“And these, Star System, we put the host in the umbrella building! But there’s a backup here, too! The system can be connected at any time!! ”

“The biggest improvement is that I installed the Star System in every Horse Warframe. In other words, the star system can operate independently of electromagnetic waves and other factors, even if it leaves here! ”

While speaking, the engineer on intelligent AI reported to Wang Wei with a good mood rhythm!

After all, this means of combining intelligent AI on the warframe, plus a lot of attacks, protection, and assistance, and a lot of scattered things.

It is not easy to keep the Xiao Cavalry Warframe with the characteristics of maximum high speed, high attack and high sensitivity!

“How much does it cost?”

Wang Wei, who nodded slightly, asked directly to these guys around him!

Cost is the most important!

“The cost of a Horse Riding Warframe is 10 million unit resources! Same as an Apocalypse Tank! ”

But speaking of this, this engineer is also with a proud face!

The Apocalypse Tank is powerful and is one of the largest land killers of the Allies against the hairy bear!

But the cost of that high 10 million unit resources made it impossible for the Allies to build many Apocalypse tanks to fight hard!

“Ten million unit cost? Not expensive! Start crafting now, first make 300 Horse Riding Warframes! ”

“In addition, I heard that this Red Police Planet has the resistance of native creatures?”

Saying that, Wang Wei turned his gaze towards the other two people!

Those two custom female soldiers!

“Yes, sir! Because of the expansion of the base, we have now begun to gradually plan out the control of the control base! ”

“But it is precisely because of this that several time-space mining vehicles that went out to collect resources before were attacked!”

“According to our investigation, this is a local force and a primitive man who is entering the Stone Age!”

While nodding!

The custom female soldier reported respectfully to Wang Wei!

These primitive people who have just entered the Stone Age are not their own people in the hearts of these red police people!

Even if these primitive people have the same appearance as humans!

It’s not a human being! It’s like not treating slaves as human beings during feudal society!

“Is that so? For these primitive people. Eviction first! Then arrest some primitive people and see if there is a way to maximize the benefits! ”

After thinking slightly, Wang Wei directly decided the future fate of these primitive people!

For Wang Wei, if these primitive people have enough value.

Or rather the ability to create tyrants. Then Wang Wei will not hesitate to push off the people of the Marvel world! No thanks!

Don’t say that Wang Wei is cruel. Primitive people are not people!

But the fact is that Wang Wei is not a primitive person, and Wang Wei dares to conduct biochemical experiments on people in the Marvel world like piglets! Why don’t you dare to treat these primitive people as controllable piglets?

“Got it. Sir! ”

The two sisters who understood the meaning of Wang Wei’s words also turned around and ordered!

When everything was dealt with, Wang Wei went directly to another place!

This Red Alert Planet is because Wang Wei constantly sets the construction plan and recruitment plan.

At this time, it has been classified into several large urban areas!

The most central is this control base area, and this control base is also the most central area of this area!

In this central area, there are many scattered research institutes and the like!

The front and rear left and right are the production recruitment area, the barracks area, the resource area, and the vehicle area!

In addition, it seems that the biochemical base is directly independent on a small island not far from this continent!

And Wang Wei’s goal is very clear, that vehicle area!


There is nothing to say, Wang Wei directly extracted that piece of the eighty-first order Tinder Source Magic Cube!

With Wang Wei’s actions, this huge Tinder Source Magic Cube was directly extracted!

Look at the tank garage, multipurpose infantry vehicle garage, helicopter hangar, intruder aircraft hangar and more.

Wang Wei’s heart couldn’t help but produce a heroic temperament.

If these guys are transformed into Transformers, what kind of power should it be!

“That Thunderstorm from before me is still there, right?”

Suddenly, I remembered the car I had once on the verge of scrapping, Thunderstorm. To be honest, Wang Wei also likes it!

Unfortunately, there was an accident, and he was directly thrown by Wang Wei to the Red Police Planet for maintenance!

“It’s already fixed!”

“Bring it!”

With Wang Wei’s order, the thunder storm was directly carried over by several Gonghui soldiers!

Look at the thunderstorm placed in front of this!

Wang Wei grabbed it with a big hand and directly grabbed a small spark from the fire source!

With this spark, it slowly entered this thunderstorm.

Click, click, click!

The sound of mechanical deformation began to sound slowly!

And Alice Xu Mu and the others, who heard these voices, stepped forward directly and firmly protected Wang Wei behind him!

With a burst of shaking, or rather the rebirth of this thunderstorm!

A transformer robot about five meters tall appeared directly in front of Wang Wei!

The whole body is shiny with a blue luster, plus it has a strong mechanical metal feel!

Wang Weina, who watches, is a blood surging!

“Silicon-based lifeforms, Transformers, Thunderstorm, have seen the leader!”

When he was completely transformed, this thunderstorm knelt down very respectfully towards Wang Wei!


Looking at the appearance of such a transformer, Wang Wei’s heart surged with an urge to take a look at it!

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