The problem is that the number of times I can see Wang Wei is a handful!

Wang Wei was not in Umbrella’s headquarters most of the time.

The people who handled Umbrella’s affairs were also Wang Yuyan and other eighteen members of the secretary group!

“Wow, it seems that this curious baby of ours knows you! Wang wei! ”

Tony Stark, who fell directly, teased Wang Wei beside him!

“I’m curious, how did you meet me? Or are you someone I know? After all, there are not many people who can call me a professor! ”

With a weird smile on his face, he looked at Peter Parker, who was a little at a loss when he heard his words. Wang Wei always had a strange feeling in his heart!

Is it really good to tease Spider-Man like this?

“Maybe it’s someone who listened to your lecture!” After all, there are quite a few people who call you a professor now! ”

Shrugging his shoulders, Tony directly took off his iron mask!

“Then I was even more curious, after all, I only attended one lecture! That’s the lecture at the Imperial University! ”

“That, that… I still have a little thing. Need to leave first! ”

“Also, Mr. Stark. This armor of yours is really cool! ”

Peter Parker, who was at a loss, was worried that the more he stayed, the easier it would be to be exposed by this Professor Wang Weiwang!

Even the lizardmen who brought over didn’t care. Run first, then talk! He also praised Tony’s armor!

After all, that man didn’t have a mecha dream in his heart?

“Just let him go?”

Watching Peter Parker leave, Tony leaned against the wall and said with a smile!

“Hmm, but I think I should know who this guy is!”

While laughing, Wang Wei also laughed with Tony against the wall on the roof of this building!

“Who is it?”

“Remember some reckless intern imps in your Stark Group the other day?”

“Is that the baby?”

As soon as he heard Wang Wei say this, Tony immediately had some memories!

After all, there is only such a person who can take the name of the Umbrella Group and make a rash intern imp in the Stark Group!

Peter Parker!

“A very interesting little ghost. Isn’t it? ”

With a smile, Wang Wei did not directly admit that Peter Parker was Spider-Man!

“Indeed it is. But what are you going to do with this guy? ”

Pointing to the lizardman who was frozen in the ice, Tony became slightly curious!

After all, according to Wang Wei’s behavior, if you don’t want to care, you will directly abandon the place!

Bringing it back so directly is definitely not something that can be solved simply by throwing it to the police station!

“Does he have a place to go? Still, Tony. Do you believe in aliens? ”

Wang Wei, who looked up at the starry sky, suddenly asked Tony next to him!

And those Umbrella security personnel who had long been summoned over also transported this piece of ice!

Lizardmen have the place where Lizardmen go. He will use his knowledge of biology to shine inside the Red Alert Physique!

“Aliens. It may exist! ”

As for whether aliens really exist, Tony is not sure either!

After all, none have ever seen it!

“Alright! Go back! ”

Wang Wei, who shook his head slightly, directly returned to their respective villas with Tony Stark!

“It’s time to hurry. In the future, these monthly signatures cannot be accumulated! ”

When with the creation of Tony Mark Four Warframes!

Wang Wei knew that this was not far from the first Altar City explosion incident!

“System, I want to sign in!”

“Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining: silicon-based lifeforms – Tinder Source!”

With the sound of the system fell again. An object like a huge Rubik’s cube appeared in Wang Wei’s line of sight!

“Fire… Tinder source? ”

When you see something like this appear!

Wang Wei’s whole person is a little not very good!

“I’m !!!! Cao”

Looking at the fire source in the system’s backpack, Wang Wei really felt that this was a little crazy!

What does the Tinder Source represent?

Everyone must know it all!

The source of fire represents a transformer!

And the original body of the Transformer is a rolling stock!

Wait a minute….!

Just when he was about to give the source of fire to Wang Wei, who had extracted it, to give a fire to his polar silver fox.

Wang Wei was suddenly stunned!

“Tinder source, locomotive body? Isn’t that the many tank planes in the Red Alert come to life? ”

As soon as he thought of this, Wang Wei directly pulled out any door without saying a word!

“Commander, commander, I have good news for you…”

Wang Wei, who had just entered this Red Police Planet, directly heard several engineers waving reports to himself and said with a smile!

“Good news? What good news? ”

Anyway, no matter what the good news, today is the biggest news for Wang Wei!

“That’s right, Commander! The Horse Armor has now been improved. Some of these problems have also been dealt with! ”

“Not only that, but the energy transmission of each Horse Warframe has also been solved! We directly combine the magic energy conversion line given by the joint commander of the magnetic energy reactor with you! ”

“Manufactured such an energy reactor that was only the size of a ninth-order Rubik’s Cube. This energy reactor can supply at least several battles! The only pity is that there is no way to supply unlimited energy! ”

Saying this, these engineers couldn’t help but shake their heads slightly!

It would be great if nuclear reactors could be downsized and miniaturized!

The supply of this horse armor is carried out according to the miniaturization of the nuclear reactor. Gee, it’s nice to think about it!

However, it is a pity that the combat laboratory has not yet been built.

Otherwise everything would be much simpler!

“Is that so? And what? ”

For the Xiao Cavalry Battle Armor, Wang Wei also attaches great importance to it!

After all, the Horse Riding Legion was a legion that Wang Wei had been ready to show off in the invasion of the Chitaguri of the Third Princess before!

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