Chapter 207 .Global awareness investigation, pseudo-celestial computer [1]

Angela saw this scene.

He quickly took off his white laboratory robe and put it on Gaia.

Gaia looked at it.

Waved his hand to regenerate a piece of clothing on himself.

Then he returned the lab coat to Angela.

Ino looked at Gaia in front of him, and nodded in satisfaction: “Is there anything I want to say or have any thoughts, something to express.”

Gaia slightly lifted up and thought about it.

Then the starlight in his eyes flickered slightly at Ino and said, “How should I call you a father, a master, or…”

Ino reached out his hand to stop her rhetoric, and interrupted directly: “Call my name.”

For a moment.

Gaia’s eyes flashed with regret and said softly: “Ino.”


Ino let out a nasal sound, then looked at Gaia again: “I want to compare the total amount of genetic data, how is your computing power”

Hearing Ino’s words, Angela and Helen both watched and listened quietly and intently.

Gaia’s eyes didn’t blink.

But it seems that there are stars flashing quickly.

This is how she performed when calculating.

After a while.

Gaia said with a low tone in his voice: “I’m sorry…, even if I can use the core of the sun as energy in the future, I can only calculate the surface data of genes.”

When Ino heard it, he scratched his head with his index finger.

The difference is quite far.

The genes are: the background layer in the surface layer and the bottom layer at the end.

Even in the future, Gaia can use the core of the sun as an energy source.

That can only calculate the surface layer.

And now it can only absorb the energy emitted from the surface.

So there are fewer calculations, even the surface layer is difficult.

However, as long as the surface layer is studied, the body of steel is a basic ability.


Ino waved his hand and said without a big deal: “I know how difficult it is to completely explain genes. This is normal. I’m just estimating your computing power.”

After all, even if Gaia can’t count the genes.

She now uses the earth’s core as an energy source for computing power, and she doesn’t know that all the computers on the earth add up to the year of the monkey.

Although she is still not a celestial computer.

But it is already possible to add a pseudo character.

Just use the stellar core as an energy source in the future.

Then she is… a real celestial computer.

Thought of here.

Ino thought for a while and said first: “As you currently have, the level 1 priority is: monitor all things on the earth that are not good for me.”(Read more @

“The priority is: to help Anji and Helen study technological progress together.”

“Priority: manage company business, and learn”

Here, level 1 is the highest, and the latter is.

Gaia nodded.

Accepted the order.

But then she said: “There is a conspiracy that may threaten your employees, do you need me to demonstrate it?”

“My employees pose a threat”

Ino reached out his hand and motioned: “Demonstrate.”

Hear Ino’s words.

Gaia was in the eyes of the three, and she floated to Ino’s side at a distance of 5 cm from the ground.

Then stretched out a hand and waved it across the tabletop.

Then countless light particles gathered.

Several 3 characters that scaled down directly appeared on the table and performed.

It’s as if the person in the video was deducted.

Ino took a look.

Isn’t this Aldrich Kirian, the founder of Extremis Virus?

These three characters started a dialogue.

Among them is Kirian’s words to some retired disabled soldiers.

“As long as you accept the experiment, you will not only have a lot of money after success, but you can also regain your hands and feet, and your family will be happy.”

There are also words to the core experimental members.

“When will you study it! Why is there still such a big defect now!”

Then there was a conversation with a tramp.

“I see you acting very well, following me, I can help you realize the dreams you dare not dream.”

There are many more words in this last category.

For example, under scolding Ino, he couldn’t see the potential of his potion.

In so many conversations.

Ino is most concerned about another person he knows.


That…Vice President, the person controlled by the hopeless daughter.

In the conversation with Kylian, he seemed to be more convinced of Kylian’s potion.

It’s just that Kylian also told him that this potion was defective.

So have to wait for a while.

This is… Rodriguez is afraid that the umbrella can’t get double insurance and now it seems that he is even more convinced of Kylian, who has already hoped.

After reading all these.

These…3 The picture disappeared in an instant as the light particles drifted away.

Ino looked at Gaia again and said: “Follow him at any time. Just notify me in advance before he is harmful to the umbrella staff, and let him go for the rest.”

Gaia nodded, although she doesn’t understand now, she will do it first and learn later.

At this moment.

Helen and Angela discussed it aside.

Then Angela asked actively: “Since Gaia’s computing power is so strong, how do we use it”

Angela’s use is like calculating without a computer.

Gaia stood there alone, and she was not using objects, neither Angela nor Helen knew how to use them.

After all, Gaia only needs to “see” with consciousness

Take a glance, and then think directly that it is…calculated.

But they won’t.

Thinking of this, Ino suddenly reacted: “If you don’t tell me, I forgot about it.”


Ino looked at Gaia and said, “You first go to the underground laboratory with them to get familiar with it, and then I will compile an operating system.”

“You will come back when I call you in a while, and then implement this operating system.”

“At this time, you guys will get to know each other first, communicate and exchange something.”

Gaia nodded.

Then in the surprised eyes of Helen and Angela.

Another “Gaia” floated out of Gaia’s body

This “Gaia”

Looking at Angela and Helen inexplicably, “Shall we go?”

Seeing Helen and Angela looking at her, Ino also reacted and explained: “Her body is originally made of particles.”

“If you read it right, this one around me is an entity, composed of atoms.”

“What you have in front of you is an incorporeal body, composed of light particles.”

Gaia heard Ino’s words and agreed: “Yes, I can distinguish countless Gaias, they are all me, and only I am aware.”

“I can control many me at the same time without affecting the main body.”

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