Martial Tomb

Chapter 665

Martial Tomb Chapter 665


[Sweat, I have a cold, my physique is a bit poor, the weather is getting colder, brothers and sisters, pay attention to keep warm, don't worry about your demeanor. ]

The six petals flew into the sky and quickly gathered together in a strange direction in the midair. In a burst of five-color dive splendor, they turned into a roll of five-color formation diagram, and the Grade 8 Azure Lotus landed directly on the body. down and hold Wu Mu up. During the continuous rotation, it willfully devours the vast vitality between Heaven and Earth. Provides the Azure Lotus formation diagram continuously.

"Azure Lotus formation diagram, get up!!"

Wu Mu thoughts move, the whole formation diagram is instantly connected with Heaven and Earth, the formation mark in the formation diagram runs, Heaven and Earth, one after another World's Essence Qi poured into the formation diagram like a tidal wave, and the formation diagram was madly skyrocketing and expanding at a speed visible to naked eyes. Every breath is rapidly expanding, and in just a few breaths, it has reached the size of a thousand zhang.

However, this has not stopped, and the formation diagram is still expanding outward.

The Grade 8 Azure Lotus at the foot is also absorbing World's Essence Qi frantically, filling the formation diagram and supporting the operation of the formation diagram. When it reached three thousand and zhang, it stopped expanding, the formation diagram merged into Heaven and Earth, and one after another, a dark baleful aura filled the entire area.

ding ding ding~ ! !

And at this moment, I can only see that in that vast area of Foreign Domain, there are five gates shining with ancient Divine Light standing directly, and each gate exudes a deep breath, Like a bottomless abyss, it can swallow everything in the world. In the forbidden space, five formation gates hang high, and in each formation gate hangs a sword of baleful aura soaring to the sky.

On every sword, there is one after another powerful Sword Spirit, no. It can even be said to be a spirit. The Sword Spirit in the sword is the formation diagram in the formation diagram, each exudes the fiendish qi of the Heaven and Earth, and the eyes are fierce, like the same Demon God. The blade vibrated constantly, making a crisp sword cry.

Sword Spirit spirituality is extremely strong, although it has not yet reached the level of Heavenly God Weapon, it already has a strong spirituality that is not inferior to Heavenly God Weapon, especially for the operation of the formation diagram, it has a natural instinct. Even without Wu Mu's presence, there are these few swords. You can still run the battle. Moreover, a powerful battle strength erupted. As long as it does not exceed the limits of the formation diagram, it can last forever.

Azure Lotus is upgraded to Grade 8 and can handle World's Essence Qi faster. as the center. more powerful. Naturally, it can better support the operation of the formation diagram.

With Wu Mu's cultivation base battle strength, it is enough to open up the formation diagram to a larger extent. Now the three thousand zhang is just the formation diagram itself swallowing up the forbidden space formed by World's Essence Qi, which is a powerful transformation after Azure Lotus breakthrough Grade 8. However, Wu Mu did not continue to expand the formation diagram. I felt that the forbidden space began to operate.

Secretly nodded, looked towards the mouth of the war sword, and shouted: "The Azure Lotus Sword array, let you run it, keep the forbidden space for me, kill the ominous beast as much as possible, Di Jiangjian presides. The center, running the battle, stabilizing the space."

The voice fell, and the swords made a sonorous sword cry, as if responding to Wu Mu's words.

Wu Mu turned and left the Grade 8 Azure Lotus, and at the moment of leaving, a gate appeared on the Azure Lotus. In the gate, there was a silver white Emperor Jiang sword hanging, guarding the gate. The center, running the formation diagram.


Wu Mu did not stay in the formation diagram, but turned and left the forbidden space, appeared outside the formation diagram, looked towards the Great Beast Tide who was hiding the sky and covering the earth. , an amazing fighting intent flashed in his eyes, and he said at the same time: "Brothers, the beast tide is ferocious and the number is huge, you can enter my Azure Lotus Sword formation diagram, use the formation diagram to resist the beast tide and hunt ominous. Beast, as long as the formation diagram is not broken, it will be of some help to you."

It's more than help, it's just like getting the right place and the right person. Not only can it disrupt the impact of the beast tide, but it can also increase its own battle strength. This is simply the most perfect battlefield to resist the beast tide.

"Very good, this is Azure Lotus Sword's Azure Lotus formation diagram, and the scope of expansion is even larger than last time. It must be a change after his cultivation base breakthrough."


"With the formation diagram, we will be able to kill the ominous beast faster and reduce casualties. Let's all enter the formation diagram together."

"Don't be impulsive, the formation diagram is powerful, but, The ominous beast impossible only hits the position where the formation diagram is located, and the formation diagram cannot accommodate too many people, so let the people with weak cultivation base enter the formation diagram, and let the female cultivator enter the formation diagram. p>

"Yes, let those with weak cultivation base enter the formation map, and those with battle strength, all enter the beast swarm to kill the enemy. This is the swarm of beasts and an opportunity. As long as you can survive, your battle skill will become more powerful. Pure, there are more opportunities to hit the higher realm.”

Seeing Wu Mu’s direct speech made people enter the formation, countless Martial Artists on the city wall immediately became excited, but in addition to the excitement, There are also Martial Artists who are very sober and do not want to be safe, so they enter the formation diagram, but let those advanced formation diagrams with weak cultivation bases. After all, although the formation diagram is powerful, the space inside is limited, and it is impossible to accommodate everyone.

More impossible really makes everyone enter the formation map, in that case, I am afraid that other parts will become undefended, which is obviously not desirable, and although it is dangerous in the beast tide , but the real tempering of blood and fire, if you can survive, you can have a big harvest, a real powerhouse of cream of the crop in the same class.

As long as the Martial Artist of the real Peak, no one will really be afraid of challenges, and only have the courage to face life and death, in order to condense the invincible Heart of Martial Arts.

shua~ shua~ shua~! !

A Martial Artist quickly stepped out of the city wall while shouting, some moved towards the Azure Lotus formation diagram, and some stood directly under the city wall, a face the beast tide exuding a fearless fighting intent, One by one, there is a strong fighting intent in their eyes, and it seems that they are about to break out at any time, bursting out with endless killing power.

Boom! !

The ground is roaring, countless ominous beasts are roaring, and at the forefront is the hill-like war armored beast. There are no less than dozens of iron armored beasts in this war, and the aura and coercion transmitted from each of them directly reach the level of the spiritual ominous beast, and it is not far from the ominous beast of the king.

Extremely terrifying, the outbreak of battle strength, I am afraid that the ominous beast of the rank will avoid it.

Howl! !

In the void, countless high-pitched chirping sounds sounded one after another, and countless huge ominous birds hiding the sky and covering the earth roared from a distance, only to see that under the bodies of these ominous birds They were all clutching huge stones, like black clouds, which appeared directly on the battlefield, and when they were close to the swamp moat. Stones fell from the sky. drop directly.

Bang peng~ peng~!!

The densely packed stones are directly smashed into the moat, even the swamp, in front of these countless stones, will be filled up in an instant. Lose. Letting the moat that cost ominous beast so bad the last time is useless.

bang bang bang!

Under the trampling of the war armored beasts, they directly crossed the moat and rushed to Qianhe Peak without any obstacles, moved towards Qianhe City and rushed towards Qianhe City quickly. The imposing manner swept in like a tidal wave, extremely fast, like a moving train, unstoppable.

"What a powerful ominous beast, who can find a way to fill the moat immediately. It's really amazing."

Wu Mu's pupils shrank violently when he saw it.

"Get ready to fight!!"

"Brother sisters, fight for the Human Race, there is no life or death."

"Good luck everyone, kill !!"

The fighting intent in the eyes of a Martial Artist reached the extreme, and they all let out a roar. The fighting intent in the body broke out completely, one after another shocking blood rose into the sky, shaking Nine Heavens. A statue of Dharma also broke out of the body. Each dharma image is transformed into a huge ominous beast, which looks as if it is a terrifying ominous beast.

Martial Artist has the law to help, and the ominous beast of the same level can be directly suppressed.

You can one against two, which is the power of the martial cultivator. Dharma can directly kill the enemy out of the body. Even if it is completely destroyed, it can still be re-derived from bloodline. It just takes a lot of time, and it may damage the Dao Foundation. Unless the Martial Arts Foundation is destroyed, the Dharma can be completely destroyed.

Each of those dharmas exudes a powerful aura, each one is equivalent to a Martial Arts powerhouse of Law Manifestation Realm, and it controls a lot of bloodline Divine Ability, Martial Arts Battle Skill, and stronger battle strength .

Boom! !


And Wu Mu stood at the forefront of the battlefield, and did not enter the formation. In the picture, a pair of eyes stared directly at a sinister's war armored beast. The armored beast collided like a streamer. It came, unstoppable, and in a blink of an eye, it was not far from thousands of zhang.

"It's good to come, kill!"

Wu Mu saw the war armored beast rushing towards, his eyes were fighting intent like crazy, thoughts move, Azure Lotus Emperor Code is crazy Running, the bloodline Divine Force in his body is roaring, without fear, he stepped forward and rushed out. With every step, Wu Mu's entire body was skyrocketing violently. Divine light circulated all over his body, and every inch of flesh and blood was glowing.

In just an instant, the entire body soared to a terrifying height of nearly 30 feet, like an unparalleled giant. A head of black hair dances wildly.

Azure Lotus Battle Body! !

The battle body appears, and the whole body naturally vomits and breathes out the turbid air. Every inch of flesh and blood conveys a heavy solidity, and flesh and blood transform. After completing the transformation of God's Demon Transformation, the same flesh and blood can accommodate The more turbid the earth, the stronger the tempering of the fleshy body, which also makes the fleshy body extremely hard, invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable. Heavy as a mountain. Even though Wu Mu is only 30 Zhang high, his entire body weighs tens of thousands of pounds.

This weight, a burden, is also part of your own battle strength.


The iron-clad beast saw Wu Mu that moved towards Wu Mu, which he rushed towards, with a grim look in his eyes, and moved towards Wu Mu more quickly and slammed over. all split up and in pieces. It crashed on the spot. The pitch-black rhino horns flashed icy cold light with terrifying piercing power. In no way inferior to Divine Weapon.

Boom! !

A splendid world suddenly opened behind Wu Mu, and the large and small monuments of Martial Arts inheritance stood impressively. Exudes endless Martial Arts True Meaning.

The Great Divine Ability of the Martial Tomb! !

Great Falling Stele Hand! !

Without any hesitation, the Great Falling Stele Hand exploded directly, not an ordinary stone tablet, but a Martial Arts inheritance tablet. An illusory Heavenly Tablet instantly condenses into reality in the hand, and on the Heavenly Tablet, like a sun, it emits a fiery dive splendor. (To be continued..)

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