Martial Tomb

Chapter 668

Martial Tomb Chapter 668


The beast tide lasted for one day and one night before it ended. In the beast tide, Wu Mu even brought it with the help of ominous beast. Pressure, Slaughter Qi, directly comprehends Martial Arts True Meaning from several Martial Arts Battle Skills and cultivates Martial Arts Divine Ability.

They are Heavenly Frost Fist, Cloud Parting Palm, Wind-God Leg, and three Earth High Grade battle skills, all of which are between life and death, condensing Martial Arts True Meaning, turning into a Martial Arts True Talisman, and integrating into itself in bloodline. Floating in a sea of blood. The birth of the three Martial Arts Divine Ability also made the power of the Great Divine Ability of the Martial Tomb even stronger. Three more Heavenly Tablets.

You must know that each piece of this Heavenly Tablet is like a secret treasure. It can be refined like a Divine Weapon. What it needs is the huge Martial Arts True Meaning, Soul Willpower, and belief. Every Heavenly Tablet can be refined and promoted like a Divine Weapon. Heavenly Tablet is like a container of Martial Arts True Meaning. The higher the grade, the purer and richer the Martial Arts True Meaning that can be accommodated.

However, this Heavenly Tablet promotion, its simply is Martial Arts True Meaning, with Martial Arts True Meaning to sacrifice Heavenly Tablet. Each Heavenly Tablet is based on Azure Lotus Dao Rhyme, and incorporates the four gods of 'put down roots', 'Mount Tai pressing', 'Void Imprisonment', 'Confinement Within A Circle Drawn On The Ground', which is directly Incorporated into the Martial Arts Great Talisman of the Great Divine Ability of the entire Martial Tomb, any Heavenly Tablet integrated into it will naturally be integrated into the four divine bans.

These four divine bans evolved from Earth Grade Divine Ability.

Later, through Wu Mu tempering, the Divine Ability was transformed into divine prohibition by integrating into the four human ranks, namely - 'Vajra body protection', 'Water spirit vortex', 'Earth wall', 'Magic grass' four Road Divine Ability.

The Vajra body protector can make the Heavenly Tablet more sturdy and indestructible, and the water vortex can make the Heavenly Tablet more resistant to impact. Combined with the stronger devouring power in Azure Lotus talisman, the earth wall also enhances Heavenly Tablet's defense power. As for the magic grass, Heavenly Tablet can devour World's Essence Qi at a faster speed and absorb the power of the suppressed person. Let Heavenly Tablet grow fast, take root in the earth, and integrate into Heaven and Earth faster.

This is the real method of sacrificing spirit refinement soldiers directly sacrificing this one monument of Martial Arts inheritance, like Divine Weapon, starting from the human level, all the way to promotion and transformation. and. The four human-level divine bans have been transformed into a divine ban halo, becoming the first-level human divine ban, and the four Earth Grade divine bans have also turned into the 2nd layer divine ban halo. It is called Earth God Treasure Ban. The two god-forbidden halos naturally circulate and rotate outside each Heavenly Tablet.

However. Some of these Heavenly Tablets are surrounded by a forbidden halo. Some are surrounded by two forbidden halos.

There is a Heavenly Tablet surrounded by a forbidden halo, and the highest is to grow to nine zhang high. Surrounding the two forbidden halos is the uneven. There are more than a dozen Zhang high, and there are more than 20 Zhang high, each of which is extremely condensed, truly condensed as substance, exuding a powerful Martial Arts True Meaning, the higher the Heavenly Tablet, the exuding Martial Arts True Meaning The more intense.

This is closely related to the Martial Arts True Meaning and Martial Arts Divine Ability contained in Heavenly Tablet.

Those Heavenly Tablets that can integrate the first person's divine treasure forbidden, its growth limit is nine feet in size, and then, it needs a lot of Martial Arts True Meaning to continuously condense the Heavenly Tablet, and finally can break the limit, For this kind of breakthrough, Heavenly Tablet must be used to devour and suppress the living beings, devour their flesh and blood Soul Willpower, and integrate the inextinguishable obsession between Heaven and Earth. to break.

The limit of Heavenly Tablet has a great relationship with its own Martial Arts True Meaning.

For example, the Martial Arts Divine Ability condensed by the Martial Arts Battle Skill of the human level, the Heavenly Tablet formed is the size of nine feet, and it can only be integrated into the first human divine treasure forbidden, which is the first stage Forbidden aura, and the Heavenly Tablet formed by Earth Grade Martial Arts Divine Ability, can be integrated into two levels of divine forbidden by nature, and both human and earth treasure forbidden can be integrated.

The Heavenly Tablet, which is integrated into the double treasure ban, can grow to a size of one hundred and eighty feet. During this period, you only need to absorb the various belief fighting intents and soul fragments scattered between Heaven and Earth, and you can naturally grow and transform.

The Heavenly Tablet formed by the Heavenly Rank Martial Arts Divine Ability has a stronger foundation and can directly accommodate 3rd-layer Treasure Ban, Human God Treasure Ban, Earth God Treasure Ban, and Heavenly God Treasure Ban. Its growth limit can reach 3600 hundreds of zhang high.

Naturally, the best way to grow is to suppress the enemy with the Heavenly Tablet, and let the Heavenly Tablet Avatar naturally absorb the residual will and soul fragments between Heaven and Earth, strengthen the Heavenly Tablet, and finally let the Heavenly Tablet condense in the Heavenly Tablet. A powerful Martial Arts True Meaning. Once you return to yourself, it is equivalent to directly bringing back a pure and huge Martial Arts True Meaning, which can be perfectly integrated with the Heavenly Tablet body, and finally break the limit and continue to grow.

The Great Divine Ability of Martial Tomb, at the beginning of its creation, was to bury others with its own Martial Arts True Meaning and become its own Marital Arts Path. The graves of others become their own Marital Arts Path.

In the previous fight, Wu Mu rudely quickly suppressed a Martial Arts Heavenly Tablet and suppressed a powerful ominous beast. At this moment on the battlefield, you can see a piece of icy Heavenly Tablet standing and suppressing. Connected to the earth, it exudes a fierce Martial Arts True Meaning. Like a peerless Divine Weapon.

The residual soul fragments after the fall of countless ominous beasts continue to accelerate the growth of the Heavenly Tablet. With each breath, the Martial Arts True Meaning contained in the Heavenly Tablet grows stronger.

As for these Heavenly Tablets, Wu Mu had no plans to take them back immediately after they fell on the ground, but was still obliterating the suppressed ominous beast. Absorb the Martial Arts True Meaning between Heaven and Earth. Let that piece of Heavenly Tablet of different sizes become a strange scenery on the entire Qianhe Peak. Like a piece of infiltrating tombstone.

Moreover, for the ominous beasts that fell on the battlefield, Wu Mu even tempered a lot of blood essence with the flame of the lamp and integrated it into the ancient lamp.

After the beast tide was suppressed, Wu Mu didn't hesitate, returned to the Inn, entered the ancient lantern again, made a new formation diagram of wind and thunder, and watched the Martial Arts cultivation technique from time to time. battle skill, bloodline Divine Ability. Every inch of time is not wasted, and I try to enhance my battle strength as much as possible.

Strength is prospering and transforming every moment.

Not only Wu Mu, but other Martial Artists as well. After the life and death battle, there are often too many insights that need to be absorbed and merged into their own battle strength.

Who will not miss any opportunity to improve their battle strength.

Strength is the guarantee of survival. To waste an opportunity is to make fun of your own life.

It is worth mentioning that on the battlefield Wu Mu saw those warriors who got off the train, that is, they called themselves Reincarnators, and they also participated in the battle. Unfortunately, although these Reincarnators were all separate There are trump cards, and even take out all kinds of weapons of mass destruction, laser weapons, and electromagnetic weapons in the sci-fi world, but they are still as small as ants in the beast tide, and many Reincarnators are directly buried in the beast tide, even if it is a big kill Sexual weapons don't work either. One of them remodeled the fleshy body, the Reincarnator of the cyborg body was also all split up and in pieces, and the fleshy body was completely destroyed.

The number of casualties was considerable.

However, the bottom half of the people still survived. It can be seen that their life-saving ability is definitely not a simple method.

Time is passing quietly.

Since the first wave of beasts started, the entire Thousand Crane City has completely entered the war. The wave of beasts is almost one after another, one after another. When they arrived, a larger wave of beasts gathered here immediately. The ominous beast on each side of the beast horde increased to three.

There are tens of millions of ominous beasts on each side.

Every time the beast tide Wu Mu takes the Azure Lotus formation diagram without the slightest hesitation and goes to various battlefields. In the beast tide, with countless ominous beasts as his experience, he constantly sharpens his Martial Arts. Battle Skill, cultivation base cultivation technique.

A huge improvement every day.

Every beast tide can make oneself become several Martial Arts Divine Ability. Moreover, it is not limited to boxing, palming, and leg techniques, but also displays Blade Technique, Spear Art, whip technique, and hammer technique in the beast tide. Wu Mu has already exchanged it with Guanghan Immortal Wine in Qianhe City. Divine Weapons of various shapes are not of high grade, and most of them are of the Divine Weapon level.

Even so, it's more than enough just for the cultivation Martial Arts Battle Skill.

"Blood Sea Magic Blade", "Five Tigers Breaking Gate Blade", "Five Tigers Breaking Gate Blade", "Overlord Spear", "White Bird", "Poisonous" Dragon Whip Technique. Each door has been cultivated into Martial Arts Divine Ability, and the true meaning of it has been realized. Added a new Heavenly Tablet to the Great Divine Ability of the Tomb. Battle strength greatly increased.

Moreover, even under the constant invasion of beast hordes, there is no delay in the sacrifice of the formation diagram.

Among them, the Divine Formation of Tianfeng Extinction has been completed, and it is constantly smelting Wind Attribute Heaven and Earth Treasure, tempering the original material of Wind Attribute, integrating the divine forbidden, turning it into a formation diagram, and refining it. formation diagram. The speed of sacrifice is also extremely fast.

A long time ago, Wu Mu has been collecting all kinds of Heaven and Earth Treasure, for the day of refining his Life Source formation diagram, and fighting on the battlefield, hunting Among the ominous beasts killed, there are also a lot of Wind Attribute source substances tempering. With sufficient materials, he has already cultivated the bloodline Divine Ability, and the sacrificial training has been banned. It is simply where water flows, a canal is formed. .

In just one day, all the Wind Attribute arrays have been fused into formation diagram, and even the Earth Grade arrays have been integrated into the formation diagram, so that Tianfeng God Extinguishing Diagram is instantly promoted to the ground. Divine Weapon level.

In addition, the Tianwu sword was also refined to the level of Divine Weapon.

The sword and the formation diagram are one body, two sides of one body.

After the Divine Formation was completed, Wu Mu began to sacrifice the Thunder Attribute Formation without the slightest hesitation. The Formation held by Zu Wu Qiangliang was named Wan Thunder Tribulation Sky Formation, and the formation diagram was 10%. Ten thousand thunders are locked in the air, tribulation thunder heavenly punishment, and all spirits are suppressed. Can be described as overbearing to the extreme, very terrifying.

Time is passing quietly.

Beast tides are more and more frequent over time.

In every beast tide, a large number of Martial Artists are buried in the beast tide. The originally lively Qianhe City, unconsciously, has become has several points of deserted, not too few in number, but once This time, every Martial Artist has a kind of solemn killing aura, one by one busy with cultivation recovery.

But the number of Martial Artists, in less than half a month, is more than a third direct reduction. (To be continued..)

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