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Three thousand battleships?

Kerry and the Empire’s warships?

This Nima!

Do you want to be so frustrated?

After following General Ling Liang in a continuous battle. These five temporary staff officers deeply understood the excellent capabilities of this space battleship.

After Ling Liang is not to popularize some knowledge points.

Everyone also has a concept in their minds,

That is, with the resources above Blue Star, I want to create a fleet. No more than a thousand battleships were killed.

And this Kree and the people of the empire actually waved their hands and directly released three thousand warships.

This Nima plays with a hammer.

It’s not just these five temporary staff officers who are roaring inwardly.

Even the many generals who saw the news of this report through the big screen in the conference room were in a commotion.

How does this fight?

The royal fleet has more than 500 warships!

If he and others want to wipe out these more than five hundred warships, it is not impossible.

But here’s the problem.

That is, the base camp where the broken star passage was directly served by the other party.

Above the space port of the Shattered Star Passage, there are not only some troops left by Wang Wei. There are also some excellent talents brought by these countries.

If you don’t go back to help, and wipe out these more than 500 Esia fleets, the base camp near the Shattered Star Passage will be directly destroyed by Kerry and the empire!

But if you go back to help.

Then this royal fleet was killed directly from behind. Give yourself a backstab.

Although the damage is not high. But disgusting people!

And what is even more disgusting is that this Kree and the empire are clearly under the banner of assisting the Esian civilization who has been harmed by the demon poisoner to resist the demon killer.

There is no need to say who this demon poisoner is talking about.

In short, this is a very disgusting thing.

“Sir. This situation. What are you going to do? Whatever you think. We all support you! ”

Deeply understood. You must not be stabbed in the back during the battle.

Admiral Xu glanced at each other. Directly to Wang Wei said seriously.

That’s what it says. But the heart is dripping blood.

The talents above are all excellent talents in the country. So it was abandoned. They also don’t want to.

But if you don’t give up. Waiting for the backstab of the royal fleet. At that time, the Umbrella fleet will be able to win. It must have been a crushing victory!

And these five generals could only endure the pain of abandoning the more than 10,000 people in the Broken Star Passage.

The hundreds of generals in the conference room were moving. But the vast majority of people also have such an attitude.

Abandon those advantages of spaceports. Annihilate this royal fleet of Aesia!

“What do you think? Nothing to think about! ”

“Ling Liang. I’m not here. Relying solely on Icarus and Asteria and others. Can you wipe out this Aesian civilization? ”

Wang Wei, who had a sneer at the corner of his mouth, directly turned his head to look at General Ling Liang.

Suffer such a thing?

Sorry, Wang Wei won’t do it!

Again, there’s no need to do it!

Today. The number of check-ins that Wang Wei has accumulated has been about ten times.

These check-in times, don’t believe that the check-in can’t come out of a force that can completely annihilate the other party?

Special mother’s!

Kerry and the Empire. Don’t kill you. I, Wang Wei, have your last name!

“It can be done.”

General Ling Liang, who knew his commander better, nodded seriously at Wang Wei.

In this case. General Ling Liang is ninety percent sure that he will directly annihilate the other party when his own losses are weak!

No problem at all!

Not enough, the same is to understand Wang Wei.

General Ling Liang estimated that this Wang Wei was also ready to meet the enemy alone!

“Sir. You are….”

Some Admiral Xu, who didn’t quite understand Wang Wei’s suspicions, directly asked!

“It’s not interesting. Since this Kree and the fleet want to come to find death. Then I will fulfill them! ”

“I myself returned to the Broken Star Passage. Those guys were handed over to me. The space port of the Broken Star Passage. Absolutely safe and sound! ”

Shaking his head slightly. A trace of coldness flashed at the bottom of Wang Wei’s eyes.

These people from the Cree and the Empire are really good at picking time.

When, not coming. If you don’t come early, you won’t come in the evening. Come at this time!




When I heard that Wang Wei was going to face this fleet of Kree and the Empire alone.

Whether it was Admiral Xu, the temporary staff officers of these five people, or the generals who were slightly commotion in the conference room.

At this moment, I couldn’t help but gasp.

What is this concept?

This is Wang Wei’s ability to destroy the other party’s 3,000 warships alone!

Want to overthrow Blue Star. The hundreds of Escia civilization fleets can directly hit Blue Star hard.

Not to mention these three thousand Kree and battleships.

Wang Wei alone. Enough to destroy the stars!

“Gone. You hit yours. Kerry and the battleship, you don’t have to worry about it here! ”

While speaking, Wang Wei waved his hand. Directly opened the door to this void dimensional space.

Such a long distance, I want to reach the space port of the broken star channel. There is only the door of space in this void dimension!

“Dare to ask what the strength of this gentleman is…”

Although it is known that in the Umbrella Army there are some forces similar to quasi-extinction stars.

That kind of power is not so much quasi-star destruction. It is better to say that it is the level of destroying the country and destroying the land!

However, this Wang Wei was able to deal with these three thousand Kree warships alone. What kind of strength is this!

“The strength of the commander? Those demonic Nemesis. Not enough for him to fight alone! ”

I thought about it a little.; Ling Liang directly released this Wang Wei’s past achievements.

Alone, in that starry sky. Chase after those hundreds of demon Nemesis goddesses for hanging! _

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