Chapter 205 .Send Thor and Loki home【4】

Saw Angela approaching.

The roasted meat in Ino’s hands is enveloped in a burst of blue energy.

Then she drifted away in the opposite direction as Angela came.

Wait until Angela walks over.

She saw that there was really no barbecue in Ino’s hands.

Suddenly, I didn’t know if it was sad or surprised. “Really not…”

Over the years, Ino has not eaten delicious food without her.

But this time I didn’t bring it.

For a moment.

Angela’s little head melon seeds didn’t know what to think.

Under normal circumstances, she has never been so confused.

But the object is Ino.

Some things that shouldn’t be thought of can’t be thought of.

But she couldn’t guess.

Then it became like this.

But just when Ino felt almost okay.

Helen’s voice suddenly sounded: “Ah! Barbecue! Why are you floating in the air.”

With that said, Angela and Ino turned their heads together.

Helen has walked from behind them.

At the same time, Helen walked to a place where Angela couldn’t see and looked at the two floating barbecues curiously.

Angela walked over slowly when she heard it.

But when she saw the barbecue.

Immediately he looked at Ino with bulging cheeks.

It turns out he was teasing himself.

Deliberately letting myself think about it and then dare not think about it.

Angela murmured: “It’s necrotic.”

“What is necrotic”

Helen had already watched it at this time: “How does the packing box and meat products supported by this barbecue have nothing to do with magnetic levitation or magnetic levitation.”

Ino smiled.

He made an unnecessary gesture of emptiness and sliding at the two barbecues.

Then it was in the sight of Angela and Helen.

The two roasts slowly floated in front of them.

Angela and Helen looked at Ino again.

Ino: “Pick up, what are you doing in a daze.”

Hear Ino’s words.

The two hurriedly stretched out their hands to catch it.

But Helen’s little curious eyes still looked at Ino.

Ino silently walked to the rest area and said, “While eating and talking.”

Three people 3 walked to the rest area.

After they were on the sofa, Angela and Helen unpacked the box and ate.

But Helen didn’t seem to eat it well.

Her eyes are still looking at Ino.

It seems to be…I’m saying: let’s explain it as a seasoning.

Ino said helplessly: “This is one of my new abilities, such as manipulating space, teleporting, imprisoning, and even opening up space, etc., but now I have to wait for me to become more proficient in opening up space, and I am not proficient yet.”

Helen finally got the answer.

She quickly ate the meat in her mouth and swallowed it and asked: That’s… is the space gem in the story you told us on the plane?”

“Yes, I remember it very clearly.”(Read more @

Yang said: “There are too many people in the universe who want it, and so far no one has two infinite gems at the same time.”

Angela and Helen had a meal:

They thought about the story that Ino had told.

Angela began to say: “That is to say, there are five more gems.”


Ino nodded and added: “One of them is on the earth, and one can be retrieved through the earth in the future.”

The two on Earth are: Spirit Gem and Time Gem.

What can be obtained through the earth is: reality gems, that is, ether particles.

Angela and Helen thought about the power of these 6 Infinite Gems.

They all shook their heads together.

They can feel the distance between themselves and the gem.

The more you understand people, the more you know if you are…qualified or able to recognize the bottomless gap.



…. Take the gems and use technology to research them.

But basic research has no effect.

No matter how long they study, they just use energy.

They must not be able to grasp the true abilities.

After eating the barbecue.

Helen finished packing the boxes on the table.

Angela went to the refrigerator and took out three bottles of milk.

Then a bottle was given to everyone.

Idle and boring.

Now resting again.

Helen opened the lab and watched the TV that hadn’t been turned on for a long time.

Among them, she turned to a funny show and watched it.

There was a host who asked a deep question.

“What do you think is the difference between the old milk and the current milk”

Face this profound problem.

Ino Three 3 happened to be drinking milk.

After a while.

The guests of the show are so mediocre, there is nothing to watch.

But wait until the show is almost over.

Helen suddenly expressed her opinion: “The milk used to be purer, but now the milk is sweeter. Although it feels better, it feels a bit fake.”

After Helen finished speaking, she looked at Angela again.

It means…what is Angela’s words.

Angela turned her head and looked at the half-drinking milk in her hand.

Then he raised his head and looked at Ino.

Suddenly smiled.

! Ino looked at her smile and suddenly had a bad feeling.

Angela’s smile is always the rhythm of trouble.

But it hasn’t waited for Ino to change the subject.

Angela’s soft voice suddenly sounded: “The milk we used before was all milky, the milk we drink now…”

Speaking of this, she blinked her right eye at Ino.

“It’s all Ino-flavored Ino:…I knew you were going to cause trouble.


Helen understood this sentence instantly after listening to Angela’s words.

She blushed immediately.

Turn aside and look away.

This sentence really is.

Too blushing.

Even Ino held his forehead.

Covered the eyes.


Ino felt that the atmosphere was too warm at this time, so he stood up and said, “It’s night, let’s go home.”

Angela drank the last milk in one sip.

Then he forced Helen to stand up and follow Ino home after drinking.

The next day.

Sol brought Loki, who was tied up with a white cloth, to the top of the umbrella building.

Looking at Loki who was thrown on the ground casually by Sol.

Ino looked at him and smiled and said, “Do you have a long memory?”

“Uh uh uh uh uh”

Loki’s eyes rolled up and down frantically.

I’m afraid that Ino won’t see it, so I’ll give it to him…


Seeing Loki’s appearance, Ino said with satisfaction: “The training is very good, he may be better in the future, but it may be limited to me.”

“These…just whatever.”

Sol didn’t care: “I also know now that Rocky’s nature is like this, it can’t be changed.”

This sentence is… that’s right.

Whether Loki will do good or bad things in the future.

He is the god of tricks.

“The time is almost there, then I will send you back.”

Ino looked at them and said, “Is there anything you want to say”

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