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Many generals who saw this video had toothaches.

The strength of the demon Nemesis, they have also seen.

After all, in those previous battles, the Demon Nemesis was used once.

It is the dispatch of several demon Nemesis. Directly surround and kill the opponent’s quasi-extinction star power directly!

And from that moment onwards. The generals of these joint crusading forces can be regarded as witnessing the level of personal greatness.

One man destroys an aircraft carrier battle group. It’s not a dream.

This is the reality.

Although this aircraft carrier battle group is only an aircraft carrier battle group on the surface of civilization.


Everyone has a toothache!

This moment. There is only one prayer left in everyone’s hearts.

That is to pray that these Kree and the imperial warships do not Wang Wei. Wipe it out.

They are also interested in some technologies such as Kree and the Empire’s warships!

“Then, next is our war!”

When there is no worries about the space port of the broken star passage.

Ling Liang’s eyes directly burst out, a different brilliance.

Full of fighting spirit!

After the exploratory fleet rendezvous with the main fleet.

Ling Liang decisively launched an attack.

The turtle huddled near the Shattered Star Zone, trying to block his attack with the nearly hundreds of cosmic fortresses near the Shattered Star Zone?

You’re fart!

With Ling Liang’s instructions were given. This First Capital Fleet, as well as the First Exploration Fleet, opened their fangs one after another!

Wang Wei, on the other hand, came directly to the space port of this broken star passage through the door of the void dimensional space.

Guarding here is a general with the rank of brigadier general newly promoted by Ling Liang!

“Commander! The other party has now reached the entrance of this broken star passage. It’s driving towards us! ”

Upon seeing Wang Wei’s appearance, this brigadier general reported directly to Wang Wei respectfully!

“Have you reached the entrance of the Broken Star Passage?”

“I see. You are responsible for holding this place! ”

“Don’t go out and fight at will!”

“Those enemies out there. I’ll fix it! ”

Anyway, this Shattered Star Passage is at least Wang Wei’s territory.

How can you tolerate the presumptuousness of these Kerry and Emperor here!

After slowly commanding. Wang Wei flashed directly towards the other entrance of the road.

The Broken Star Passage is big, big!

If you sail on a space battleship in that broken star zone. There are not ten days, at least half a month to sail out.

And when this broken star channel was opened. This section of the journey was directly shortened to a day or two. The extent of two or three days.

And what Wang Wei has to do now is to annihilate these guys in this broken star passage!

“Although. My current personal strength is not low! ”

“But in this Marvel Universe. I’m a second-rate master, and I can’t even compare with the first-class! ”

“So if you make a conversion. Thanos’ personal greatness should almost be at the level of a first-class master! ”


Wang Wei, who thought of this, had a toothache all over his body.

After all, in this Marvel, no one can say whether there will be more powerful people.

Someone more powerful than Odin, Guichi. In Wang Wei’s impression, it seems to exist. But I can’t remember exactly.

“System, start signing in!”

Didn’t think much about it. Wang Wei directly faced this broken system and prepared to sign in.

It’s time for a kick-off question!

“Ding, congratulations to the host for signing in successfully and obtaining a special building; Star Fortress! ”

With the sound of this dog system falls!

In Wang Wei’s backpack, a building that was suspected to be like a war fortress appeared directly.

Wang Wei, who saw this building, directly pointed out its basic information!

“I lean! This Nima yo! ”

After Wang Wei opened this interstellar fortress. Wang Wei’s whole person was a little about to scold his mother.

It’s not that this thing is too weak chicken. But the technology tree of this thing is clearly raised a lot!

The point is, you give Lao Tzu this interstellar fortress. Do not give Lao Tzu this technology tree of the interstellar fortress.

What are you thinking?

I’m Cao!

Thousands of space-based weapons war cannons.

Wang Wei did not know the size of the volume. But the diameter alone is hundreds of kilometers.

Foggy grass, what is this?

Is this a causal weapon? Or what the hell?

Two-way foil?

My second sister!

Also, this anti-dimensional cannon? How does this give Lao Tzu the feeling of an ancient Slavic cannon?

Fuck your uncle’s!

Something is a good thing.

But it didn’t work.

The dog system just gave Wang Wei such an interstellar fortress.

But Wang Wei did not fully equip the personnel inside!

If nothing else, the minimum personnel required for such an interstellar fortress alone is 30,000 people. And twenty or thirty systems in operation!

And if you want to operate normally, you need about 100,000 people. And nearly 100 systems to get up and running!

If you want to make this Star Fortress run at full power!

Hehe, 150,000 staff, and almost one or two hundred sets of various systems are scheduled and operated separately.

In this case. This Star Fortress is able to unleash its greatest war potential.

Including that anti-dimensional cannon of one planet.

Of course. The Star Fortress has a name for a fortress, which is definitely more than such a simple fortress meaning.

The interstellar fortress can accommodate those warships like Wang Wei’s men. It can not accommodate three hundred!

If it is a small warship similar to the Escia civilization. Three or five thousand ships is not a problem.

Among them, the number of troops that the Star Fortress can hoard is probably in the millions.

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