But Wang Wei also knows that this is a little too much!

After all, it is his former car, and it is always bad to dismantle it like this, isn’t it?

“Very good!”

Looking at the shape of this thunder storm, Wang Wei nodded slightly!

Seriously, that man doesn’t have a wave of Transformers dreams in his heart?

All of them!

But you can’t get it!

Now, Wang Wei not only got it, but is about to have a Transformers Legion!

As soon as he thought of this, Wang Wei felt a little beautiful!

If all the locomotives in the Red Police were to be ignited, then Wang Wei would also have the most terrifying legion in his hands!

Second only to the Symphony soldier who received the mutation of the Magical Crystal!

“Thanks, the chief praises!”

The thunderstorm that was half-kneeling on the ground suddenly raised his head and said to Wang Wei longingly!

“Chief, can I continue to follow you? Although I have been injured! But I’m not what I used to be! I will defend your dignity with my life chief! ”

This voice full of high emotions roared directly through the car horn of Thunderstorm!

Defend your dignity with your life!

I don’t know if it was Ivanfanko’s incident that caused this thunderstorm to have some different emotions!

But at this moment, Wang Wei knew that the loyalty in Thunder Storm’s heart was hot!

“Yes, from now on, you will continue to return to my command! Be my car! ”

Wang Wei, who nodded slightly, recognized this Thunder Storm’s oath of allegiance!

“Chief Xie!”

The extremely excited thunder storm quickly nodded at Wang Wei. Then directly transformed into the former Thunder Storm sports car, following behind Wang Wei!

This look is like a most loyal dogleg!

“By the way, have these tanks been modified for anything?”

Suddenly, Wang Wei directly grabbed the customized female soldier beside him and asked!

After all, modified Grizzly tanks are being tinderified, which is much better than not being modified for tindering!

“Report sir! These tanks have all been modified by the engineers combined with modern tank data from the Marvel World! ”

“The multifunctional infantry vehicle has also been upgraded! Not only that, but the intruder planes and gunships in the hangar have also been modified! There is only a time-space mining vehicle, and there is no case, so it is not moved for the time being! ”

While speaking, this custom-made female soldier held up her Hun and reported seriously to Wang Wei!

“Well, just modify it, send the modified design drawings to the vehicle workshop, and then each vehicle must be modified!”

For this customized female soldier who raised her head and chest, Wang Wei didn’t look at it!

What happened to female soldiers? What’s wrong with looking good? What about white skin and beauty?

Now Lao Tzu’s biggest interest is these transformers!

Woman, step aside first, wait!

Wang Wei, who shook his head slightly, directly pointed the Tinder Source Rubik’s Cube in his hand at these garages, and the tanks, infantry vehicles, helicopters, and planes in the hangar swept a lot!

With Wang Wei’s swing, one vehicle after another has undergone earth-shattering changes!

A Transformer giant with a height of five meters, seven meters, and ten meters slowly walked out from this hangar and garage!

Came directly to Wang Wei and knelt down on one knee to Wang Wei respectfully!

Almost instantaneously.

All the Transformers roared at Wang Wei at the same time!

“Grizzly Tank!”

“Multifunctional infantry fighting vehicle!”


“Intruder plane!”

“See you, Chief!”


This roar is no less than the amazing horn given by a concert, which makes people’s brains buzz!

“Good, all good! I love it! ”

“From now on, I will organize you into the Transformers Legion!”

“Each vehicle type, airborne type, is a separate legion! Each one belongs to the corps and is promoted according to the Red Police rank system! ”

“Among them, the Transformers who belong to the Legion are the Legion Leaders, and all the Legion Leaders gather to become the Transformers Legion! Each Legion Leader serves as the Deputy Chief of the Transformers Legion! Can there be objections? ”

While speaking, Wang Wei relocated the rank system of the Red Police!

Why not use the rank system with the Red Police? Isn’t that unpleasant?

“I will obey the chief’s order!”

Hearing Wang Wei’s attitude, many Transformers members nodded one after another, indicating that this result was still acceptable!

After all, the predecessor of these guys was a war machine with the ability to prepare for war!

“Well, you guys get out of here after that and find a place to camp again!”

While speaking, Wang Wei generally waved his hand to let these hundreds of transformers leave the vehicle area!

After all, these guys are not very suitable here, moreover, there are contradictions between the classes, not to mention between vehicles?

It’s like the Army being laughed at and scolded as a turtle, the Air Force being laughed at as a house finch, and the Navy being laughed at as a turtle.

Between these vehicles, even if they become transformers, presumably this fine tradition has been inherited!

Simply out of sight, out of mind, just blast it all out!

“Yes, Chief!”

These Transformers who received Wang Wei’s instructions left one after another, recovered into vehicles, and left these vehicle areas!

They’re going to find a new place to be where their Transformers Army is based!

“As for the Chrono Mining Vehicle? Hmm…”

After a slight hesitation, Wang Wei still chose to tinder all the Chrono Mining Vehicles.

However, this timeless mining vehicle has developed more than three hundred. These mining vehicles that have been made with time-space science and technology need more fire sources!

That’s ten times more than those Transformers!

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