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Is there an hour between the speeds?

In only about ten minutes, the artillery fire on the battleship has already completed the charging task!

Directly began to let out their own roar!

With the gunfire roar of the battleship’s big sister, some of the batteries above the space harbor, under this round of attacks, could not do any resistance at all.

You can only be beaten passively!

This feeling is like the difference between a red-clad cannon and a howitzer.

Proper crusher hit!

The destroyer fleet and the cruiser fleet belonging to the first main fleet were like wolves that smelled blood, speeding towards the direction of Juten.

The goal of the destroyer fleet and cruiser fleet is not a space port at all.

It’s Jupiten below the space port.

After the battleship big sisters let out a roar of artillery fire.

The Transformers Air Force Corps on the aircraft carrier carried the unmanned fighter corps directly towards the spaceport.

The target of the battleship big sister’s attack is clear, all the air defense of the opposing side.

And under this round of artillery fire, I don’t know how many Esia battleships were directly beaten to pieces by the battleship big sister!

Air force.

At this moment, it became a flaunting existence!

One by one, the Transformers Air Force Legion carrying heavy energy bombs directly aimed at the battery above the space port of Esia, and the remaining forces bombarded!

And those drone legions are carrying this bomb one by one, targeting those scenes with air defense power!

Ten minutes?

Or twenty minutes?

In less than half an hour, such a space port that was enough to become a heavy port for Blue Star people was already full of fireworks.

The sound of explosions, fragmented scenes. It was vividly displayed in front of the Blue Star United Crusading Army!

If this kind of combat power is used to push the entire Blue Star surface civilization, it must take less than a day!

Umbrella’s military power was beating wildly in the hearts of these generals.

Although beating, fearfully trembling Umbrella’s military power!

But the hearts of many generals were even more firm in the idea of hugging Umbrella’s thighs!

“Command. Landing ship ready! Wipe out all enemy military forces on the Juto Star! ”

Looking at the destroyers one after another, the cruisers directly killed the sky above the Jutan star.

General Ling Liang gave the order to the staff officer beside him!

Admiral Xu, who heard this order, was also shocked.

Battle, it’s about to talk about them!

With Ling Liang’s order given

Destroyers and heavy cruisers directly tore through the sky and directly entered the atmosphere of this Juto star.

One battleship after another was like a meteorite in the sky, directly impacting in the direction of Juten.

Jupiten is a colonized planet.

Similarly, because Jupiten is a colonized planet, the military forces belonging to the Escia civilization on it are deployed in three huge military ports.

And these three military ports belonging to Jupiten Star are stationed with no more than a dozen ships of the Esia civilization fleet.

Those enthusiastic elementary school students directly targeted these guys.

The heavy cruiser girls stopped above the atmosphere after seeing the action of the elementary school students.

Skimming formation!

The heavy cruiser girls are plundering these schoolchildren!

After the schoolboy destroyers reached the top of the three huge military ports.

One bomb after another was dropped!

Those Esia civilization fleets that had not yet had time to take off to meet the enemy were directly attacked by the heavy cruiser girls!

And these bombshell energy bombs of elementary school students directly blew up the three military ports of this Ethiopian into a sea of fire!

The flames are burning.

The Essias fled in the flames.

The servants of Jupiten on the colonized Jupitan Star are also frantically evading.

The schoolchildren actually showed these Essias the madness of the elementary school students.

Elementary school students have always been used in the town guard to exist as a small broad.

Although this is said, don’t underestimate the combat effectiveness of elementary school students!

“Get ready, it’s up to us next!”

Tony on several landing attack ships said seriously to the Avengers members in his headset.

When the schoolchildren completely achieved air supremacy in this atmosphere.

That’s the battle for the marines inside these landing attack ships!

“Hey, guys, don’t die!”

“Die on this alien planet, I will not collect your corpse!”

While in this headset, Tony, who was ridiculing everyone in the Avengers, felt a little heavy in his heart!

What war looks like, they don’t know.

However, war can easily die.

They don’t want this person to be these friends around them!

“It’s you! Tony. You know, you’re a mortal! ”

Stephen, who had the power of the serum, smiled at Tony in the headset.

With the effect of having a vibranium shield, Stephen’s combat power can be said to have soared!

“I hope you all don’t die! This is what the Hulk said! He said he loves playing with you! ”

Banner, who was like Dr. Honest, suddenly smiled at everyone and said!

“Tell the Hulk that in this battle, if he wins first place! After going back. I treated him to a good roast! ”

Tony, who skipped the black line on his face, said directly to Dr. Banner!

“Hulk !!!”

As if in response to Tony, Dr. Banner directly began to transform, and heard Tony say that he would treat himself to a good barbecue. The Hulk’s whole body was excited!

“These guys!”

Wanda, who smiled slightly, did not say anything directly, but looked at these marines who were in an attack landing ship with herself! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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