“I can let you in, but can you stay calm after you come in?” Mr. Wang is operating on Mr. Stark! ”

Jarvis, who was silent for a while, could naturally find out most of the information about this S.H.I.E.L.D.!

But it is precisely because of this that Jarvis finally chose to let these two people in!

“Surgery? What’s the situation? ”

Natasha, who raised her eyebrows slightly, gestured to break in directly to see what happened!


At this moment, a fiery red flame shot out in Lin Yan’s palm!

“Please calm down, okay? And Mr. Jarvis said he could allow you in. We haven’t allowed it yet! ”

“After all, you are a great threat to my young master!”

With a cold look in his eyes, Lin Yan looked at this somewhat irritable Natasha in a black leather dress with an indifferent expression!

“Please calm down! Miss Natasha! Mr. Stark received some shrapnel while he was in the Middle East, which remains in his body to this day. And Mr. Wang was also invited by Mr. Stark to remove these shrapnel! ”

Very concisely explained the cause and effect of the matter!

“Mr. Wang is operating on Mr. Stark? Is that so? Can we go in and find out! If necessary, I can also contact the medical department within S.H.I.E.L.D.! ”

Hill, who directly gagged Natasha, smiled softly at Jarvis and the two Asians in front of him who didn’t look very easy to get along with!

As for what Natasha wanted to say, how could Hill, who was an old friend, not understand!

Natasha is good at everything and excellent in every way. It’s this somewhat fiery temper!


Forget it, don’t care!

“Zhao Yan, Lin Yan, let them in, there are still us inside!”

Just when Zhao Yan and Lin Yan wanted to refuse, Xu Mu’s voice suddenly sounded from this headset!

“Let’s go inside! I hope you don’t mess around! ”

After taking a heavy look at these two people, Lin Yan and Zhao Yan directly let them go!

“Jarvis, is Tony going on a date next?”

While bothering to operate on Tony, Wang Wei asked very casually!

“At nine o’clock in the evening, Mr. Stark has a dinner party with Miss Pepperpots!”

“Push it! This operation can last five or six hours! ”

At this moment, Wang Wei really felt that his head was big!

Originally, Wang Wei overestimated this Tony’s physical condition!

I didn’t expect this shrapnel debris to be so close to the location of the heart!

This made Wang Wei, who had the operation, feel a burst of anxiety!

If you can. Wang Wei would rather choose to push off this operation!

No wonder no one wants to perform this operation on Stark!

“Yes, sir!”

Jarvis, who is very concerned about Tony’s life, directly made up a white lie to Miss Pepperpotts!

Perhaps, this is Jarvis’s first white lie after becoming Tony’s personal butler!

“Help me call Alice in, I need help!”

Wang Wei felt that this Tony’s physical condition was a little unbearable!

This feeling really needs a helper!

Where did a doctor start doing it? This is complete!

“Miss Alice, Mr. Wang said that he needs your help!”

Alice, who was waiting in the living room, suddenly heard Jarvis’s summons!

Without hesitation, Alice walked directly into this basement!

“Jarvis, can you tell us the specifics below?”

When entering this living room, Hill and Natasha also clearly understood the seriousness of this matter under Jarvis’s explanation!

After all, now the operation has moved!

There is no use in blocking it anymore!

The only thing I can pray for is that Mr. Wang can really save Tony Stark!

“There’s Mr. Wang down there! Trust him! ”



“Hemostatic cotton!”


“Sheep gut!”

“Surgical needle!”

Under Wang Wei’s order, Alice, who had changed into a dress, directly began to get busy!

“Jarvis, is there anyone else up there?”

Suddenly, Wang Wei lowered his head and asked Jarvis!

“Your three bodyguards, as well as Agent Hill and Agent Natasha!”

“Let them all come down!”

Wang Wei, whose eyelids trembled slightly, directly threw out such a sentence!

No way!

Now I can only let these guys who don’t know anything about medicine come in and help!

Grandma’s. I don’t believe in evil, this Tony’s life, Lao Tzu can’t save it?

In his eyes, Wang Wei, who had such a touch of determination, directly decided to do it to the end!

Under the orders of Jarvis, these people finally walked down one by one, fully armed!

And Wang Wei did not have the slightest hesitation, and directly began to order!

Natasha who had many problems but could only hold it in her heart almost ran out of breath!

But at this time, both Natasha and Hill have only one idea, that is, to fully assist Wang Wei in rescuing Tony’s life!

Day and night have passed!

After Wang Wei cut the last surgical line short, the whole person fainted on this operating table!

“Young Master!”

“Mr. Wang!”


Under the exhaustion of everyone, Wang Wei’s fainting directly brought everyone a situation no less than a crash!

“The young master is tired and fainted!”

Alice, who was already very tired, went straight to the table and helped Wang Wei up with Natasha’s help!

“Thank you!”

“Although Mr. Stark has not woken up, I think Mr. Stark is happy for you to rest here!”

“Allow me to show you the way!”

Jarvis, who quietly followed the one* night operation process, naturally knew that Wang Wei was indeed tired.

[Thank you [Qiao Zijiao] Sister, forehead. It should be a young lady, right? After all, the name is so cute! (*▽*)! Thank you for the monthly pass! 】

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