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Inexistent. Ye is Ou Huang!

Do you see it. These angels are proof of this!

“Well, let’s all get up first! Which of you is the Legion Commander? ”

Wang Wei, who was smiling, directly summoned these slim, white-skinned angel girls in front of him.

In the supergod universe, if you dare to say the degree of beauty.

Then the angelic civilization calls it second. No civilization dares to call it first.

The whole clan is a tolerable angel sister!

“Enlighten the Lord of Angels. The leader of this angel legion, it’s me! ”

As Wang Wei’s voice fell. A slim angel girl flew directly in the direction of Wang Wei.

A light and pleasant voice sounded in Wang Wei’s ears!

“Well, there are opinions to trouble you next!”

“Then follow me to battle!”

“Guys, do you have faith!?”

Wang Wei, who seemed to be a divine stick, directly stretched out his hands and said with a smile to these angels present!

“Just, justice. And fight! ”

“Fight for, light!”

After Wang Wei’s words fell.

This hundred angelic maidens raised the Flame Sword in their hands directly towards Wang Wei!

See these excited angels.

Wang Wei really wanted to complain in his heart.

Do you know what justice is and what light is?

But for the actions of these wonderful and lovely angels. Wang Wei is still very satisfied!

What justice and light you have.

Where Lao Tzu is there is justice. Where Lao Tzu is is light.

I am justice. I am the light!

“Okay, follow me!”

Wang Wei, who nodded, directly led this angel legion towards the direction of the broken star passage.

With Wang Wei’s flight. This legion of angels followed closely behind Wang Wei.

At a glance, all of them are heroic battle angel sisters.

During the flight, Wang Wei also had some understanding and communication with the captain of the angel legion.

In the end, there was a result.

The Angel Legion, all members are a generation of divine bodies!

Even in the Angel Civilization, there are several excellent elite legions.

And some of these legion members are divine bodies, and some are even three generations of bodies.


When you hear this data.

Wang Wei’s teeth hurt.

Not only that, but the angels were equipped with angelic armor, and after the Flaming Sword.

This combat effectiveness will soar dramatically.

Once the number of angels increased.

Then excuse me, accept the sanction of the angels!

No matter what the era, the group is always more productive than the solo worker.

Angelic civilization is no exception.

As long as there are enough angels. Directly get you a set of combined attack strategy power in minutes.

Just ask if you are afraid!

“Excellent! You guys are really good! ”

After some explanation from the Angel Legion Leader. Wang Wei could only silently extend his thumb.

Indication, supergod universe, cowhide!

Really cowhide.

“It’s arrived!”

Wang Wei, who had not been flying for a long time, suddenly stopped!

The Void Engine, which was running at full power, suddenly sent a message to Wang Wei.

It is said that Kerry is approaching the Empire’s warships!

Seeing Wang Wei’s figure, he stopped.

The young ladies of these angel legions also stopped in the starry sky.

Stand closely behind Wang Wei!

“Excuse me, Lord of Angels. Who are we going to fight? What forces? What kind of abilities does the other party have? ”

The Angel Legion Leader beside Wang Wei suddenly asked Wang Wei.

Although when these angels fight, they never look at where the other party is, nor how powerful the other party is, let alone the other party’s scientific and technological civilization.

You dare to come, the angelic civilization will teach you how to be a human in minutes!

It is also because there is an angelic civilization behind the angel legion. Those angels were even more confident.

However, after coming to this world, the angel legion leader also tried to use his Void Engine to contact the angelic civilization in this world.

It’s a pity that no matter how this Angel Legion leader is contacted.

It is always impossible to contact the angelic civilization that belongs to them.

Thinking that they only have such a small number of troops now. The Angel Legion leader could only ask Wang Wei.

It doesn’t matter who the opponent is. Cowardice is even more impossible, and angels have never been afraid to fight.

She is responsible to the Lord of Angels. Be responsible for this legion of angels.

In the absence of angelic civilization. Senseless sacrifice cannot be exchanged for resurrection!

“What people? What power system? ”

“You wait….”

I heard the Angel Legion Commander say this. Wang Weicai found that he had not told these angelic ladies who their opponents were.

Although in the hearts of these angelic ladies, it does not matter who the opponent is at all.

Whoever stands in their way as angels should be destroyed and purified!

While thinking, Wang Wei shared some of the information he could collect about Kerry and the people in the local area network of the angelic legion. At the same time, some data of the opponent’s battleship was also put out!

When this data appears in that shared LAN.

Wang Wei clearly heard a lot of angelic ladies and sisters suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

This feeling, like the extreme, you let me have a seventy-level number to brush the eighty-level copy. I was a little scared. But when I saw that this eighty-level copy was actually a level thirty copy.

Then I’ll be relieved!

“That’s it?”

After quickly browsing this information, the Angel Legion Leader raised his eyebrows, and asked Wang Wei so confusedly!

“Well, that’s it! This is our opponent this time! ”

For this rhetorical inquiry of the Angel Legion Commander. Wang Wei shrugged directly. _

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