Chapter 167 Ino discussed during Sol vs. Tony【1】

Come to the command room.

The observation agent just now took the seat.

He pointed to the monitor and said: “The target didn’t want to haze his identity. He appeared directly in the 28th birthday banquet hall in Hanover, Stuttgart, and Hannover.”

Fury glanced at Natasha, and directly told him: “Take Captain America to find him. If you can catch it, you will be caught.”

Natasha nodded and walked out quickly.

Then Fury called Tony again and asked him to help too.

After all, from the perspective of Loki’s energy cannon and physical fitness.

Captain America and Natasha didn’t necessarily fight him in the past.

a couple of hours.

Captain America, who arrived at the goal, just finished saying “Meow!”

Rocky had a fight.

Then Natasha also drove a fighter plane to the scene.

Then Tony arrested the reindeer with deterrence.

But just as Natasha took Steve and Tony back to the air carrier.

The night weather suddenly thundered with dark clouds and thunder.

Natasha frowned and looked at the weather outside: “Where did this lightning come from”

And Rocky straightened up and looked around.

Steve glanced at him: “What’s the matter, are you afraid of lightning”

Rocky looked at Steve and replied, “I don’t like the guy who thunders for a while.”

Bang suddenly.

The sound of heavy objects was heard from the moving fighter.

Then the entire fighter shook violently.

Tony looked at the top of the machine and directly reached out to take the helmet and put it on.

Then he reached out and opened the door of the cabin.

But at the moment of opening.

Saul came in directly and hammered Tony away without a word.

Then he grabbed Loki’s neck and shook the hammer and flew away.

Tony stood up directly as if chasing him.

Steve blocked: “Wait a minute, we have to make a plan.”

Tony paused: “The plan is…: combat.”

Then he flew away and chased Thor.

Natasha looked at the situation behind and said helplessly: “I can’t control Tony Stark at all.”

Steve picked up the parachute and said, “I don’t want to worry about it either.”

Then he jumped down.

….. Here Thor threw Loki onto a mountain.

He put the hammer on the ground and said, “I thought you were dead.”

Rocky coughed and said, “You mourned me.”

“We are all in mourning, and our father.

Er said.

“That’s your father.”

Loki woke up: “He told you about mine, right?”(Read more @

“But he raised us together!”

Sol also reminded Rocky: “We grow together, we fight together, we learn together!”

“But you threw me into the abyss with your own hands.”

Loki looked at Thor deeply and said, “Who am I? I am the king!”

“So you want to occupy this world to compensate for your inexplicable inferiority complex”

Saul asked first and then affirmed: “No, you can’t.”

“Humans here are killing each other in droves.”

Loki chuckled slightly: “I’m going to rule them, but you think I can’t.”

“Do you think you are stronger than everyone in the Mortal Realm”

Sol asked directly.


Loki affirmed: “The god you said, he may not be very powerful.”

“That’s because you don’t know what a king is!”

Sol solemnly said to Loki: “You don’t know how to heal the country.”

“If you do this, even if you become a king, Asgard will only be buried with you!”

“Don’t think you will become a king after a few days of studying the gods!”

Rocky couldn’t help directly shouting, “I don’t know what you look like, you’re just a fool!”

“That was me before, Loki.”

But Saul shook his head and admitted: “Now everything has changed.”

“Don’t lie!”

Loki pushed Sol away.

He also said at the same time: “I have seen a new world that you don’t know. When I fell, the sky had eyes and a blessing in disguise.”

“I have seen the true power of the Cosmos Rubik’s Cube. When I master it…”

“and many more….”

Sol directly found the key: “Who let you see, who is behind yours”

Loki shook his head and smiled: “It’s useless if you ask, the Rubik’s Cube is not with me, and I don’t know where he is.”

Thor clenched his teeth, reached out his hand to summon the hammer and held it in front of Loki and said, “I heard Loki, give up your unrealistic thoughts, then…”

Bang hasn’t waited for Sol to finish.

He was directly hit by a red and yellow figure.

Looking at the deserted mountain top.

Loki blinked and rolled his eyes: “I’m listening.”

And to Sol’s side.

He was thrown directly to the ground by Tony.

After a glance at Sol, Tony turned around and prepared to walk: “Don’t be nosy, as long as he handed over the Cosmos Rubik’s Cube, then do whatever you want.”

“But before that, it’s best not to get in the way, foreigners.”

Bang! This time it’s a bit different.

Tony, who had just finished speaking, was directly hit by a hammer.

Tony fell to the ground and said, “I want to fight.”

For an instant, Tony flew directly to Sol and fired an energy cannon.

Then he raised it again and bombarded Sol again.

After being taught twice by Ino.

Tony won’t go to melee casually now.

But unfortunately.

Thor is Thor.

Boom! Thor’s hammer hit the sky, and the power of thunder immediately gathered on it.

Then it hit Tony directly.

Jarvis: Sir, the energy reaches 400%%%.

Tony stretched out his palm: “Try this.”

Boom! A beam of energy stronger than before hit Sol.

Then don’t wait: Sol gets up.

Tony went straight to the sky again.

Then stretched out both hands to open the built-in missile.

The armour-piercing bullet bay of the shoulder entity also opened.

For a moment.

This weapon that can make a person’s bones is directly aimed at Sol.

“Do you think I will fight you in close combat wearing a steel armor”

Tony chuckled twice: “If I was seen just now, Ino would call me stupid again. He has scolded me twice.”

“and many more….”

Sol, who was about to get angry just on his stomach, suddenly looked at Tony and asked, “You know Ino”

“How do you know”

Tony said coldly: “But I hope you don’t say that you are very familiar with him, because I have never heard of you, and I know him better.”

“When I came here a few months ago, he helped me.”

Sol looked at Tony and said, “Then Ino also taught me some important knowledge.”

“But I didn’t have time to thank him when I came here this time. I was about to go after Loki was settled.”

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