Chapter 211 .Tony: Tell me what I did wrong in my research [5]

It’s just…it seems like Helen has explained so many times how long Angela has been here, how big her position is in Ino’s heart, etc…

Gaia still doesn’t understand this…

Even if Angela comes first, the location is big and so on…

But she made this suggestion herself.

The three of us are very satisfied.

But why Helen refused quickly even if he was satisfied.

With this question.

Gaia hasn’t asked clearly yet.

Ino suddenly said, “Gaia, there is a vacant room next to Helen. Usually you can sleep there, but I don’t restrict you. You can do whatever you want. Don’t just stay in the room.”

If Ino only told Gaia that room.

Gaia might really be there. You wait for Ino until they come out the next morning.

In that case, Ino feels too cruel.

“it is good.”

Gaia nodded and agreed.

Ino did not restrict her movement, but also allowed her to move freely.

In this way, she won’t be browsing the earth information all the time.

Although there are indeed many things happening on the earth every moment.

But relative to Gaia’s processing power.

It can be handled every minute and every second.

After a while.

Ino greeted everyone to go back to rest.

Ino was lying on the bed.

Angela was holding his arm with both hands.

His legs are sandwiched between his palms.

In this way, Ino’s entire left hand was locked by Angela.

Hey sighed slightly.

There is no day Angela will not hug herself.

She hasn’t been bored for a day.

Ino slowly closed his eyes, ready to go to bed and relax for a while.

But the next moment.

Ino opened his eyes again and turned to look out of the balcony.

Then he didn’t get angry.

Why because he saw a person: Gaia.

Gaia is sitting on the balcony guardrail at this time.

She supported her chin with both hands and looked at Angela with envy in her eyes.

At the same time, I can watch Ino.

Helpless Ino raised his right hand and hooked her…

Gaia immediately floated over with joy, half kneeling on the edge of the bed and lying on the bed looking at Ino.

Ino whispered, “Is there anything you want to say, why are you here?”

Gaia shook his head.

He also explained in a low voice: “I don’t need to sleep, it’s too boring to stay in the house, and I can’t see Ino in my consciousness, so I’ll look at it myself.”

Ino: …Although he didn’t restrict Gaia’s actions, he didn’t expect Gaia to come to see him sleep.

Ino sighed and asked, “If I didn’t find you, do I have to watch it all night”


Gaia’s cute point.(Read more @

And it still looks like a matter of course.

Hey, Ino sighed heavily and didn’t criticize her first, and then said to Gaia earnestly, “Think about it in another way.”

“How would you feel if I stared at you all night”

“I will be very happy.”

Gaia didn’t want to reply in seconds.

Ino: … raises his free right hand.

Ino held his forehead helplessly.

This…. After thinking about this for a long time, Ino finally said helplessly to Gaia: “On this day, you should sleep next to me. Remember to leave early tomorrow morning.”


Gaia immediately.

The star in his eyes only nodded.

Then quickly lie down on your side obediently.

It seems to fall asleep in one second.

Seeing her is quieter.

Ino lay down again and closed his eyes.

…6 o’clock in the morning.

Ino was awakened by a show.


Woke up like a piglet.

Open your eyes.

Ino looked at the person who arched himself: “Are you a piglet?”

But the person who arched himself did not speak.

Angela gestured to Ino’s right.

Then he looked at Ino with normal questioning eyes.

Ino turned his head.

Good guys.

Gaia hasn’t left yet.

And her posture at this time is still the same as Angela.

Hold your arms with both hands.

Hold your palms between your legs.

So much so that now Ino doesn’t even have any movable hands.

Ino turned back and watched Angela “Sophistry”

Said: “She said she left early in the morning, Gaia lied to me.”

Angela didn’t speak, smiled and kissed Ino on the cheek.

Then she released Ino’s arm and propped up her upper body.

Angela leaned in front of Gaia.

Then he wrapped his long blonde hair around Gaia’s nose.

For a moment.

Gaia opened his eyes immediately.

She looked at Angela and then at Ino.

Then it just disappeared.

Angela lowered her head and looked at Ino with a strange expression.

She didn’t understand what happened to Gaia.

Ino shrugged his shoulders, saying that he didn’t know.

…After that, Ino4 came to the umbrella building.

Standing in the giant office on the top floor.

Ino leaned against the floor-to-ceiling windows and looked at the infrastructure department that was under construction by the sea.

At this time Haidu has been filled in.

A building in the shape of a secret crystal is being built.

It’s just such a large range of space.

The protective umbrella is completely covered with a black cloth, so it is invisible from the outside.

After observing for a while, Ino returned to doing well.

Gaia followed Ino and floated back behind him.

Forget it, this island Ino has been built for 5 days.

The construction will be completed in the last two days.

That is to say, the project will end tomorrow night.

At this moment.

Gaia said suddenly: “Stark wants to call you.”

Gaia finished.

2 seconds Ino’s phone rang Tony’s call.

Took the phone.

As soon as Ino connected to Tony, he said directly: “Tonight is your press conference. Yesterday I wore you to guess the number of Mark and observed all the facilities of the New York Metropolitan Stadium.”

“It’s all set up there, I’ll look it up for you, and there is no problem with the quality.”


Ino smiled and said, “Then you guess I guess the mark number you asked me to guess.”


With his brain a little confused, he said again: “Well, my Mark is progressing very fast, but basically it is constantly breaking through on the basis of the 7th.”

“My final thought is that every part of Mark’s armor can automatically cruise around me and dress.”

“Good idea.”

Ino simply said: “But there is such a mistake in the direction, you have gone the wrong way, but at this stage you are not completely wrong.”

“What! Wrong way!”

Tony immediately asked: “What’s wrong? Tell me quickly. I don’t want to study for a long time. The last sentence is useless. You have studied this passage for nothing.”

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