Martial Tomb

Chapter 666

Martial Tomb Chapter 666


Wu Mu's strength is so overbearing, the Great Falling Stele Hand is an extremely overbearing Martial Arts Battle Skill, and the threw away is not It is an ordinary stone tablet, but a Martial Arts Heavenly Tablet condensed by the Great Divine Ability of the Martial Tomb. Heavenly Tablet contains Martial Arts True Meaning. This tablet falls down like a mountain crashing down.

On the Heavenly Tablet, it can be seen that a silhouette like Wu Mu exudes the fiery and amazing Martial Arts True Meaning. When you raise your hand, a golden finger is directly stretched out from the Heavenly Tablet, exuding Out endless dive splendor, like the sun, bring out the terrifying will that pierces Heaven and Earth.

Martial Arts Divine Ability - A Sun Finger! !

Boom! !

The Heavenly Tablet is extremely fast, and in the backhand, it directly moved towards the war armored beast and smashed it fiercely, almost smashing together with the rushing armored beast, a terrifying rumbling The sound resounded through the void on the spot, Heaven and Earth were shaking, and the earth was cracking. The impact of the iron armored beast was almost blocked, and the Heavenly Tablet, which collided with the rhino horn on the iron armored beast's head, also appeared one after another hideous cracks, but these cracks did not spread, but quickly swallowed World's Essence Qi , absorbing the incomplete soul between Heaven and Earth, faith, fast healing, and self-devouring most of the power exerted on Heavenly Tablet.

It was restored to its original state in an instant, and the Heavenly Tablet was as heavy as a mountain. From the Heavenly Tablet, a golden finger stabbed domineeringly on the head of the iron armored beast, but the iron armored beast shrank its head strangely and directly Indent into the iron tortoise shell behind. Fingers poke on the iron armor, making a crisp rumbling sound. But it didn't cause much damage to the iron armored beast.

Boom! !

Heavenly Tablet immediately suppressed the turtle shell on the back of the iron-clad beast, and the terrifying Heavenly Tablet entrained Power of Heaven and Earth. It is like the sky is falling and the ground is unstoppable. In an instant, the huge iron-armored beast is forcibly pressed into the ground. The Heavenly Tablet falls to the ground, and in an instant colliding with the ground, countless turbulent qi instantly merges with the Heavenly Tablet, making the Heavenly Tablet as long as it is directly long. Like in the earth, there are countless World's Essence Qi, Martial Arts True Meaning scattered between Heaven and Earth, soul fragments. Mindful obsession. It poured into the Heavenly Tablet like a tide, and was transformed into a Martial Arts True Meaning in Heavenly Tablet by rapid refining, which made Heavenly Tablet grow rapidly at a speed visible to naked eyes. An inch keeps growing taller.

Even the armored beasts are madly charging the Heavenly Tablet underground. Make the Heavenly Tablet vibrate constantly. However, the Heavenly Tablet could not be broken, and it was completely suppressed. The endless Power of Heaven and Earth was applied to the Heavenly Tablet. above. The silhouette condensed by Martial Arts True Meaning constantly pokes out one after another giant finger, bursting out powerful destructive power.

War armored beast, suppress it on the spot! !

The speed is so fast that people can't react at all. Many Martial Artists even feel stunned when they see it.

In order to kill the galloping war armored beast, it almost needs human life to fill it. But didn't expect to be suppressed so easily. However, when I thought of the scene where Wu Mu forcibly blasted the Death God Mantis, I was relieved. The battle strength of the Azure Lotus Sword can't be judged by common sense.

Heavenly Tablet suppresses, put down roots, cannot extricate itself, once connected to the earth, it has continuous power immediately, Heavenly Tablet is constantly growing, one after another Martial Arts True Meaning is constantly suppressed in Heavenly Tablet The strikes iron-clad beasts in the space have continuous power, continuously, and can devour the various Divine Ability attacks that the iron-clad beasts break out, turning them into nutrients for their own strength. Continue to weaken each other. The Iron Armored Beast was finally wiped out.

puff puff puff! !

And, only to see, all the ominous beasts near the Heavenly Tablet were immediately counterattacked by Martial Arts True Meaning in the Heavenly Tablet, and the golden fingers slammed out straight and headed to the ground. ominous beast kills on the spot.

Like an unparalleled martial cultivator guarding the front.


After suppressing the first war armored beast, Wu Mu slapped violent attacks with his backhand, almost without the slightest hesitation. The Great Divine Ability of the tomb broke out completely, and the Heavenly Tablets condensed one after another. Under the invincible terrifying force of the fleshy body, dozens of Heavenly Tablets appeared on the spot above each war armored beast and slammed down.

Each piece, like heavenly punishment, with irresistible force, forcibly smashed a war armored beast into the earth, Heavenly Tablet fell to the ground, connected to the earth, and skyrocketed violently.

Each Heavenly Tablet conveys amazing Martial Arts True Meaning, directly condensing a silhouette that is very similar to Wu Mu on the Heavenly Tablet, displaying various Martial Arts Divine Ability.

Life-Seizing Thirteen Swords! !

Dragon Subduing 18 Palms! !

Blood Palm Blade! !

The Six Hands of the Giants! !

The Radiance Fist! !

Vajra fingering vigorously! !

one after another Martial Arts Divine Ability erupted from the Heavenly Tablet, bringing out a terrifying battle strength, forcibly suppressing the war armored beast, and constantly destroying it. Each of the Martial Arts Divine Ability ranks is no less than Earth Grade. During the outbreak, you can see, one after another sword light, one after another, True Dragon, Palm Blade like blood river, dazzling, majestic fighting fist, just like Vajra's war finger. keep flashing.

Each blow has a terrifying power, Heavenly Tablet is connected to Heaven and Earth, and there is Heaven and Earth Might in the casting room.

In an instant, all the war armored beasts were suppressed and suppressed by Heavenly Tablet.

"Okay, the domineering Martial Arts Great Divine Ability has even suppressed the war armored beasts, very good, without the war armored beasts, our casualties are enough to reduce by 30%, brothers, kill!!"

"The beast tide is coming, let's kill it together, cooperate with each other, kill the ominous beast!!"

Seeing that all the war armored beasts were all suppressed by Wu Mu, they were all overjoyed, However, behind the war armored beast, the boundless beast tide also swept over the sky and covering the earth. I only saw that countless ominous beast Innate Divine Ability hiding the sky and covering the earth swept in, as if the sky was collapsing. Countless Innate Divine Ability gathered together to form a terrifying coercion.


However, no Martial Artist was afraid, and almost at the same time, he frantically cast out various bloodline Divine Ability, which turned into countless dive lights, and also blasted towards that piece. Divine Ability in the ocean. Countless Divine Ability collisions, all around the space is distorted. Countless Divine Ability annihilates in the void. The beast tide and all the Human Race Martial Artists did not hesitate and rushed to each other at the same time.

pu! pu! pu!

Boom! !

Almost instantly, the Martial Artist and the ominous beast had completely fought at close quarters, the Divine Weapon swung, and an ominous beast was all split up and in pieces on the spot, turning into countless blood mists in the void Diffuse, there are also Martial Artist directly under the impact of ominous beast, and instantly fall. Countless Martial Artists and ominous beasts were completely strangled together. Various Martial Arts Divine Ability, bloodline Divine Ability, crazy to ominous beast strikes in the past.

There are Divine Ability flashes everywhere.

Bang peng~ peng~!!

And Wu Mu, who was the first to be involved in the beast tide, did not panic, and did not take out any battle sword in his hand. . Instead, he moved towards the ominous beast strikes in front of him with his bare hands.

I only saw that Wu Mu's arm was suddenly like a snake, supple as if boneless, exuding a soft breath, and patted the ominous beast lightly. At that several feet, after dozens of ominous beasts were shot, they all screamed. The huge body slumped to the ground like mud on the spot.

This is Earth Low Grade Martial Arts Divine Ability - Bone-Bone Palm! !

The palm contains feminine strength, and the moment it enters the ominous beast's body, it directly turns all the skeleton of its body into powder, and it is smashed into pieces.

With the movement of five fingers, one after another bloodline Divine Force intertwined, a huge golden eagle claws were instantly formed, crushing several ominous beasts on the spot.

Earth Low Grade Martial Arts Divine Ability - Powerful Eagle Claw Art! !

He waved his palm like a knife and slashed forward, a bloody Palm Blade slashed out, the Palm Blade seemed to be made of blood, bringing out a thick Blood Fiendish Qi, extremely sharp , a Palm Blade chopped out, and immediately, a large number of ominous beasts were split in half on the spot, and the fleshy body quickly turned into a pool of blood at a speed visible to naked eyes. It has been turned into blood by the Martial Arts True Meaning contained in the Palm Blade.

When he moved his feet, a golden cicada was condensed strangely under his feet and flew high, quickly breaking through the air.

Earth Low Grade Martial Arts Divine Ability Footwork - Eight Steps to Catch the Cicada! ! Fast as a streamer.

This is the Earth Low Grade Martial Arts Divine Ability - Bloody Palm Blade! !

One Yang Finger, Dragon Subduing 18 Palms, Powerful Eagle Claw Art, Strong Vajra Finger, Iron Palm, Eight Steps to Catch the Cicada. Running Thunder Fist, Rolling Stone Fist, all kinds of Martial Arts Battle Skills are swayed freely in Wu Mu's hands, each blow will kill an ominous beast directly, and every Martial Arts Battle Skill will cultivate Martial Arts True Meaning, condensed into Martial Arts Divine Ability.

Each blow contains the mighty Martial Dao Will.

Within a radius of several dozen meters from Wu Mu, all the ominous beasts that entered were killed one after another. Turned into a blood mist, as if turned into a forbidden area of flesh and blood.

However, ominous beast is simply fierce and unafraid of death. The front fell, and the back immediately slaughtered. extremely cruel.

dang dang dang! !

However, these ominous beast attacks landed on Wu Mu, and they were directly blocked by the body protection lotus derived from the body, and shot out the dive light, even the body protection lotus couldn't. Broken, can't hurt at all.

While fighting, Wu Mu's mind is even more calm, and the "Bingxin ancient scripture" is circulating in his body, keeping his mind in the calmest state of pinnacle at all times, and all kinds of thoughts are rapidly spinning in his mind.

"Though these ominous beasts are powerful, my Azure Lotus is stronger, and every body protection lotus is integrated into the Heaven and Earth Spirit Object of Heavenly Rank. Wushuang, in a short period of time, even in the face of the ominous beast of the spiritual level, I can't easily break through my fleshy body defense."

"This is the most brutal battlefield and the best training ground. Only with cultivation in the fire can the potential be brought into play. The number of Martial Arts Divine Ability that has been cultivated is still too small. It is just to use these ominous beasts to sharpen the Martial Arts Battle Skill and condense the original Martial Arts True Meaning from those who have not cultivated the Martial Arts Divine Ability. battle skill cultivation to the Great Perfection.”

Wu Mu’s mind was spinning quickly. He has an arsenal and has countless martial arts classics in China. Ten years, twenty years of precipitation, although there is a Bodhi lamp for enlightenment, but I always feel that my time is not enough.

Too many battle skills that require cultivation. (To be continued..)

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