Chapter 170 Natasha: God, can you still pretend? 【4】

After seeing Natasha’s dress clearly, Ino’s eyes calmly asked: “Agent Nata is wearing this suit, who is it for you to show to those men on the street?”

To tell the truth.

Natasha is not a normal dress, right in Ino’s cognition.

This Timo wears piano-driven clothing, which is not a normal dress.

This black cheongsam with side waist and large back exposed.

The forks on the legs of the long cheongsam are going to the back.

The key is that Natasha is also equipped with a master teacher.

She curled her head and changed the appearance of the rose before, suddenly there was a little bit of dignity.

But it’s not completely dignified yet.

There is still such a black rose, or the feeling of a vixen.

The two are fused together.

Suddenly it was a bit comparable to Angela’s special state of dressing up Ino at night.

Facing Ino’s problem.

Natasha leaned forward at the desk, leaning forward slightly, “I changed it outside and came in, but it’s a pity that you didn’t install a camera.”

“Why is there no camera”

Ino looked at Natasha questioningly: “Whoever told you that the camera in the corridor must be installed in the corridor”

Natasha’s face changed slightly.

But fortunately, she still kept her underwear when she changed her clothes.

But Ino has turned his notebook around.

A software has been opened on the display.

A video of Natasha changing clothes is playing in the software.

The camera location for this video was not in the hallway.

But in the mirror outside the window.

Natasha silently wrote down the Tibetan method for this kind of position.



…. Agent Natasha, what do you want to do”

Ino turned the notebook around again and said, “Are you here to avenge me for expelling you”

“Do not”

Natasha hooked her mouth.

Then he bypassed the unexpected desk and came to the boss chair where Ino was sitting.

She reached out and put her hand on Ino’s shoulder.

After thinking for a while, Ino nodded and said, “The next moment you come to kill me, my neck will be broken.”

Natasha complained: Who can break your neck.

But Natasha still slid Ino’s neck with her index finger and said, “Last time I asked Angela to make an appointment for me, but you refused, now… “So now you want to live,, Would you like to make an appointment?”

Ino asked, reaching out and pushing Natasha’s hand from her shoulder, “Sorry, I don’t make an appointment, and your index finger tickles me.”

Natasha:…Are you a eunuch? Because Ino makes a chair that can rotate.

Natasha then directly pressed Ino’s shoulders to turn him from facing the desk to side facing the desk.

Then Natasha suddenly sat on Ino’s lap again.

Done off.

Both thighs wrapped in silk stockings are placed outside.(Read more @

Ino was forced to lean on his back: on the cushion, staring at Natasha and said: “Are you crazy or crazy”

Natasha put her hands on Ino’s shoulders.

Then he slid down and said, “What would happen if Angela and Zhao Hailun came this time”


Ino smiled at the corner of his mouth: “They will watch how you serve me well, and maybe they will teach you if you are interested.”

But Natasha slowly lowered her hand and said, “Is that right, but I think…Are they really not angry?”

Ino chuckled and shook his head: “Do you know why Angela recruited as my personal secretary?”

Natasha still smiled and said: “Why?”

Ino hooked his finger.

Natasha put her ear to Ino’s mouth.

“Because you are in good shape, something is up.

Secretary, okay secretary.”

Hear Ino’s words.

Natasha did not stop with her palm down.

And Ino looked at Natasha with his head in his hands with a smile on his face: “I want to see what you want to do, such an obvious purposeful behavior, you don’t think I can’t see it.”

Natasha doesn’t care so much.

Still did not stop the work at hand.

She even got off Ino’s lap.

Then squat down again.

……After a while.

Ino continued to hold his head with both hands and leaned on the boss chair, watching Natasha swallowing with a chuckle and said, “That’s it.”

Natasha, who was hit hard, wiped the corners of her mouth.

But I thought it shouldn’t.



…. The intelligence shows that Ino only has Angela and Helen.

Then in such a dangerous place, Ino wouldn’t even be able to resist, he really wasn’t afraid of being discovered.

And Natasha herself has been dragging on the process just now long enough.

But then… the two still didn’t come out.


Even if Ino doesn’t resist, he doesn’t even take the initiative, as long as Natasha takes the initiative and uses guidance to test Ino’s power far beyond normal people.

But he doesn’t care at all.

You show a little bit of strength, OK?

Finally Natasha stood up and looked at Ino deeply.

Just now Ino deliberately placed a large amount.

Natasha also swallowed for a long time.

But if this continues.

It is impossible to test the power of Ino.

Thought of this.

There was a fierceness in Natasha’s eyes.

Don’t do it, don’t stop.

Natasha jerked up her straight high heels.

Then he used his full strength and kicked towards Ino without the possibility of regaining his strength.

What a special thing.

Cut off children and grandchildren.

Ino violently grabbed Natasha’s ankle kicked over.

But next.

Natasha said in a tone as if I had won: “The gods can’t pretend yet”

Although Natasha’s tone was brisk.

But Ino was angry.

This method is really vicious.

Ino squeezed Natasha’s chin, then lifted her up directly and said, “You are sure to win”

Cough cough for a moment.

Natasha’s face flushed.

Ino’s strength this time was not small.

An ordinary person can be strangled to death in less than ten seconds.

Natasha held Ino’s arm with both hands.

Both feet kicked indiscriminately.

But obviously it didn’t work.

Ding Dong at this time.

The elevator in the office rang.

Angela and Helen came up.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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