ino could only say one sentence: “It’s not exactly what you think. First of all, you may not understand the true meaning of love.”

Seeing Gaia wanted to talk.

Ino first interrupted: “Wait, I mean the practice and feelings between love, not its explanation, not the way you explain the meaning of your girlfriend.”

Gaia opened his mouth and nodded seemingly.

Then she gave up the questioning and quietly looked at Ino, who had turned around and continued to write the system.

She just floated behind Ino.

The eyes are full of Ino.

Ino, who was writing the operating system mechanism, thought for a while.

Then, without looking back, he said suddenly: “I don’t think you don’t know this…but I deny your request. I think you don’t understand it yet.”

“If you compare it, your current behavior is a bit like instinct, rather than our journey from a stranger to love.”

“If you understand and understand this process, then I can also promise you.”

With that, Ino put down his work and raised his hand.

Gaia blinked and squatted down and put the top of his head in Ino’s palm.

Then Ino kneaded with satisfaction and said, “Although we can easily understand each other’s meaning, I will not reject you as a beautiful girl.”

Is it because you are unfamiliar and refuse to ask, don’t be funny.

Ino still has the characteristics of a man.

How is it possible to have a pure heart and a lack of desires.

Gaia is also so beautiful, as long as she really wants to fall in love, she refuses for various reasons if she has a brain problem.

Hear Ino’s explanation.

A beautiful smile appeared on Gaia’s face and said, “Okay.”


One person watch.

Do it alone.

Ino continued to write programs during this time.(Read more @

So much so that it’s time for the afternoon to go off work.

Ino also didn’t think about leaving work.Although Ino likes to leave work regularly, he is very attentive when he is really busy.

After a while.

Ino looked at the operating system that had written the entire running process.

Suddenly stretched a lazy waist that actually didn’t need to be stretched.

The basic concept of this operating system is…

Whenever you want to use it.

Optical particles will always appear in front of you with a control panel.

It can read the data in the computer.

You can also scan all records on the entity.

Then the whole is stored in Gaia’s energy core.

In the future, you only need to operate this system.

It’s just that the data still needs to be analyzed by existing instruments.


It was…Ino upgraded the computers they used.

It has now been upgraded to a pseudo-celestial computer.

The operating system has also been fully upgraded.

A more powerful operation method than holography.

Recording, reading, calculation and other operation methods are stronger than any method.

Unparalleled information security than the entire universe.

Unless you blast the earth.

Otherwise it is so safe.

Stretch out.

Ino looked at Gaia and said, “The operating system is loaded, and the permissions are only: Ino, Gaia, Angela, Zhao Hailun.”

Gaia nodded.

She looked at Ino’s compiled system.

The stars in his eyes kept flickering.

After a while.

Gaia raised his head and looked at Ino: “Okay.”

“I’ll give it a try first.”

After Ino finished speaking, he couldn’t wait to give it a try.

First, Ino reaches out and stops in the air.

Then a silver-white panel appeared in the air.

It is light gathered with particles, and real objects can pass through.

The operation procedure on the panel is very brief and clear.

It’s nothing more than…reading, calculation and operation process.

But later.

Ino may also design some additional functions separately for its own operating system.

For example, management companies, etc…There are other control methods, etc.

This is much more convenient.

At this moment.

The sound coming up from the laboratory elevator sounded.

Angela and Helen walked out with Gaia 2.

They saw the system operation panel in front of Ino.

Immediately happily walked over and watched.

Helen reached out and nodded.

Go straight through this panel.

During this time.

Gaia 2 scattered directly on the spot, turning into the smallest particles and dissipating in the air.

After Helen found out, she didn’t know what she wanted to say, but her expression was a little abnormal.

After Angela saw it, she nodded her head immediately: “You are thinking about something, didn’t you tell you that Gaia 2 is also Gaia”

“The Gaia you see now can also be regarded as Gaia 2. The current Gaia also knows what we just said.”

After seeing Angela’s explanation.

Ino also understood what Helen was suffering just now.

It turned out that she took Gaia 2 generations as an independent individual.

Instead of treating two Gaia as one person.

Ino smiled and rubbed her head and said, “What the hell your little head is thinking about, haven’t I explained that no matter how many Gaia is, it is controlled by one Gaia with multi-tasking.”

Helen rubbed her face in embarrassment.

She did think so just now.

Gaia 2 suddenly disappeared. She was a little sad, thinking that the Gaia 2 mission would be cancelled after it was completed.

At this time, Gaia’s ontology also said to Helen: “We had a very pleasant conversation in the laboratory just now. You and Angela taught a lot of choices when it comes to humanity or different personalities.”


Ino was interested: “Tell me how they taught you in the laboratory.”

Gaia nodded.

She was just about to say that she was interrupted directly by Angela: “Ino, it’s too late, let’s go home, Helen and I have to take a bath.”

While saying this, she and Helen clenched their fists nervously.

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