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Well. A very vague concept. That is, hoard three or five million. A little crowded, seven or eight million or something is not a problem.

I’m not a problem with your sister!

Wang Wei doesn’t have so many people on his hands!

That’s the key!

“Specially, although the check-in came out with something similar to a war killer. But it doesn’t work at all! ”

Wang Wei, who was a little helpless, did not plan to extract this interstellar fortress for the time being.

No need. It’s really not necessary now.

If nothing else, the forces that can be hoarded in those cosmic bunkers of the Essias are in the tens of thousands of people.

But this is how it is, in the bunker of the universe. Wang Wei also only carried out some minimum staffing ratios.

Lack of people. A very cold joke.

But Wang Wei is indeed confirming it for now.

Although it has the Gonghui base and the Shenzhou base, these two types of base vehicles.

However, a lot of the resources involved are tilted in various ways.

Continuous mining and separation. Constantly producing those mining trucks. But the consumption of this resource is always greater than the acquisition!

“Keep checking in. I don’t believe that I can’t sign in and can’t come out with good things! ”

Gritting his teeth, Wang Wei was directly signing in.

This can obtain such an interstellar fortress, which in itself is beyond Wang Wei’s medical treatment.

In this way, it is European gas, and it is not very European. Say right or wrong, right? Can this be non-mentional?

In this case. Wang Wei directly chose to continue to sign in!

“Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Red Alert World, a Yuri camp base car!”

As the sound of this system falls.

The corner of Wang Wei’s mouth twitched.

Your sister!

The base car of Yuri’s camp. Lao Tzu though wants.

But is it time to throw it out for me?

Don’t look at what time it is!

You throw me base cars with favorable camps.

Wang Wei, who couldn’t complain in his heart, could only put the base car of the Yuri camp in his backpack.

This stuff is not needed now.

Even if it was to be used, it would be after the destruction of these Kree and the people of the empire.

Use the people of this Yuri camp to brainwash those Essia civilizations and those servants.

Regarding this piece, Wang Weike believes in the ability of this Yuri camp!

Otherwise, why would the Yuri camp become the existence that Eagle Sauce and Mao Xiong jointly suppressed?

“Keep checking in!”

Wang Wei, who was a little aware that he was beginning to gradually become non-transformed, continued to order this monthly signing system!

“Ding, congratulations to the host for the successful check-in. A Rising Sun Empire base car! ”

“Go on!”

“Ding, congratulations to the host for the successful check-in. A Red Su base car. ”

“Give me on!”

“Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully signing in and winning a car from the allied base.”

With Wang Wei’s gritted teeth under the voice.

The dog system is as if it were emptying its own warehouse. Again and again, the base car in this red alert was delivered!

“I’ll go to you! Dog system. Do you dare to be human? ”

Some angry Wang Wei directly stopped and flashed to hurry.

I found a random broken star on this broken star channel, stood on it and roared at the moon signature system in his body!

Your mother sells lots!

Gave Lao Tzu an unusable interstellar fortress.

And one after another, I got all the base cars of the red police system!

Can’t you just see what time it is?

I need strength!

A fleet, no matter how bad it is, give me a legion that can fight in the starry sky!

You give me these things. I’ll play with a hammer!

And this dog system seemed to have not heard Wang Wei’s roar. Silent processing was directly selected.

Wang Wei, who was a little angry, directly took a rough look at such a few base cars.

If Wang Wei remembered correctly. Wang Wei has almost gathered several major camps in the red police system.

As long as these gathered camps come and steal a wave from each other.

Is it possible to extract the full version of the Red Alert’s power system?

Thinking of this, Wang Wei had some small thoughts.

But this little idea, I can’t use it now!

“Keep checking in!”

Wang Wei, who was angry for a while, continued to sign in to the monthly signing system.

Now I have some check-ins on hand. See if you can check out some useful out.

Otherwise it’s embarrassing!

“Ding, congratulations to the host for the successful check-in. Get a supergod universe angel legion! ”

It was as if Wang Wei’s insults against the system had an effect.

This dog system really sent a legion to Wang Wei.

“I’m Cao, the angel legion of the supergod universe?”

Wang Wei, who saw this sign-in result, directly opened the data of this legion.

A small legion of angels.

And still the legion of the Merlot Heavenly Court?


The Angel Legion of the Merlot Heavenly Court seems to be led by that Hexi period?

But don’t care, extract it first.


As Wang Wei’s voice fell.

In front of Wang Wei’s eyes, figures appeared one after another.

An angel dressed in gilded armor and holding a sword of fire. Waving his wings behind his back, he floated quietly in front of Wang Wei.

The number of angels is not very large.

Only a hundred angels.

When these hundred angels appeared. The void engine in Wang Wei’s body immediately moved.

Data connection.

The data connection succeeded.

Set up a Void Engine LAN!

As the words of the Void Engine in this body fell!

The hundred angels in front of Wang Wei lifted their hanging heads in unison.

At the same time, kneel on one knee. In this starry sky, he knelt down to Wang Wei!

“Legion of Angels, I’ve seen the Lord of Angels!”

One by one, it directly resounded through this broken star area.

And Wang Wei after seeing these angels.

The non-chief feeling brought by several Red Police base cars slipped directly to the side!

Non-chief? _

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