Chapter 169 .Ava drinks blood, Natasha arrives【3】

Ino said, “Then where are you calling so late, just to make sure of this.”

“Uh… almost… right.”

Tony immediately changed the subject and said: “Now I’m going back, anyway…I wear Mark 6 very fast, I can go back to Pepper.”

“Then you go to Pepper as soon as possible, I’ll hang up if it’s okay.”

Ino said.


Tony also hung up after speaking.

After hanging up the phone.

Ino looked at the honest Ava who was still doing next to him and smiled: “Can’t you just relax?”

Hear Ino’s words.

Ava relaxed her tight body a little.

After seeing Ava relax, Ino watched TV with Angela and Helen again and asked Ava: “How is your body? Is there any time to move forward to the molecules recently?”

Ava shook her head gently: “Like normal people, I should have been a little painful at this time, but now I hardly feel anything.”

“Almost nothing.”

Ino watched the TV and asked again: “It just feels a little bit, right?”

Ava was taken aback, but nodded anyway.

She does feel a bit of molecular tearing.

But it is not yet painful.

Isn’t it… Ino is going to give himself blood to drink! For an instant.

Ava’s eyes almost turned into light bulbs, and Blingbling flashed.

The look of expectation.

It’s like… you want to give your pet dog a look.

Lying on the sofa, Ino directly felt Ava’s hot gaze.

Angela and Helen are sitting on another sofa.

Ino thought for a while, and Ava had completed the first task he gave her.

Then reward it.

Ino lay down on the sofa and took out the left hand that was under him.

Then stretch your arms out of the sofa and let your arms hang in the air from the elbow.

Finally, he hooked at Ava who was looking forward…finger.

And split the tissue that controls the wrist.

A little blood came out.

A haunting shadow flashed past.

Then Ino’s left hand was held by a figure kneeling on the ground and sucking his wrist.

But because Ino only split the organization a bit.

There is not much bleeding.

Ava eagerly scratched her tongue again and again.

Feel this state.

Ino smiled happily, and stretched out his right hand to touch Ava’s head.

Then control the increase in bleeding.

Watching Ava whose suction power suddenly rises.

Ino’s action is because when he first thought of training pets, you often used an action or a whistle or a name.

A pet that has been trained many times will produce a physiological memory response to the action made this time.

Will be more conscious next time.(Read more @

On the sofa next to him, Angellaren looked at Ava.

After a glance, Helen turned her head blushing.

But Angela is always there: Look, she’s quite curious.

Helen whispered to Angela, “Did Ino treat you like this at night?”

Suddenly Angela poked Helen with her finger and said, “You envy you.”

“How can I”

Helen said something that she couldn’t hear clearly.

After speaking, she looked at Ava secretly.

Even the trained woman is closer to Ino.

Instead, he has only kissed Ino once by himself.

At this moment.

Fury sent a text message to Ino.

Nick Fury: Natasha is going to see you tomorrow morning to find out the situation. Do you have time? I don’t know what Fury is going to do. Ino took the phone in one hand and replied: Yes, let her come.

Regardless of….

What does Natasha want to do.

Let’s understand it first.

Anyway…what can Natasha do.

A few minutes later.

Ino turned his head and watched Ava, who had sucked to the point of trembling, suddenly closed her tissue.

Puff! Ava fell on the real blanket under the Ino sofa and continued to tremble.

Seeing this Angela stood up.

Then she went to the washing room and took a wet towel to wipe Ino’s wrist clean and put it back.

After watching the whole process, Helen felt that the gap between herself and Angela was not so big.

I’m still watching TV here.

Angela suddenly cared about this matter and went to help.

The gap visible to the naked eye.

After wiping his wrists, Ino put his left hand back.

And because of her position, she couldn’t see Ava lying under the sofa.

So Ino chooses to wait for Ava to get up by herself.

Keep trembling if you tremble.

Wait until she comes over again.

I just gave her a drink for about 2 points last time.

It’s been several minutes this time.

Jin is a bit big.

After half an hour.

The trembling Ava propped herself up with her hands.

Then she suddenly softened her hands and lay down on the glass table in front of the sofa.

Looking at Ava’s back, Ino smiled and said, “Block me from watching TV.”

Puff! Ava slid onto the blanket again.

After listening to Ava taking a deep breath for half an hour again.

She finally withdrew first, then stood up and sat back on the original sofa.

Helen took a peek at Ava’s red cheeks and flooded eyes.

Suddenly, he flushed.

…The next day.

Ava who was resting yesterday has returned to S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau.



And Ino3 people went to work as usual.

Anyway…The Cube will eventually reach the roof of the Stark Building in New York City.

Just wait here for a few days.

As for the next thing in downtown New York.

Ino is going to let Angela take Helen out to travel or have fun today.

After all, Helen didn’t have much fighting power.

And Angela can take her to protect herself.

So instead of… researching in the basement while wearing it.

It’s better to let them go out for a few days.

At this moment.

The front desk called: Natasha Romanov, who made an appointment yesterday, has arrived.

She has no dangerous items and can go up.

Ino: “Let her come up.”

After a while.

The door of Ino’s giant office was pushed open.

Ino looked at the computer and said intently: “Agent Natasha is not in S.H.I.E.L.D..


…. Dealing with so many things, how come you have time to come to me, what’s the matter?”

But strangely, Natasha didn’t answer Ino’s words.

Instead, Ino felt someone walk up to his table.

Through the corner of his eye, Ino saw a touch of black silk cloth instead of leather.

Isn’t Natasha’s combat uniform a black leather tights? With doubts, Ino raised his head.

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