Martial Tomb

Chapter 667

Martial Tomb Chapter 667


And fighting is the best way to cultivate Martial Arts Battle Skill, it has irreplaceable benefits for oneself to comprehend Martial Arts True Meaning, only in life and death Only then can you realize the true meaning of battle skill. ".23 understands the true meaning of Martial Arts. The Great Divine Ability of the Martial Tomb needs a variety of Martial Arts Battle Skills to enrich the Great Divine Ability of the Martial Tomb and strengthen this unparalleled Great Divine Ability.

Not only Sword Art, Palm, Fist, Finger Law, Wu Mu has ambition, he wants to be all-round, mainly sword dao, supplemented by various other battle skills. He wants to cultivate all kinds of Martial Arts Battle Skill, Blade Technique, Spear Art, Halberd Art, Stick Technique, Leg Technique, Whip Technique, Eighteen Weapons, Qimen Battle Skill, Wu Mu, and he wants to cultivate it. To the point where Martial Arts True Meaning is condensed.

The more Martial Arts Divine Ability you gather, the more perfect the Great Divine Ability of the Martial Tomb will be, and the more you will be able to deal with all kinds of enemies, do as one pleases, so that you will have no weak spot. . Has the strongest battle strength. Invincible. No worries. Truly become the king of Martial Arts, Sovereign, Emperor, Supreme.

During the two years of seclusion in Taoyuan Town, Wu Mu had already written down a lot of Martial Arts Battle Skills, and even had a rough cultivation for a while. For battle skill moves, tips, all understands clearly in the mind. Extremely skilled.

"This time, I will use the beast tide as the training object to hone my Martial Arts Battle Skill, cultivation battle skill, and understand the true meaning." A Martial Arts Battle Skill appeared in an instant, called "Heavenly Frost Fist". It is an Earth High Grade battle skill, and it is also between Heaven and Earth Peak Absolute Art, cultivation to Peak, and punching can make Heaven and Earth frost. Let people freeze on the spot, frost gas invades the body, freezes the bloodline fleshy body, and turns it into ice sculpture. Very domineering.

This battle skill Wu Mu has been cultivated, but it has not reached the level of condensing Martial Arts True Meaning. The moves are already mastered.

Heavenly Frost Fist has nine styles, namely: Frost Wind, Frost Embracing the Moon, Frost in the Sky, Frost and Snow Flying, Frost and Cold River, Frost Scarred, Frost Condensed, Proud Snow Frost. Frost the world. Nine moves. Step by step, let people comprehend the Martial Arts True Meaning contained in Heavenly Frost Fist from shallow to deep, once Great Accomplishment, any move. All can be discarded. Martial Arts True Meaning is out. All moves are in the Martial Arts Divine Ability.

“cultivation Heavenly Frost Fist. When using Profound Abyss bloodline Divine Force cultivation. Using Ice Attribute bloodline Divine Force to motivate Heavenly Frost Fist, you can more clearly feel the true meaning contained in the battle skill.”


During Wu Mu's thoughts move, the Profound Abyss Divine Force in the body instantly perfuses the whole body. A trace of cold air escaped from the body, the temperature in the air suddenly dropped on the spot, and traces of ice crystals appeared in the blood mist.

bang bang bang!

Without pausing in the hand, the one-style Heavenly Frost Fist is continuously punched, each punch contains a powerful fleshly body strength and bloodline Divine Force, and in an instant, a gust of cold wind assaults the Senses, wherever they go, the ground is covered with a layer of ice crystals on the spot, and the ominous beast hit by Heavenly Frost Fist, the fleshy body is covered with a layer of ice crystals. All split up and in pieces by the power contained in the punch on the spot.

Wu Mu's fleshly body strength is too strong. Every punch has the power of Nine Cauldrons. Although he did not use the Wine God Curse, his strength is enough to reach the formidable level of six Bronze Dragon King Cauldrons. Every punch can shatter mountains. Not to mention the flesh and blood of the ominous beast.

"The frost wind blows on the face, showing that it should be the suddenness of the frost. In the world, the frost is before the snow, and the frost is colder than the snow. The frost hits, such as Death God. To destroy all things. With no opportunity."

Wu Mu casts Heavenly Frost Fist and flashes all kinds of thoughts in his mind quickly. Clearly feel the true meaning contained in boxing.

Frost is more domineering and icy than snow.

You must know that when the frost falls, most of the flowers, plants and trees will wither and wither.

"What a domineering frost, cold, so cold to the bone, this cold is enough to freeze the bloodline."

"It's Azure Lotus Sword, he's not a sword dao Superb, how can he use his boxing skills to be so domineering and powerful, this cold air, I am afraid that his cultivation boxing skills are not simple, and the quality is very high."

"My good guy, anyone who enters into his body is hundred zhang. His ominous beast was completely frozen, but this boxing method should not have condensed the Martial Arts True Meaning and achieved the Martial Arts Divine Ability. He wants to sharpen the battle skill in the fight and feel the Martial Arts True Meaning."

The Martial Artists all around felt the frosty air in the air, and they couldn't help shivering on the spot. They only felt that the ice was biting to the bone. In the central area, an ominous beast was beaten into ice slag, all split up and in pieces, even the broken flesh and blood appeared like ice crystals.

It can be seen how domineering and domineering the cold emanating from that boxing technique is.

However, although they are surprised, they are not too surprised. You must know that a martial cultivator is not a pure sword cultivator or even any other cultivator. It can only be pure and pure. As long as you like it, you can cultivate various Martial Arts Battle Skills, just do what you can.

Martial Artist, including many martial arts.

Wu Mu paid no attention to the outside world, and completely immersed his whole mind in the realization of Heavenly Frost Fist. Under the enlightenment lamp, the whole person seemed to be in a state of sudden enlightenment. In the game, countless insights poured into my mind one after another, and as I fought again and again, I kept fighting with the ominous beast, and I understood the subtleties of Heavenly Frost Fist more deeply.

The Ice-Cold Qi became more and more domineering during the boxing time. Unconsciously, Wu Mu was covered with a layer of snow-white frost, which turned into ice crystals, freezing to the bone. Some ominous beasts stepped into this area, and they were instantly killed by frost on the spot.

I don't know how many ominous beasts have fallen under Heavenly Frost Fist, and there are flesh and blood in ice cubes scattered everywhere.

Numerous insights flooded into my mind. I just feel like a strange picture emerges in my mind. In the dark night, the lights of thousands of homes have already been extinguished, and countless creatures are quietly dreaming. It turned into hoarfrost and fell on the grass and trees, the grass and trees began to wither, and the vitality had been cut off. Falling on beggar, beggar fell silent in his sleep. Countless lives perished under the frost. Quietly, it has brought endless cold.


When all the pictures were completely integrated into my mind, I suddenly saw that in the sea of blood, countless snow-white frosts naturally gathered in the sky and turned into a snow-white talisman. I saw that countless snow-white frosts were drifting away. A snow-white fist burst out between Heaven and Earth. Rapid evolution of a variety of exquisite Martial Arts Absolute Art, and frost.

And just after the Martial Arts True Meaning in the body turned into a Martial Arts True Talisman, Wu Mu's closed eyes instantly opened. The cold air on his body was like frost, and he secretly shouted in his heart: "Heavenly Frost Fist !!" The fist broke out, directly condensing a white battle fist with a size of dozens of feet. Outside the battle fist, strands of snow-white frost drifted away, and countless snowflakes flew down, moving towards all directions.

I only see that wherever the frost and snowflakes go, they fall on the ominous beasts, the ominous beasts that are running wildly, their bodies stiff on the spot, the bloodline freezes, their vitality disappears, and the snowflakes fall. The head of the ominous beast was covered with a layer of snow-white ice crystals on the spot. Life cut off. Within a few thousand zhang, it completely turned into a world of frost.

Countless ominous beasts, directly killed.

Killed by a Heavenly Frost Fist.

Heavenly Frost Fist, Great Accomplishment.

Condense Martial Arts True Talisman to achieve Martial Arts Divine Ability! !

Boom! !

And at this very moment, in the Bronze Ancient Lamp, in the arsenal, the Martial Arts inheritance monument belonging to the Heavenly Frost Fist burst out with a dazzling dive splendor, which burst into the ground, only in the arsenal. There is a shadow clone left in the middle, the whole inheritance monument, directly drilled into the talisman where the Great Divine Ability of the martial tomb is located, turned into one of the Heavenly Tablet, and was quickly integrated into it by one after another divine forbidden.

The Great Divine Ability of Martial Tomb, add another Heavenly Tablet! !

"It's amazing, the battle skill condenses Martial Arts True Meaning and turns it into Martial Arts Divine Ability, such a domineering formidable power, it can instantly wipe out thousands of ominous beasts, it's really powerful."


"What a domineering Ice Attribute Martial Arts Battle Skill, that punch can kill the world."

All around Martial Artist could not help being shocked when they saw it.

"The battlefield is really the best place to sharpen your battle skills. If it weren't for the continuous impact and pressure of these ominous beasts, I would have a clearer understanding of Heavenly Frost Fist. This battle skill is not a simple matter. The greater the pressure, the greater the motivation. It can often squeeze more potential."

"Heavenly Frost Fist Great Accomplishment, then cultivation Cloud Parting Palm, the same Earth High Grade battle skill, Cloud Parting Palm is even more imposing manner, once the palm is out, it is like overwhelming mountains. Unstoppable."

Wu Mu felt the Heavenly Frost Fist condensed in his body When it came to the true meaning, it turned into a real symbol of Martial Arts, and I was secretly nodded in my heart. However, I was not overjoyed and started cultivation, another battle skill, Absolute Art.

Kill! kill! kill! !

There are killing sounds everywhere, countless rumbling sounds keep ringing, various Martial Arts Divine Ability burst out with powerful destructive power, every Martial Artist can defeat a hundred with one, but the beast tide hides the sky And covering the earth, even if the Martial Arts Divine Ability is powerful, under this kind of invasion, there are still Martial Artists falling one after another, and they are self-destructing before they fall.

The entire battlefield was extremely tragic.

There is an Azure Lotus formation diagram on the east battlefield where Wu Mu is located. The speed of killing the ominous beast is incredible, and this time there are two ominous beasts and a golden wolf. , a golden wings Thunderhawk. This time, Wu Mu was not allowed to take action, but there were two atavistic powerhouses in Qianhe City, who directly fought the two ominous beasts and killed them on the spot.

After the beast tide dissipated, Wu Mu took the Azure Lotus formation diagram into the other three battlefields without hesitation, and blocked the beast tide with the formation diagram. It also greatly reduces the damage of the Martial Artist where the other three city walls are located. (To be continued..)

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