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“It’s too smooth, I feel a little abnormal!”

As an old soldier, Black Lotus, an excellent member of the special combat team, directly said what the problem was!

And heard the news coming out of the command room.

The five generals, including Admiral Xu, were stunned.

I, Cao, shouldn’t this madman’s rhetoric really hit?

Thinking of this, everyone couldn’t help but look at the crazy general in unison.

You say what you say is bad. Said. You fucking crow-mouthed!

“Got it. The goal remains the same! Go on the offensive. Take the opposing capital! ”

“And at the same time be ready for special battles!”

Ling Liang, whose eyes narrowed slightly, slowly commanded the black lotus!


The black lotus on the front line nodded and answered!

When Ling Liang arranged for the black lotus, he looked directly at Wang Wei!

After all, in this situation, only Wang Wei was the only one who could quickly find out the other party’s problem point!

“I see!”

Wang Wei, who was leisurely drinking tea in the back, stood up, shrugged his shoulders, and said with a smile!

At the same time, he strode forward, and Wang Wei’s whole person disappeared directly on the battleship of this Dingyuan ship!

“The air of this Jutan Star is good!”

Wang Wei, who had just come to this Jutan Star, breathed the air of the Jupiten Star, and the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but raise a slight smile.

This air is very good, full of oxygen!

I took a look at the dense jungle around me. Wang Wei directly brushed himself with several layers of protective magic power.

Protect yourself!

Although in front of the divine body, some ordinary forces could not harm themselves at all. But it’s always right to be careful, right?

After being prepared, Wang Wei’s whole person came directly to the local area network of this Jutan Star under the action of the Void Engine.

“Quick, all hurry. Prepared no! ”

“Get it all in order. Retreat now! ”

“It’s ready, the gas series bombs have been planted!”

“Ready to detonate at any time!”

“Prepare to retreat. Quick, get ready to retreat! ”

With the assistance of the Void Engine, Wang Wei penetrated deep into the network of this Jutan Star.

Finally, Wang Wei discovered some tricky existence.

Some Ethiopians have placed a large number of gas series bombs directly under these three military ports!

This GS series bomb is so powerful Wang Wei no.

But looking at the thoughts of these Aesians, they can blow up these three armies to the sky!

If only these guys came to do this.

These forces in Wang Wei’s hands are more than half gone!

“Can’t I let you mess around like this!”

Wang Wei, who realized the shortcomings of his Umbrella power, pursed the corners of his mouth slightly.

Although he was aware of Umbrella’s shortcomings in electronic information warfare. But Wang Wei was not allowed to wait.

When the time comes, let Nimfu lead and get that intelligent AI civilization out to see!

“Where do you want to go?”

Wang Wei, whose figure disappeared instantly, appeared directly in an underground port in one of the three major military ports.

In this underground port, there is a small warship about 100 meters long!

And this battleship is the means for these people to escape!

“Enemy attack! Enemy attack! ”


“Fire quickly!”


With the appearance of Wang Wei, these already somewhat nervous Essias directly pulled the trigger on their hands.

There are even some people who directly choose to fire on the spot, not caring about those bombs installed not far away!


Wang Wei, who saw this scene, just stretched out a hand. Gently waved forward!

The Void Engine, which had already analyzed all kinds of magic, ran on the spot.

Combine the civilizational power of supergod technology, plus the power of the magic side.

An invisible force directly restrained these Ethiopians.

These guys, at this moment, are like dolls sealed in amber.

Leave it at your mercy!

“Is this your initiator?”

Look at this crystal ball-like thing in your hand. Wang Wei’s brows couldn’t help but wrinkle slightly.

Although there are dozens of things like star diamonds in the crystal ball.

But can such a thing alone cause this explosion?

It’s amazing!

“Forget it, you people naturally have someone to cook!”

While speaking, Wang Wei waved his hand behind him.

A void dimensional spatial door was directly opened.

And the place where this void dimensional space door was opened was none other than the Shattered Star Passage!

“Let’s cook these guys raw! And then there are a lot of gas series bombs inside. ”

“Be careful, this crystal ball can’t break, otherwise it will trigger the explosion of gas series bombs!”

After a simple analysis of the Void Engine.

Wang Wei also somewhat understands some of the problems with these bombs.

These bombs also have star diamonds similar to those in this crystal ball. Once these star diamonds are exposed to air.

It will instantly trigger a resonance with the star diamond in that bomb.

The violent resonance will cause the bomb wrapped in it to completely detonate!

“Yes, sir!”

Hearing Wang Wei’s order, this force brought over by the Gate of Space left this place on the spot with this crystal ball!

At the same time, a steady stream of manpower directly began to disassemble all those bombs on the spot!

With the entry of this force.

Wang Wei also used the same method to solve all those Essias under the remaining two military ports!

With these two military ports the Essian people below were settled.

This Jupitan star is in danger of being blasted and is directly contacted!

“I think it is necessary for us to develop an intelligent AI civilization system!”

As soon as he returned to this command room, Wang Wei said seriously to Ling Liang directly in front of General Xu and the others.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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