Chapter 165 .Banna and Natasha came to the umbrella [4]

“But… does he have any evidence?”

Helen interrupted as he drove in the car.

“There is no evidence, but he should know.”

Ino continued: “When the Cube of the Universe was snatched by Loki, Loki, who was fighting with Thor in God’s Domain, must have known something.”

“Otherwise, how could the braised egg come over to look at me inexplicably today, as if I owed him a ton of vibrating gold.”


This big red four-seater sports car drove home.

no way.

If the two-seater transparent engine silver sports car was still used, Helen would have no place to sit.

at the same time.

Africa region.

Banner was tricked into a remote place by a little girl while helping a local person who was ill.

He looked at the little girl who had turned the window and murmured, “I should charge him first.”

At this moment.

Natasha walked out from behind him.

“For… a person who needs to avoid pressure, this is a good place.”

Banner put down the toolkit when he heard it.

Then he looked around and said: “Blindly avoiding is not a panacea, it is surrounded here, you are very smart, and you led me to the suburbs where there is no one.”

Natasha took off the light gauze around her body and said, “There are only you and me.”

But Banner pointed in the direction where the little girl could escape and said, “The little girl just now was also an agent. She started early.”

“Me too.”

Natasha said.

“Then why did you come to kill me?”

Banner held both hands: “Honestly speaking, anyone in this world who can kill me has not been born except…that…the gods.”

“And that… God, he seems to have nothing to do with you, and he told you to get out.”

“It doesn’t matter now…

What do you mean, but I mean the same as the gods.”

“not like this.”

Natasha took out a mobile phone from the bag next to it and turned out the Cosmos Rubik’s Cube: “It has been lost, but because the gamma rays he released are too weak, we can’t find it.”

“No one knows gamma rays better than you, so Fury let me find you.”

“So…you are not here to catch monsters.”

Banner opened his hand and said, “But what does it have to do with me, Fury told you all this…………?”

Natasha found someone and sat down all the time: “At the moment he only told me this…, but Director Fury trusts you very much.”

“So you invited me to find the Cube of the Universe”

Banner also sat across from Natasha and said.


Natasha swallowed a little nervously, “That’s all…”


Banner suddenly raised one hand and said: “But I need you to help me introduce someone.”(Read more @


Natasha asked.

“Umbrella, Ino.”

Banner looked at Natasha seriously and said, “If no one knows gamma rays better than me.”

“Then no one knows biology better than him.”

“no problem.”

Natasha directly agreed first.

The big guy in front of me must be dealt with first.

This simple solution has been the best result.

Then Natasha pressed the headset in her ear and said, “Let them all evacuate.”

Banner curled his lips when he heard the words: “It’s just you and me”

The next day.

When Tony received the last information that Fury had sent him.

After watching Tony, he resisted the move and stayed at home.

Although there is no evidence that Ino is…the god.

But the words that have been uttered from Loki’s mouth are inseparable, 89,.

Ferry looked at Tony through a video call and said, “Is it surprised?”

Before Tony could reply, Fury continued, “Ino, who has been with us for so long, is actually a god.”

“His body that looks like an ordinary person actually has such power in it.”

“This is simply… the invincible version of Hulk, and it can be controlled, and it is more perfect.”

“He can fly, he can transform into a sword, he can liquefy weapons, he can sprint with kinetic energy.”

“The more funny thing is.”

“I used to ask him to analyze himself.”

Speaking of this, Ferry couldn’t help covering his eyes with his hands.

This is shameful.

After figuring out this matter.

Fury didn’t even have any concerns about seeing Ino.

What a shame.

But Tony spread his hands innocently: “I didn’t do any of these things, the gods are… Ino, on the contrary, my relationship is the best.”

Tony said this.

Fury almost forgot.

Ino is… the words of the gods.

Don’t have a good relationship between Tony and him.

Can that help SHIELD by the way?


…. But Tony repeated in advance: “He doesn’t join any organization.”


Ferry rubbed his head and said, “You are coming to the Air Sky carrier before noon tomorrow, and then the Ino business will be set aside.”

“Natasha also reported asking me to say hello to Ino, and then she was going to take Banner to Ino for some questions.”

“This is another bunch of things.”

“Then hang up.”

Tony hung up the phone.

Picture back to the giant office that protects the top of the umbrella building.

This is the rest time in the afternoon.

Two more people came with the umbrella.

But since Fury greeted him in advance, and there was someone Ino knew, let them come directly.

Looking at Banner and Natasha sitting on the sofa.

Haven’t waited for Ino to speak.

Banner looked left and right. Ino asked, “Did we meet somewhere?”

“I have a particularly familiar feeling for you, but I can’t remember it.”

Banner may not remember.

But Hulk definitely knows.

This is Banner’s subconscious influencing him.

Ino looked at him and said, “Maybe we are familiar, but you don’t know.”


Banner shook hands and asked expectantly: “Do you know my situation, Mr. Ino.”

“Quite understand.”

Ino first greeted him, and then explained: “From the moment you first transformed, anyone in the world who sees you will send emails to our company.”

Banner suddenly reacted and nodded: “It should be the case. I have seen a lot of medicines you produce in Africa.”

“Compared to the drugs of the same company, your price may not be low, but the price-performance ratio is unmatched.”

“So you have an unlimited number of users around the world, and they are equivalent to monitoring the eyeliner of all mutant creatures.”

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