Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 913 Crimson Level (First Update)

Maybe you can tell me something. The Winter Soldier said to the man tied to the chair in front of him. He knew the man's name, his family, his character, and the occupation he used to disguise himself. It is not difficult to know this information. He must find the house before the organization to which the killer belongs knows that the mission has failed and sends the next team of killers. Then, he must ask the neighbors through people disguised as courier companies. Since the Hydra rebellion, this man has stolen his identity and hidden here, but since his name is on the list, it proves that he is an extremely important person.

I know you, Alexander Pierce's dog. The former Hydra agent who was punched in the face said coldly, Whatever you want to know has nothing to do with me, I have retired. It's all over. .”

The Winter Soldier kicked the children's building blocks away from his feet. He knew how to conduct an interrogation. Everyone has weaknesses, especially those with families.

Stephanie took a moment to raise her head from the pile of documents and pressed the fast forward button while stretching her cervical spine. On the screen, the surveillance agent was moving forward rapidly with the footage captured. The frame when she stopped was of the Winter Soldier leaving the house. She could guess what was happening in that house without even putting on the headphones to listen to what sounds were recorded by the monitor. What's up.

I knew this would happen. A cold-blooded killer shows mercy when cruelty is needed most. What kind of vulgar Hollywood drama is this? I suspect that the Winter Soldier was a little psychopathic after being tortured by Alexander Pierce. She wrinkled her nose. Put aside the video that was sent with the brief report.

All beings are equal before death, but some people need a little help. She said to her secretary (the female college student who followed her to the White House before), Put the agent's head together with his wife and daughter. Come here, the latter two must live and not be harmed too much, even if they hold hatred, they must survive. Punishment is for education, they must know why the man died, this is the law of our Lord. There is another One thing…has Director Victoria Hand initiated the confession process?”

According to regulations, the intelligence department has the authority to operate independently. You should not have known...

I should know everything, otherwise how would I know whether I should know or not! Stephanie stared into the secretary's eyes until the recently graduated female college student could hardly bear the pressure. We are the eyes of the monarch, and we don't trust anyone! What's more, you are still my subordinate, and I need you to supervise the intelligence of the intelligence department! Dr. List gave up a lot of interests in order to send you in, and I think he definitely doesn't want to see it. His granddaughter would be so stupid! Stephanie took a deep breath and growled through gritted teeth, No one or anything in this city can hide it from him, you know?

The administrative staff of the intelligence department and the First Secret Group of Finbul Winter have indeed initiated the confession process. The young female secretary's back was straight and her eyes were straight. Although Dr. Lister is a biologist from the line of Dr. Whitehall, there is a huge gap between him and the Malik family in terms of power. Not to mention that the Malik family is still in charge of the internal affairs department, and Lister was allowed by the Malik family to take charge of the industry that originally belonged to Dr. Whitehall. Without this relationship, she, a recent university graduate, would not have been able to become Stephanie's secretary.

Special recruiters have begun communicating with prisoners with a confidentiality level of Crimson.

Confidentiality level - Crimson is the highest level of confidentiality on the surface. The black secrets above this are known to no one except Stephanie, Constantine, Maya Hansen, and Malbus. Each of those black secrets is a secret that can affect the direction of the earth and even the entire universe, such as the corpses of the Celestial Group that were transported to Mars and the Ultron artificial intelligence.

So far, there is only one crimson-level prisoner in the dungeon of the Immortal City.

Why are you here? Nick Fury was surprised, almost as shocked as when he first saw this high-tech underground city. He had long been prepared to encounter torture, because he had witnessed and been deeply involved in the United States' transfer, interrogation, and torture of prisoners among illegal prisons around the world, but he did not expect that the person who came was actually an acquaintance of his. Nick Fury instantly made connections based on his many years of experience as an agent, and then he guessed a lot of things. Although there is no direct evidence, intelligence work is not a precise discipline, and sometimes some speculation can be used as a basis for action.

Why can't I be here? Punisher asked calmly.

Before I begin, I want to ask you a question first. Nick Frefenbühl's Winter Season 1 Secret Corps soldier slowly stood up with vigilant eyes, Does the Langley attack have anything to do with you?

There are some, and I found my enemy through this. The Punisher bluntly stated the information.

Although Salomon's recruitment failed, more professional people later recruited him with the copy written by Salomon. This person is Victoria Hand. She first told what Frank Cassell did when he joined the army and who the army he was in worked for. This content almost filled ten printed pages. Paper. After this, although Frank Cassel did not fully join Immortal City, certain tasks that were consistent with his ideas could be handed over to him, and Immortal City would be responsible for the logistics. Not only does it save manpower, but it also prevents people from being traced by doing some dirty work directly.

In other words, these are the people who attacked the CIA? Nick Fury suddenly felt that the matter was a bit tricky. He did not expect Salomon to start taking action so early. Now it seems that attacking the space station is really not a big deal. There is a reason why Salomon was extremely impatient at the time. He must have other plans - if Salomon is here now and spies on Nick Fury's Thinking, he might praise the former S.H.I.E.L.D. director. The Tianjian Bureau Space Station is nothing to the current Immortal City. The Immortal City does not lack an orbital armed platform, but needs people who can activate a space battleship. When Olympus Mons, the highest peak on Mars, is hollowed out and turned into a shipyard, Salomon can have engineering ships start building large orbital armed platforms.

Now they should let me persuade you, Nick Fury. Frank Cassel closed the door. We have many things to talk about, including after what happened. The master of this city is waiting for you to speak. Woolen cloth!

In fact, Salomon was not staying in the Eternal City at the moment, but was soaking in the Kama Taj Library after a long absence.

Beside him, every book is bound by a spelled iron chain. If other mystics stay here, the librarian will definitely follow the borrower closely to ensure that no one reads or passes the review application. books. However, Salomon has a little bit of privilege, not only because of the Venerable's preference for him (this preference did cause dissatisfaction among other mystics), but also because some of his works are also bound by iron chains (here The dissatisfaction disappeared after that), and borrowing these books did not require application for him.

Master Daniel sneaked over to take a look, and then left with great satisfaction, because he saw a list of books he recommended on Salomon's table. Those were the books he had studied about curses, and he had also worked hard to lift the curse from the Durham family. However, Salomon was not reading those books at the moment. The curse of the Drum family was just a small task. For him, Quetzalcoatl was the most important thing. If he focused too much on the curse, he would put the cart before the horse.

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