Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 911 Guidance means (first update)

The body was soaked in cold sweat because of the pain, and it was like a damp rag being twisted hard. The pain suddenly swept through the whole body, and every pain-sensing end of the body felt like it had been stabbed hard. The man's expression seemed to be out of touch with his body's reaction. He did not frown because he inserted the tweezers into the wet wound under the skin of his calf, even though the black messy hair on his forehead was tightly stuck to the skin with sweat, and the clothes that had not been washed for many days were mixed together. Even though the smell of gunpowder smoke and sweat became so unpleasant that his whole body itched, he still concentrated on feeling the touch of the tweezers with his fingertips - he found his target amidst the softness and pain. After several attempts with the tweezers in the wet blood, they finally clamped the warhead tightly. The man in cold sweat pulled it out with force, then threw the tweezers and warhead aside and let out a long sigh of relief. The pain was followed by the dizziness that rolled over, allowing blurred light spots to flicker under the closed eyelids.

After treating the wound, he stretched out his clean hands to his trophy.

It was a notebook carried by the killers. The notebook that was read and written over and over contained a list. His name was at the top of the increasingly shorter list, and it was also marked. James Buchanan Barnes, that was his name, and his would-be killer had his neck broken by his mechanical arm. Although he was a little confused about why those people would bring such important documents with them, reality no longer allowed him to continue thinking about it. This was the most important clue he had obtained since participating in SHIELD's Hydra rebellion. The rest Things like safe keys and phone books also indicated to him that this was his only way to get real answers.

In addition, the cash, documents and safe house addresses prepared by the killers have become resources to support the Winter Soldier's next actions. Although James Buchanan Barnes understood the dangers of staying in an enemy safe house, he now had no choice because he lacked adequate medicine and a safe place to rest. But in the safe house, he can modify the information on those documents through the equipment placed here by the killers to facilitate his subsequent cross-country voyage.

The Winter Soldier dragged the wound that was still bleeding under the gauze, picked up the brown coat covered with lime marks that had been placed aside, and put it on. He carefully checked all the weapons he owned, placed the loaded pistol on his lap, and then leaned on the chair motionless. Except for the chest heaving with his breathing and the cold sweat caused by the bursts of pain, he looked like a statue. He was really tired. From escaping pursuit with injuries to relying on terrain to hunt enemies in slums, all of this cost him a lot of energy and physical strength. He chose to sit in a chair and rest for three hours, and then went to capture the nearest Hydra. He believed that the other party must have the information he wanted to know.

He will go down according to our established steps. Stephanie pointed to the name under the list on the screen closest to the location of the Winter Soldier. This is Alexander Pierce's Hydra, a mid-level officer. They refused our solicitation and refused to provide any secrets about that faction's Hydra. She said, This person is not too important to us. Much value. And according to your opinion, such a scumbag does not deserve forgiveness. He has participated in training the Azov Battalion. According to the feedback from the agents responsible for tracking, the Winter Soldier is already outside this person's door.

I already had a premonition that something stupid was going to happen. Salomon glanced at the Hydra information on the list and said with disgust, If the Winter Soldier is soft-hearted and doesn't kill that Hydra, please let the follower agents to do this, and there are a few Donbas girls in the sisterhood who will be happy to take out these culprits. Also, I need a forecast report, I need to know at this rate the Winter Soldier and now the Avengers What are the chances of the alliance running into each other?

66.7%...67.7%...68.2% intermittent electronic synthesized sounds began to be broadcast.

Marbus, repair your sound unit. Salomon tapped a mechanical head on the table with his finger. Although this mechanical head looks a bit rough in appearance, it has extremely powerful computing power. It is a product of the Immortal City Communication Project. Its principle does not rely entirely on technology - this mechanical head contains a gene-edited cloned brain. , through magical remote sensing technology, spiritual link runes and biological fiber optic signal sensors. Except for some of the facilities used to maintain the activity of the cloned brain, others are devices used for communication and thinking. It can be regarded as a clone of the fifth demon pillar left on the earth to provide advice to Salomon. Especially when Malbus was busy with other projects and unable to communicate with the Earth through holographic projection, this mechanical head became the agent of the Mars Foundry on Earth.

Under the command of the mystic mage, the mechanical head stretched out four slender mechanical legs to push itself up, then pointed its forehead at the table and hit it hard, which made Salomon and Stephanie couldn't help but frown and look disgusted. expression.

The sound unit of the mechanical head that stood up unsteadily returned to normal.

The mystic was certain that Malbus had some other way to repair it, and that was what those slender mechanical legs with repair gadgets were for. It may be that the staff of the biogenetic laboratory on Mars failed to master Maya Hansen's experimental skills, or that the experimental results are different due to different gravity environments, causing something wrong with this specially cultivated brain. This brain with Malbus' way of thinking and some memories tends to act carelessly, as if it has forgotten the true purpose of those repair tools and uses them as a weapon.

According to calculations, 68.2%. This probability continues to increase as the distance between the Winter Soldier and the Avengers shortens. Along with the smell of ozone produced by the magic technology that continuously ionizes the air, the mechanical head began to say in a smooth synthesized voice, We It is monitored that the certificate-making equipment in the safe house is running. Do you need to intervene and guide us? We can induce the Avengers to crash into the Winter Soldier by changing their GPS information, or reveal something to the Avengers' mission target this time. Secret, let these two parties catch up to the Winter Soldier.

Yes, but not now. Salomon began to calculate the movement of each piece in his chess game.

He rarely did this.

On the one hand, it is because he does not want special powers to intervene in administrative work, lest Stephanie and her subordinates become unnecessary dependent on it; on the other hand, it is because of the power hidden in a supercomputer deep in the Eternal City. Artificial intelligence can complete this part of the work. If the stigmata is turned on, his brain's computing speed can even exceed that of the computer. But as mentioned before, he did not want special forces to be involved in administrative work, because he had foreseen the disastrous consequences of doing so.

The intelligence network of the Eternal City is like a giant beast swimming under the dark sea, gently pushing the boats floating on the sea, pushing the unconscious survivors to a certain desert island. However, the Immortal City is not the only hunter in this sea. The dark dagger and the note handed out in the night together form a fragile alliance between sea monsters. No one knows who will betray them at the next moment. The only thing that can be determined is to kill the other party first to ensure their own safety.

Stephanie expresses to Salomon that the Immortal City is the one that lurks the deepest.

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