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To be honest, Wang Wei took good care of these people in the Avengers.

Most of the Marines assigned to them were the best of the best.

Three or four IS mech pilots, a dozen Transformer members with heavy combat power similar to the Apocalypse Tank, and a considerable number of supernatural soldiers with a comprehensive combat level above five stars. Plus some members of the Wuzhi Legion, and a small number of members of the Invader Legion.

Scattered, Wang Wei abruptly arranged a special attack Marine team of about 3,000 people for everyone!


“Prepare to parachute!!”

“All ready to fight!”


With a loud noise.

After this attack landing ship reached the place where these guys could be airdropped, it very decisively opened the reserve compartment directly!

Those who rushed out were the members of the Wuzhi Legion and the Invader Legion.

They were followed by the pilots of the IS mechs.

All these guys with the ability to air and ground can do is to clear a piece of land directly on the ground that can be airborne!

And people like Hulk, Tony, Wanda and others jumped directly from the air without the slightest hesitation.

For these guys, this equal distance is nothing!


After everyone landed, some wooden vine servants and a small number of Esia soldiers near the three major military ports directly launched a rebellion battle.

An energy rifle with a handle, the laser rifle fired directly at everyone!

“Pull out the opponent’s fire point!”

I saw the two anti-aircraft guns in front of me, as well as the strength of about hundreds of people.

Wanda roared low in the middle of the group of headsets.

Wanda, who was agile and as strong as a leopard, rushed directly up.

The members of this special attack Marine team used Wanda as the tip of the knife and directly inserted it into the opponent’s position.

Invading missiles, energy rockets, and cluster rays all fired at the anti-aircraft gun position in front!


With both hands grasping, Wanda directly set off a huge chaotic magic energy, and threw the hundreds of wooden vine servants on the opposite side, as well as a small number of Esia soldiers, directly into the air!

And when these guys are thrown into the air.

The many Transformers Army Legions that had just landed on the ground turned on their self-aiming systems.


Under the addition of these self-aiming systems, and the skillful feel of these Transformers Legion members.

These enemy forces that were thrown into the air were all annihilated on the spot!

And the several killers who followed closely directly blew up those two anti-aircraft guns!

The positions here have not been destroyed!

“Go, target, enemy command!”

When this little place was breached.

The troop carriers that followed behind dropped the troop carriers among their warships.

Each troop carrier carried a large number of members of the Army Corps.

And these guys are going to use the foundation laid by these special attack marines in front of them to directly begin to advance rapidly in the direction of these three military ports!

Above, there are destroyers setting fire like crazy!

Below are members of the Special Warfare Marine Corps in a knife-pointed posture, constantly cutting the opposing force.

In the distance, dozens of cruisers are watching the sky!

“In this war, there is no room for overturning!”

As the army corps among the transport ships were dropped one by one on the ground.

Ling Liang, who was on the Dingyuan ship, directly threw the baton in his hand.

As a result, the situation has stabilized.

At all, there is no need to continue to pay wholehearted attention!

“This way of playing. No way to defend! ”

In this command room, the five outstanding generals, including Admiral Xu, directly began to meet to make estimates.

If this kind of play is placed on the blue star, it can’t be prevented at all.

Guided missiles? Rocket?

These things need to be controlled electronically.

But as long as Wang Wei is here, the control of these missiles of theirs can be taken away in an instant!

Not only that, do you think Wang Wei doesn’t have these missile rocket attacks on his hands?


People’s missiles are energy missiles! Unlike ordinary gunpowder missiles, it is a completely two-level concept.

Just like the difference between a red-clad cannon and a howitzer.

The gap between civilizations, sometimes, is big, big!

“I can’t think of how to defend! Unless the military forces of the two sides are not much different! ”

“Otherwise, no matter how you defend, it will be a heavy loss, unless you use this place as a pawn to directly lure all the enemy troops here.” Just pull everyone to finish together! ”

Among the five temporary staff officers, there is also a general who has always been known for his crazy fighting style.

This general’s war fighting style has never been scrupulous, and because of this, this general is only a lieutenant general until now!

“Use this as a pawn?”

General Ling Liang, who was about to put down his mind, heard this crazy general’s words.

The expression directly became solemn!

No, no.

Even if the opponent’s strength shrinks, it should not be pushed so quickly.

The speed of this advance is too fast. It’s like going all the way to the end!

“Connect me to the front line, I want to ask about the situation!”

Ling Liang, who had a solemn face, directly connected to the black lotus who led a special combat team of agents on the front line to fight.

The special combat team led by the Avengers is also about 3,000 people.

And the special combat team led by Black Lotus is a real special combat team.

That’s about 10,000 people. Equivalent to the power of an editor.

“How’s the front line?”

With the contact information connected, General Ling Liang directly asked the black lotus! _

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