Chapter 168 .The American team persuades Ava to return temporarily [2]

“and many more….”

At this time even Tony started to be confused.

After he fell slowly, he scratched the metal helmet with his metal fingers and said, “You are not trying to slow down because you are afraid that you will not be able to beat me.”

“I can’t beat you”

Saul took the hammer and said disdainfully: “My thunderbolt won’t kill you in a steel skin.”

“That’s sorry.”

Tony spread his hands to both sides and said: “The energy that my Ark reactor can hold is too much, and you were just charging my armor.”

Sol wanted to walk a few steps forward and said: “Then you want me to take a hammer and beat you down before going to Ino”

Tony also stepped forward and said, “I’m afraid that if you have a bruised nose and swollen face, going to Ino will cause the misunderstanding that I deliberately beat you up.”

At this moment.

Tony and Sol stood facing each other.

Both of them were full of strength.


“You guys don’t fight anymore!”

Before I saw the figure, I heard a word from the voice.


After a while, Steve, wearing a blue and red star-striped tights, turned over a tree trunk and stood on it.

“Um… you guys are fighting”

It may be a little different from what you expected.

When Steve turned up the trunk and looked over.

Tony’s faceplate opened and he was hooked on his shoulders with Thor.

That smile seems to be very happy.

It’s like an old friend.

“of course not.”

Tony explained: “We seem…maybe…maybe we knew each other before, and then it was too dark to recognize.”

After speaking Tony turned his head to look at Sol.

Saul responded with a single reaction: “Yes, it’s too dark, I didn’t notice that he is… Iron Man, so we suddenly recognized each other after a few times.”

……. Steve looked like you were teasing me and said, “It’s really like this.”


Tony and Sol nodded together.

Steve asked again: “Then why are you here?”

He naturally asked Sol.

Sol let go… he put his arm around Tony’s shoulder and pointed at Loki on the mountain, and said, “I’m here to organize Loki’s conspiracy. He must do something bad with the Cosmos Cube.”

“But now the Rubik’s Cube is gone.”

Steve looked at Saul and asked, “It’s better to go to the Aerospace Aircraft Carrier, where we have our Avengers, and Loki can be locked there temporarily.”

Sol thought for a while: “No problem, but after this, I have something to go. You can’t abuse Rocky, and you can’t care about me. Then we will find the Rubik’s Cube together.”

Subsequently.(Read more @

Natasha landed in a fighter plane.

He took the three of them back to Kongtian.

After arriving.

Fury looked at the group of people and said, “It’s already past 11 o’clock in the evening. Loki will be closed for one night. I’ll talk about it tomorrow. You guys have to go to rest.”


Loki was first locked in a special green cage.

The others go to rest first.

And Natasha approached Fury to discuss Ino’s affairs.

Natasha said: “I need to make an appointment with Ino tomorrow, preferably in a place with few people, and as long as he uses a different power than a mortal, it is equivalent to proving his strength to me.”

Fury thought for a while: “Just his office.”

Natasha was taken aback.

It’s so exciting…At the same time at night.

Ino’s ocean view villa.

Unlike usual, there are 4 people in the hall this time.


It is 4 people.

Because Ava is back temporarily.

Ino leaned on the big sofa, and Ava was told by Ino to sit on the small sofa next to her.

Ava sat down and said: “I have found the place where Zola is hiding. It is in an ammunition warehouse. There are many old-fashioned computers in it. They look very old and the monitors are all big-headed.”

The big head-shaped display is… there is a very large shell behind it.

That is already a very old monitor.

Ino nodded and said, “The location is the same as in my heart, it seems to be there.”

“But you don’t need to move it right now, you need to wait a while, and you can go to confirm it afterwards.”

Ava nodded, but a moment later she raised her head and asked: “When can I be there forever: by your side”

Ava said.

Immediately, Angela and Helen, who were sitting across from her together, smiled and hurriedly started whispering.

Ava immediately changed her words when she found out, “I mean bodyguards, which is not right.”

“I mean under you…doing things.”

I don’t know if the meaning of Ava’s second sentence is… clearly expressed.

Anyway…Ino feels just like: I’ll give you something to eat, it seems to mean the same thing.

It depends on people to understand.

Ino leaned on the sofa, watching Ava sitting upright, her back straight, her hands on her knees, and Ava smiled and said, “It won’t be long before, SHIELD.


…. There will be a crash without 2, and then it will be… the day you leave.”

Ava nodded happily, 2 years, really short.

But she still asked doubtfully: “S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau.


…. will crash”

“Didn’t you see Zola?”

Ino changed his posture and lay on the sofa and said, “He is a hydra, and S.H.I.E.L.D..


…. The same people full of Hydra.”

“It’s just that Fury thought it was over, so he didn’t know it at all.”

A shock emerged in Ava’s heart.

She stayed inside for so long and found no evidence of Hydra at all.

But it turned out that it was already full of Hydra agents.

At this moment.

Tony called.

After Ino connected, Tony said, “Hey, Ino, do you know someone named Sol”

What happened to Solsol.

Ino replied: “Yes, when he was kicked out of God’s Domain, I took him in for a few days, and then taught him some knowledge, what’s wrong?”

“It’s okay, Saul is helping Fury now.”

Tony said, then he looked at and heard Ino’s words, and he was confident that Sol hammered his chest and said again: “We went to find a reindeer, and when we brought it back, we ran into Sol. .”


There was no fight.

That’s just the acquaintance between men.

Hearing this, Ino knew that Loki was caught.

Then it should be in the green jar of the aerospace carrier now. Feilu reminds you: three things to read

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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