Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 912 Repentance and Punishment (Second Update)

The biggest opponents of the intelligence and interior departments of the Eternal City are transnational financial consortiums and those secret societies and plutocratic families, such as the Moro-worshiping sects joined by Hillary Clinton, such as the Wallenberg family, the Rockefeller family, and their henchmen the Clinton family private army. This was Salomon's strategy from the beginning. Rather than directly attacking the puppets put on the surface by the opponent, the Immortal City, which has powerful deep strike capabilities and aerospace technology, directly launched a hunt for these behind-the-scenes masterminds. No matter where they hide on the planet, they can't escape the detection of the Eternal City's armed spy satellites. The highly modified assassin airdrop pods used to deliver highly modified assassins are always ready to go - after the gang kidnapped the industrial complex and put it on the tank He thought he was completely safe, but he obviously didn't expect to be hit from a higher level.

Crossing over financial chaebols to complete the alliance through cross-holding, instigating donkey parties and elephant parties to fight each other to divide society so that they can never be united, using knowledge monopoly and religion to fool the lower class people so that they can never find the truth, and using exaggerated conspiracy theories to Submerging their existence in nonsense urban legends, manipulating public opinion by funding internet media, funding assassinations of opponents (such as the Black Panther Party), plundering resources by waging foreign wars and genocide and then using the media to glorify themselves behavior to overthrow the regime that opposes itself by inciting populism, human rights, animal protection, women's rights, and racial discrimination.

If they didn't, these guys who have absorbed a lot of society's wealth would have been hanging on the streetlights long ago.

Hydra is one of these secretive groups. The reason why it was exposed was because Alexander Pierce was brainwashed by the ideas of the radical Hydra. He believed that he had an absolute technological advantage and jumped out in broad daylight. It is simply unforgivable that such a faction should not fail. Those plutocrats who have committed more terrible crimes will only point at Hydra and laugh loudly. Then, while asking state agencies to take action to arrest Hydra, they will also communicate with all kinds of themselves through the media. International awards were established to beautify and whitewash oneself.

This is contrary to Salomon's ideals. In his vision, everyone on the planet should be united, regardless of color, gender, or age, so there is no room for compromise between him and these organizations. Of course Stephanie didn't know that Salomon's ideas were learned from a red-covered book. His ideas were too advanced for ordinary people to understand. Even the sisterhood closest to him fell out of favor due to excessive worship. Far away from the opportunity to understand him.

However, killing a few people does not make these people obey the established strategy of the Immortal City. Only embezzling assets and converting their wealth into armaments for the Immortal City is the correct way of action. Stephanie carried out this plan ambitiously, replacing the companies of the chaebols with companies established in the Eternal City, and using abnormal business methods to acquire and threaten. Gideon Malik used Eternal City's money and offensive to build up a group of legislators and lobbying groups, and fought for opportunities for Eternal City by influencing the bill and the media organizations controlled by Stephanie at critical moments.

The chaebols certainly know who their enemies are and have tried to fight back through international markets.

However, on the one hand, the Immortal City's slow bloodletting of the plutocrats prevented them from jumping over the wall in a hurry. On the other hand, the Immortal City made a copy of the intelligence it obtained after the Langley attack and gave it to the plutocrats as a warning. The bourgeoisie His weakness and compromise are fully reflected in the blow after blow. They also tried to classify Immortal City as a terrorist organization, but each time Immortal City acted under a different name and with an unrelated group of people. The other party only knew that Hydra was involved, so all the infamy was once again thrown at Hydra.

Did you see that? Although you are the king of agents, you are just one of the countless weapons of those chaebols.

A weapon out of control.

A weapon that can be cut by countless other swords, just Hydra makes you unable to resist, Nick Fury. Victoria Hand looked at her past boss through the camera on the holographic projection table, Don’t forget, you are still the leader of the terrorist Hydra. In order to protect its reputation, the U.S. government made Alexander Pierce a hero against Hydra.”

Is this to hurt my self-confidence? The King of Agents sneered twice, These are not news, I have known it for a long time.

Not only did you not try to change the status quo, you even participated in it. From a certain perspective, you are indeed the leader of the Nazis, even if you don't know it. With your help, more innocent people have died in this world than during World War II. casualties, so don't use 'unnecessary bloodshed' as an excuse. Even pressing a red-hot knife on the wound is much better than dying of excessive blood loss. Victoria Hand said calmly, Monarch The liquidation of war criminals has already begun. The reason why you can survive is because you are human. The reason why Tony Stark can survive is because of his talent. Only Steve Rogers is the monarch in the Avengers. Someone who truly forgives.”

Now you use death threats instead?

It's not necessary. The monarch just wants to let you know what you need to know so that you can understand his true philosophy. Agent Hand said, What we want to know has already been obtained through those Skrull captives. We made them fully repent. Then we discovered your ignorance and stupidity. You neither have the courage to change the status quo nor do you know who the real enemy is.

Are your methods different from mine? Nick Fury turned back and looked at the two soldiers of the First Secret Regiment of Finbul Winter standing at the door. I have long seen through Salomon's true nature. He He's the same type of person as me, but he's more cruel and ruthless than me.

There is a difference, because we know that we are fighting for the benefit of all humanity, and you are just fighting for some plutocrats who are hiding behind the scenes. Those children you see today are survivors who were saved by the monarch from those atrocities, For this reason alone, he has done hundreds of times better than you and Stark's foundation. Victoria Hand laughed, and her highlighted red hair on her forehead was pushed behind her ears, Even if you have never Not profiting from this does not mean that you have the power of ignorance. Even if you do not know, it does not mean that you can be forgiven. You need to repent, Nick Fury, for the sins you have committed against the human race. But don't Worry too much and the punishment you will receive will be much lighter than that of real war criminals.

I've been through war and I've been captured.

I believe you are not afraid of physical punishment, but we have experts who can break down the inner interrogator. Agent Victoria Hand said. Immediately afterwards, the two soldiers of the First Secret Regiment of Finbulwinter who were standing at the door opened the alloy door of the cell, and a short-haired man wearing bulletproof armor with an oiled white skull walked in. Nick Fury showed a shocked expression for the first time. He never expected that this person would appear here.

He has already repented, Agent Hand said. Now it's your turn.

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