Chapter 206 .When we first met, my name is Gaia【5】

Saul shook his head, and then looked at the city roads that he looked out from here: “I only worry about God’s Domain now. You are guarding this place. It is safe enough.”

After speaking, Saul looked at Ino seriously and said, “You have helped me a lot, and God’s Domain will remember you. Come to Asgard as a guest when you have time.”

Ino smiled, and shook the hand that Saul stretched over and said, “Besides, I’m very busy now, let’s talk about when there is a long vacation.”

Sol nodded.

Ino looked at Loki again “kindly”

Said: “If you meet other civilizations in the universe, or a purple sweet potato essence.”

“Please ask them for me, and then give them my reputation, okay”

Ino’s words.

All of a sudden, Loki didn’t know whether his eyeballs moved up and down or left and right.

But Ino didn’t care about it…


Sol has given him the coordinates of God’s Domain just now.

Ino looked at them and said, “Then go.”


Sol picked up the mummy Loki: “Goodbye.”


Ino shook his hand.

Thor and Loki disappeared with the blue energy at the same time.

Looking at the empty roof.

Ino also disappeared here.


Tony held his belated product launch on the 3rd as scheduled.

At the press conference, Tony’s clean energy is indeed the world’s leading technology level.

And I don’t know how far it is to throw away the second place.

So needless to say.

Tony’s clean energy cooperation projects are so many that they are really profitable.

But there is one thing that is not good…The news of his umbrella press conference that he warmed up at the press conference was indeed reported to be hot.

This time, Tony’s expression remained uncomfortable for a long time.

Obviously everyone is good friends.

Why do your media always praise the umbrella and not praise me, although I used to do arms before.

But now Tony has corrected it.

But obviously it is useless.

The media was very happy to catch this matter, and ignored Tony at all.

Next, the time for the birth of Gaia that Helen most anticipated is almost approaching.

Accompanied by Helen’s daily record.

They are getting closer and closer to the day Gaia was born.

No. 4.

number 5.

number 6.

It was… the day Gaia was born.

It was also the day before the launch of the New York Metropolitan Stadium.

Today, Helen rarely went to the laboratory for research.

She actually took up the fixed data today to accompany Ino to work.

at the same time.

While she was working, she was also seeing when Ino Gaia could come out.

At this time, Ino’s eyes were away from the computer.

Helen immediately asked in surprise: “Yes.”

Ino looked at Helen helplessly: “This is the 8 you asked me today, can’t you wait for me to tell you?”

Helen spit out a little fragrant tongue in embarrassment.(Read more @

She is indeed anxious today.

Seeing her so anxious.

Ino was immersed in the spiritual world and felt it.

at the same time.

Inside the core of the earth.

A light ball will soon be condensed.

She is like a ball that is too round to be round, and the whole is extremely smooth.

It’s just the color of this surface.

But one thing is changing towards Ino’s gold and silver.


This light ball began to leap with golden and silver light.

These lights are not strong.

But it is impossible to ignore.

With every beat of the light.

This light group faintly floats with a silver celestial pattern.

Then she jumped more and more solidly.

The more you jump, the more real it is.

Finally, until after the last beating, she quieted down.

The gold and silver patterns of the gods are also real.

And in the real world.

Ino raised his hand in Helen’s wide-open eyes.

A full body of gold and silver sphere suddenly appeared in the air.

This is not real, it is a concentrated projection of light.

Helen turned and asked, “This is the core of the earth, which is Gaia.”


Ino nodded.

Helen continued to ask: “Then her appearance, is her female appearance yet to be born?”

“Do not.”

Ino shook his head: “She has been born.”


Helen looked left and right, and said: “Where did I not see her, why would she be invisible?”

Not waiting for Ino to answer this time.

Angela just came out of the elevator.

She looked at the ball of light in the sky and said happily: “Gaia is born”


Ino nodded.

“What about people”

Angela also began to look left and right.

Ino stroked his forehead helplessly: “She is everywhere, there can be entities, or there can be no entities.”

“Want to see is nothing more than… gathering light.”

“If you want to touch it, it’s just… gathering particles.”

“If you don’t want to see, it’s just… emptying your body.”

After speaking, Ino looked at them and said, “Do you understand now?”


Helen screamed: “This is too powerful.”

“That means…”

Angela guessed: “How long will it take to study when she is now learning knowledge”


Ino thought for a while and said, “After all, she was just born, and she is still reading all the knowledge and records that happened on the earth, and then deal with what is useful to me, and then deal with what is beneficial to me.”

“In the end Gaia was born.”

“But this is just knowledge, not character and internality. In terms of human nature, she still has a long way to go.”

Angela opened her mouth slowly after listening.

She guessed how good Gaia would be.

But I didn’t expect Gaia to be so powerful.

Although the golden and silver balls in front of them looked small, they were actually very large in the core of the earth.

And this is also Gaia’s body, or core.

Just after immersing in the office for a while.

Ino suddenly said to the ball of light in the air, “Okay.”

Angela and Helen immediately raised their spirits and looked over.

Start with Ino’s words.

Suddenly, beside the ball of light gathered by the light in the sky, a hand that had been beautifully grasping her suddenly appeared.

Just this palm alone is enough to astound the hands of everyone on the planet.

Then come out and hold the other palm together.

Immediately after.

As countless particles slowly gathered.

A pair of arms slowly emerged.

Then there is the shoulder.







Every part is made up of countless light particles.

She slowly developed a stunning “painting” in the eyes of the three of them

It’s like a match made in heaven.

Gather all the beauty of mankind.

Finally, this unclothed Gaia held the golden and silver core in his hand and opened the starry eyes to Ino softly and said, “When we first met, my name is Gaia.”

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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