After looking at the rows of books on this shelf, Wang Wei’s heart was excited!

Nana’s, it’s finally about me to personally master the power!

While thinking, Wang Wei flipped down a book related to science and technology magic from this shelf and tried his best to absorb the knowledge points!

When magic can be explained by science, magic is no longer magic!

Now, in Wang Wei’s world view, he is constantly expanding his knowledge points!

A few days later.

“Mr. Stark, Mr. Wang said that there is something I want to ask you!”

While Tony Stark was enjoying Pepper’s chattering and reproachful care, Jarvis suddenly rang in Tony’s ears!

“Wang Wei? What does he have to ask for? Let him in! ”

Maybe it’s a life-saving grace and the inability to return it, or maybe it’s because Wang Wei tried his best to save himself! In short, Tony’s favorability of Wang Wei is infinitely rising!

It’s almost chopping off the head of the chicken and burning yellow paper to worship the handle!

“It seems that you have enjoyed it recently!”

Looking at the little pepper who left with the tray and smiled at himself kindly, Wang Wei raised a slight smile at the corner of his mouth and said with a smile to Tony!

“Sit down! It’s all my favorite drink, no shame! But Wang Wei. Can’t I really drink? You know, this day without wine is really…”

While letting Wang Wei sit down, he pointed to the Xiaoice box on one side and said to Wang Wei.

For Tony, who likes to drink two glasses when he has nothing to do, not being able to drink is simply the biggest torture!

“Not yet! Although you can barely walk now! But the inside of your body is not fully restored! It’s better not to drink! ”

While speaking, Wang Wei took out this bottle of high-end wine from this Xiaoice box and directly began to take small sips!

“How long will it take for such days to pass!”

“Soon, just two or three months!”

“In other words, what do you need my help with this time? Oh, right. There’s one thing I’d like to discuss with you. Isn’t your Umbrella Group determined to specialize in medicine? I also have some medical institutions in the Stark Industries Group. I don’t need it for some, so I’m ready to give it to you! ”

While laughing, Tony decided to give some of the medical institutions in this Stark industry to Wang Wei!

For Tony, it’s just one less insignificant department! But for Umbrella Group, that’s the equivalent of an expansion!

“You don’t have to give it to me! Let’s cooperate! I requisitioned these medical institutions of yours! In addition, borrow some energy from your Stark Industries Group to help me sell! Recently, Yu Yan was complaining to me that there were a lot of goods squeezed in the factory! Because of the lack of cooperation in some countries, progress has been delayed in those places! ”

Wang Wei, who shook his head slightly, directly refused this act of gifting.

“Okay then! Jarvis, go back and draft a contract to spin off all those medical institutions, form a new Stark affiliate group, and give 50% of the shares to Wang Wei! ”

Tony, who nodded slightly, still gave some of these shares to Wang Wei!

In this way, Wang Wei’s Umbrella Group can be regarded as joining forces with Stark Group. The link between this is this Stark Industries affiliated medical group!

“Well, thank you!”

“Tell me, what did you come to me to get this time?”

“I need you to help me collect some elemental materials!”

While you said this, Wang Wei handed a list to Tony! After all, a large part of these lists handed out by Wang Wei are not solved by Umbrella, and some are elemental resources that have not been collected by the Gonghui Base on the Red Alert Planet!

“These are all precious and rare elements! It’s not very easy to get! Don’t get in the way, though. ”

Glancing up and down, Tony directly contracted this precious and rare element!

“What are you doing with this?”

“Recently, I suddenly became interested in scientific magic, so I am going to study it!”

“Scientific magic? Are you a medical doctor interested in scientific magic? This….. How is this…”

As if hearing the funny feeling of the world, Tony felt that there was something abnormal in this world!

A medical doctor interested in scientific magic? This must not be God’s joke!

“It’s scientific magic, not mysterious magic! Scientific magic is a kind of magic explained by science! ”

With a slight smile at the corner of his mouth, Wang Wei slowly explained!

Although this scientific magic may become a benchmark of his own strength in the future!

However, in this way, Wang Wei has not hidden something from Tony in the early stage!

After all, making friends is making hearts!

Others have a heart for him, and Wang Wei doesn’t mind a little heart-to-heart!

“Alright, alright! Scientific magic! I’ll help you get these things out as soon as possible! ”

Tony, who shrugged his shoulders, felt a slight curiosity about Wang Wei’s sudden interest!

“Hmm! I’ll go back first! Suddenly, I found that I have accumulated a lot of experiments recently! ”

Wang Wei, who nodded, left Tony Stark’s villa directly!

“Come often when you have time!” Waved at Wang Wei, who left, and continued to lie on the sofa for salted fish to lie down!

Since such a major operation, Tony has felt that enjoying Pepper’s service is also a beautiful thing!

“Good!” Wang Wei, who waved his hand slightly, returned directly to his villa!

For Wang Wei, the recent squeeze is indeed a bit much!

First of all, the progress of the Tyrant Legion is almost coming to an end!

As long as the last level is overcome, then Wang Wei can form a tyrant army on the spot!

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