A small and cute robot directly in front guides everyone to rest!

“I don’t think it’s necessary, let’s go back and rest!” After all, we live not far from you! ”

Alice, who was silent for a while, resisted slightly to Jarvis!

After all, Alice herself is also very tired, coupled with the exhaustion of Xu Mu and the three, if they rest in this Tony’s villa, they have no better ability to protect Wang Wei!

“Okay, Jarvis thanks you so much for your help!”

Saying that, Jarvis directly sent Alice and the others out!

As for Natasha and Hill, they both returned to their villas and fell asleep!

In Tony’s bedroom, hours passed.

Tony reluctantly opened his eyes!


“I’m here, sir. It’s good that you’re safe, otherwise I really don’t know what to do! ”

When he saw Tony wake up, Jarvis, who had no sense of humor, rarely said a cold and humorous word!

“What’s wrong with me?”

“Sir, you fainted in the basement, I called Mr. Wang Weiwang. Under the combined efforts of him and Alice, Xu Mu, Zhao Miao, Jin Sheng, Hill, Natasha and others, he finally saved you, sir! ”

“But they were all tired a few hours ago, and Mr. Wang fainted directly tired!”

“Not only that, but also completely remove the shrapnel residue from your body.” Sir, congratulations, there will be no need to install the Ark reactor in front of Hungary in the future! ”

With a joyful mood, Jarvis seriously reported to Tony!

“Except for Wang Wei, the rest of the people don’t seem to be doctors, right?”

As if remembering something, Tony, a drop of cold sweat slowly dripped down his forehead!

“Yes sir!”

“Then I really have to thank Wang Wei! I don’t know how he is now! ”

Tony, who contained a deep gratitude for Wang Wei in his heart, fell into a deep sleep again.

Days later!

“This, I will never move the knife casually in the future!”

Wang Wei, who had already woken up, looked at his one and now had something similar to the sequelae, and one hand was always trembling slightly, wanting to cut something impatiently.

This feeling made Wang Wei very uncomfortable!

Wang Wei also knew what the reason was. Sub-health response of the body! A mental muscle twitch caused by excessive fatigue!

“System, I’m going to start checking in!”

Today, it’s this new round of check-in rewards!

Wang Weike has been thinking about this idea of improving his personal strength for a long time!

Wang Wei of the Psychic Crystal or something doesn’t really want to have!

As for the warframe of the Mark series, that engineer has not yet studied it!

As for the virus stock solution? Forget it! Wang Weike doesn’t believe that he can have the same luck as Alice and can be perfectly integrated!

“I hope this check-in reward can give me something that will help me!”

Wang Wei, who kept chanting in his mouth, directly started a new round of check-in!

“Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining, a treasure trove of scientific and technological magic knowledge!”

While Wang Wei was praying, suddenly, Wang Wei felt that his head was smashed hard!

This feeling seems to be a surging intellectual force constantly pouring into Wang Wei’s head!

“I’m Cao!”

Wang Wei, who had a directly hideous face, was almost directly overwhelmed by this new check-in reward knowledge treasure house!


It’s as if something has been linked!

Wang Wei suddenly felt that his spiritual world had directly extended a path from his small square world!

Follow this trail and not far away is something that resembles a library!

“System, tell me, why did the reward this time pour directly into the head?”

Wang Wei, who gritted his teeth, directly questioned the moon signature system coldly!

“Ding, all knowledge rewards are directly invested in the host’s spiritual world! Please rest assured that this is the first time to open up the host’s spiritual world, so this will happen, and then it will be linked in a more peaceful way! ”

As if to give Wang Wei an answer, this check-in system slowly responded!

“Wipe, you are still reasonable!”

Wang Wei, whose mouth twitched, directly complained a little weakly!

This dog system!

Although some people wanted to complain about this system, Wang Wei was still a little impatient to check this treasure house of knowledge of science and technology.

Technological Magic – A Treasury of Knowledge: The end of science is theology, and the end of theology is science! When science has developed to a certain extreme, magic is just a use of energy! A treasure trove of knowledge, which contains a total of 108,000 scientific magic! Please make good use of it!


When he saw the introduction of this scientific and technological magic-knowledge treasure house, Wang Wei’s whole person couldn’t help but gasp!

What is magic? It is a product of the occult!

But when the occult can be explained by science, how can this feeling have the feeling of hanging the sky!

Am I going to take off too?

Wang Wei, who couldn’t help but twitch his nose, directly withdrew his previous insults about the moon signing system! This is not a dog system. This is Lao Tzu’s baby system!

“Alice, the next unimportant things are putting me off. I’m going to go on a retreat! ”

After roaring at Alice, who was guarding outside. Wang Wei directly walked into this treasure house of knowledge with excitement, and began to choose books one by one, and strive to absorb the scientific and technological magic knowledge in it!

“Encyclopedia of Basic Principles of Science and Technology Magic”, “Encyclopedia of Basic Materials of Science and Technology Magic”, “Encyclopedia of Basic Properties of Science and Technology Magic”, “Encyclopedia of Basic Production of Science and Technology Magic”

[Note: The source of thought of scientific and technological magic comes from the anti-Chinese drama, Uncle Sibo! ] I watched two or three episodes after the wind, and I basically didn’t watch much later! 】

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