Chapter 163 .S.H.I.E.L.D. 7 level alarm, power outage in the building [2]

Thinking about it, Hill looked at Rocky who was going to the back row and asked, “Who is that person?”

Hawkeye didn’t know how to say, “Commander Fury didn’t let me tell you.”

Seeing Loki ignore himself.

Hill wondered about the central area.

Sneer at this time.

Just as Hill walked back.

Ferry’s voice rang from her walkie-talkie: “Hill, can you hear that Patton has rebelled!”

At the same time, Fury buttoned the bullet off his body armor.

When Hill heard Fury’s words, he slammed behind the wall.

Hawkeye also drew his pistol and shot at Hill at the same time.

Bang Bang Bang!!! All three shots hit the wall.

Although it didn’t hit Hill.

But Hawkeye’s purpose has arrived.

He immediately sat in the driver’s seat and stepped on the accelerator and left.

After Hill took a few more probe shots to no avail.

Fury’s order was passed: “They took the Rubik’s Cube, stop them!”

Immediately afterwards, Hill drove and pursued.

And Fury also ran out and took a helicopter to chase Loki.

Boom! The explosion sounded.

Immediately after the rumbling, the earth began to collapse, and the tunnel gradually destroyed.

Hill was temporarily trapped outside the tunnel.

Da da da da because the speed of a helicopter is much faster than a car.

So after a while, Fury flew to the front of the Rocky vehicle in a helicopter.

Open the hatch.

Fury pulled out his pistol and shot.

Boom, boom, boom! However, Loki directly grabbed onto the back seat of the pickup, holding the psychic scepter and firing the energy cannon again.

Rocky’s counterattack directly bombed the propeller of the helicopter.

The helicopter without the propeller stalled instantly and was about to fall to the ground.

It was about to crash, and it was not high from the ground.

Fury jumped directly from the helicopter.

Although it was okay, when Fury reacted.

Loki has not only been there.

At this time, Coleson called from his walkie-talkie: “Sir Fury, do you hear it, Sir Fury?”

Fury picked up the walkie-talkie and said directly: Fang was taken away by an unknown enemy, how many casualties we have, Hill.”

Hill got off the damaged car and said, “A lot of people have been killed. For the time being, I don’t know how many people will survive.”

Ferry nodded: “Is an urgent order.

All the people who were not involved in the rescue will go and retrieve the box for me immediately.”

Hill: “I see.”

Fury ordered again: “Coleson, you go back to the base and sound the level alarm.”(Read more @

“From the current situation, the war has begun.”

Coleson picked up the walkie-talkie and replied: “What should we do?”

Fury thought for a while: “You go to invite Captain America, I believe you can complete this task.”

“Then you tell Natasha to find the big guy, it’s time for him to appear on the stage.”

“but me.”

Fury was silent for a while and then said, “I’ll go to Tony Stark first, and I’ll talk later.”

…8 o’clock in the evening the next day.

The Stark Industrial Building, a building in the center of New York City, was completely dark with no light.

When everyone thought something was wrong.

Ino took Angela and Helen to the top of the Stark Tower.

There is no Tony here at this time.

Because Tony is now wearing Mark 6 and disconnecting the cable in the ocean.

Inside the lounge on the top floor.

Because of the power outage, it was pitch black and only a few fluorescent lamps provided bright light.

Ino and Angela, Haili sat on the sofa.

Pepper is waiting at the gate for Tony’s work to be completed.

After a while.

Tony’s voice came from Pepper’s phone: “Close the switch.”

Pepper closed the switch.

In an instant, the entire Stark Tower began to turn on a thousand lights.

In the waiting room, Tony’s head also appeared.

He asked Ino, “It’s pretty, it’s like Christmas.”

Ino leaned on the sofa and said helplessly: “You just break a bit and then change the line. In fact, nothing has changed. You asked me if I was beautiful.”

“But it’s already good, isn’t it?”

After speaking, Tony flew to the landing platform of the building.

As he slowly walked into the room, several robots along the way kept disassembling the Mark 6 on his body and storing it away.

Walk into the lounge.

Tony took out a bottle of iced wine on a wine counter, then took out a few more glasses, put them on a plate and put them on the table in front of Ino’s sofa.

Then he also found a sofa and sat down with Pepper.

Pepper took a tablet and looked at it and said: “The current situation is fairly stable. I will go to Washington to make an appointment for the other three buildings tomorrow. You will get the press conference.”

Tony suddenly twitched his mouth and picked up a glass of wine and said, “Now is the time to celebrate. Don’t talk about so many work matters, it’s so sad.”

After speaking, he looked at Ino and said, “Yes, Ino.”

“This is your job, not my job.”

Ino replied.


Angela and Helen each also picked up a glass of wine.

Then he took another cup and gave it to Ino.

“In fact, Pepper’s work is a bit more.”

Tony took the wine glass and said, “The security system of this building was designed by Pepper.”

“Although the elevator is not private, sometimes there will be a lot of stinky sweat…”

“The security system is so-so, everything is good except not rigorous at all.”


Ino silently raised his glass and drank.

Tony also felt that the situation was not right.

He turned his head to look.

Pepper was glaring at himself with the tablet.

“I mean.”

Tony immediately turned over and said: “The mansion is your child, it has 12% of your shares, so whatever you want.”


Pepper lowered his head and continued to look at the tablet and said: “My child I only have 12% of the shares.”

“Then you change the elevator to be the same as the umbrella, with only one floor, from the first floor to the top floor.”

Tony looked at Pepper seriously and said, “I can increase it to 15%.”

He looked at Pepper whose face was obviously stiff.

Ino couldn’t help but smile and relax with a glass of wine.

Even Angela and Helen did this at the same time.

All three of them acted exactly the same in an instant.

At this moment.

Jarvis’s voice sounded: “Sir, SHIELD.


…. Director Ferry called.”

Tony said directly: “When I say I’m not here, I will really find it when we are in a party, what is he doing?”

Jarvis: “Sir, I’m afraid he won’t believe it.”

Tony held a glass of wine and said, “Be confident of Jarvis. As long as we believe it, then this is true.”

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