Chapter 164 .Fry arrives, summon the Avengers [3]


Tony’s cell phone still on the table rang.

Jarvis’s voice also followed: “Sir, your phone, my… Stark program has been modified.”

This is not Tony’s house, so…The security designed by Pepper is really bad.

Then Tony’s phone heard Ferry’s voice.

“Stark, we have to talk.”


Tony picked up the phone, his face suddenly became formal and said, “What you see now is a brand new image of Tony Stark, something is up.

Please leave a message.”

“It’s urgent.”

Ferry said solemnly.

“Then hurry up and leave a message.”

Tony didn’t pretend either.

Next to Dingdong Ino, the elevator door behind Tony suddenly opened.

Tony saw Fury walking over with the phone in his ear and said to Pepper: “The security system is also finished, it’s all designed by you.”

At this moment Ino also turned his head to look at Fury and said: “Hi, Fury.”


Fury took a deep look at Ino and then watched Tony hand him a tablet and said: “Emergency. It’s very urgent. You can look at it as soon as possible. I’ll leave after talking.”

Tony pursed his mouth.

Pepper took the wine glass in one hand and helped Tony pick up the tablet: “He doesn’t like other people handing him things.”

After speaking, Tony moved aside.

Then he stretched out his hand to Ino and said, “I have finished drinking, can you help me get the bottle”

Ino’s other hand holding the glass hands the wine bottle to Tony.

Fury: …It’s okay.

got used to.

normal phenomenon.

Watching Tony fill his glass.

Pepper took the bottle and handed the tablet to Tony.

Tony walked back drinking and opened the tablet.

Then directly use Jarvis to project the documents and videos inside into the air.

For a moment.

Pepper, who had just followed Tony, was stunned by watching the video.

There is the Destroyer’s uproar on the streets of New York.

Something Hulk hated in the Harlem War.

Tony also fought against Vanke at the New York Expo.

More of these…The gods who have participated in all except…Destroyer.

I don’t know these things.

At first glance, even Tony’s brow furrowed.

It turns out that there has been so much love in the past two years.(Read more @

See Tony being processed.

Fury walked to Tony’s original sofa and sat down:

Then I picked up the wine and glass and poured myself a glass.

He seemed to carelessly looked at Yi Nuo and said, “Too many things have happened in the past two years.”

Ino hugged Angela and Helen and nodded: “Indeed.”

Immediately afterwards, Fury nodded and said: “You suddenly went to Malaysia two years ago and we have not been able to figure out why you are going.”

After speaking, he took a sip.

It means…it’s the same time as when you started to move.

And still: when he raised his head, he looked at Ino with one eye.

But Ino, who looked at Tony, slowly turned his head, then stared at Ferry and said: “Just say what you want, I don’t like to cover it up.”

Facing this kind of problem with Ferry.

If you don’t find a reason or change the topic, it’s a cover up.

Just ask him directly what he wants to do.


Fury put the wine glass on the table: “I’m just curious.”

After speaking, Fury praised Angela and Helen without even looking at them, “Your girlfriends are very beautiful.”

This is just a daily compliment.

Fury Lian never looked at them.

But obviously neither Angela nor Helen ignored Fury.

They turned their heads and whispered behind Ino.

Ino turned his head to look at Tony again: “Thank you for the compliment.”

“I told Ino that the Avengers were just a fake name, and I thought there was nothing to do.”

At this time, Tony’s voice came after watching these videos: “But now you tell me to deal with such a big thing.”

I heard Tony tell this to Ino.

Ferry turned his head to look at Ino.

Ino looked back at him: “I don’t know, but I know now.”

Fury didn’t tell Tony everything about Loki in this document.

For example, Loki said that Ino is…the gods said nothing about Tony.

Because Fury still has no direct evidence to prove it.

Unless Loki came over and said he had said it.

Otherwise, it’s useless to say Ferry himself verbally.

Fury looked at Tony: “I will send you the follow-up information tomorrow after I finish sorting it out, with a coordinate attached.”

“I need you to be there before noon the day after tomorrow, and then we need to deal with a lot of troubles, and there are still very serious matters.”

Tony knew this was a serious matter.

He took a look at Ino and said, “No problem.”

He always felt that Fury still had a lot to tell him.

And Fury’s words seem to be meaningful.

Is the subject Ino?

Fury stood up and tidyed up the windbreaker on his body. He went out and said, “Then I will go first. All I want to say is this…”

Wait until Ferry is gone.

Tony looked at Ino again and opened his mouth, not knowing what he wanted to say.

But Ino directly said: “I don’t join any organization.”

Tony nodded understandingly.

He raised the wine glass in his hand and touched Ino.

Tony changed the subject and said: “Did you say that I was inspired by your neurotechnology last time. Now the brand-new Mark 7 is being tested.”


Ino asked: “What’s new?”

“The biggest function is…, the hand-foot chip positioning function.”

Tony raised his hand and demonstrated: “As long as I bring a bracelet, Mark’s armor can fly over and take possession of myself in automatic cruise mode.”

Tony asked Ino after a demonstration that he didn’t know what to do with his hands and dances: “Is it super handsome?”

Ino grinned, he really didn’t want to say how Tony was doing just now.

But Pepper said directly: “You looked like a fool just now.”

Pop! Tony slapped his thigh, his mouth was pursed and he didn’t know what to say.

Then the time came to 10 o’clock in the evening.

Seeing nothing happened, Ino took Angela and Helen to bid farewell to Stark.

on the way.

Helen drove the car.

Angela sits in the co-pilot and Ino sits in the back row.

Angela asked in front: “Nick Fury seems to know that you are a god.”

“I saw it a long time ago.”

Ino closed his eyes and leaned on the cushions: “He didn’t look right when he entered the door, so I don’t have to think about it.”

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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