Chapter 208 .Unlimited clones, countless uses of one mind【2】

Hear Ino and Gaia’s words.

Helen stepped forward curiously and wanted to touch Gaia 2’s body.

But there is no doubt that.

Helen’s finger penetrated the moment he touched it.

Helen retracted her finger.

Came over to touch Gaia’s real body.

Then fun things are born.

Gaia floated 5 centimeters in the middle of seeing Helen’s hand stretched out and floated away.

She floated all the way to the other side of Ino.

Then he looked at Helen and said, “My body is not allowed to be touched before Ino agrees.”


Helen didn’t marvel at anything.

She looked at Ino anxiously, seeking his consent.

Seeing this, Ino smiled and said, “Gaia, except for…I still have Helen and Angela to touch you, but nothing else will work.”


Gaia nodded.

After understanding, Gaia floated back again.

In Helen’s eyes.

Gaia stretched out his slender hand to Helen.

It means…, even if you say that, you can only touch my hand.

“So pretty”

Regardless of the sea….

These…, she first exclaimed.

Then he held it in both hands, looked at it carefully, and smelled it.

Now even Angela came over and watched.

But Gaia 2 just floated there honestly.

Without the control of the body, she would not move.

Helen touched her hand in front of her.

Angela also touched it.

After a while, even Angela sighed: “This is not a mortal body at all.”

“This kind of skin, this kind of beauty, this kind of hand feel, no one can compare it.”


Helen agreed and nodded straight: “As expected, it is a body that brings together all the beauty of mankind. Saying Gaia is the first beauty, I don’t think there is any problem at all.”

Gaia can be said to have gathered the beauty of human beings.

But it’s not only that, it’s just a part of her.

Hearing Angela and Helen were not stingy with compliments at all.

Gaia’s face also showed a little smile: “Thank you.”(Read more @

Angela picked up Gaia’s other hand and said, “Where, we are telling the truth.”

Hear what Angela said.

Gaia turned his head and looked at Ino for an answer.

Because even if everyone said that.

She only believed what Ino said.

Ino smiled and nodded to her: “They are right.”

Hearing Ino’s affirmation, Gaia’s face looked better.


Angela and Helen take Gaia 2 to the room to familiarize themselves with the environment and each other.

And Gaia’s body is still by Ino’s side.

Watching Ino is writing the Earth’s core operating system.

Gaia couldn’t help asking, “Are Angela and Helen both Ino’s girlfriends?”


Ino looked at her with some novelty and replied: “Yes, what’s wrong”


Gaia thought for a while: “I was created by Ino, can I join them as your girlfriend?”

Ino: “……..”

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. The meaning of”

Gaia directly explained: “Girlfriend: The development of free love refers to the process of love, and it is also a process before reaching his wife.”

“But my understanding is: to accompany each other, help each other, be together for a long time or even forever, forever.”

“This fits our situation, and Angela and Helen are also intimate with you because of this identity.”

This…how did you explain this to her? Ino’s mind was thinking about this crazy.

And in the laboratory at this time.

Angela looked at Gaia 2 and asked curiously: “Do you know what Ino is doing upstairs?”

Gaia replied: “I know.”

Helen immediately asked with interest: “What are you doing? I’ll ask Ino to see if you are right.”

They are still curious about Gaia’s multi-tasking ability.

And it didn’t affect it.

Gaia 2 looked at them and said bluntly: “You don’t have this permission, Ino only gives you the permission to touch me.”

Although it sounds a little arrogant.

But the truth is… so.

It’s just that Gaia may not be so flexible in EQ.

So tell the truth.

But Angela and Helen obviously don’t care about this…

They glanced at each other.

It seems to understand and plan something.

Helen looked at Gaia and said, “How do I feel that you don’t know what’s happening above.”

Gaia looked at Helen with a smile: “The old but practical strategy of radical generalization is useless to me, because I don’t influence my thoughts because of emotions.”

“But you are different from what Ino said.”

At this time, Angela took Helen’s words: “Ino allows you to learn humanity and inner life.”

“If you abandon these… to stabilize your mind, then you don’t have the conditions to learn them.”

This…Gaia 2 is in thinking, although this also represents Gaia’s ontology and is also thinking.

But this did not affect Gaia’s actions just now to ask Ino’s girlfriend questions.

Looking at Gaia who is stuck in calculations that cannot solve thinking problems 2.

Angela and Helen glanced at each other: the plan works.

Later, Angela looked at Gaia 2 and suggested: “You only need to say something that is not important, we will listen to it, and then ask Ino to verify it.”


Helen echoed: “But I have to say the key point, otherwise I can’t verify it.”

Look at both of her.

Gaia 2 fell into contemplation, and she had already used the computer countless times in this meeting.

But there is no doubt that the answer is: I must not say! Ino did not give permission! But come back.

The essence of this question is against the question that Ino asked her to learn.

Tangled and tangled.

When Helen and Angela were about to analyze her reaction at this time.

Gaia’s instinct helped her.

[Everything is moving in the favorable direction of Ino, and the problem can be solved in a curve without violating the previous conditions.

Obviously, the question of Angela and Helen does not violate the previous conditions.

Does not constitute a harmful condition for Ino.

So Gaia 2 only said to her a sentence that can run through the whole text: “I want to be one of Ino’s girlfriends.”

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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